
In actual projects, the environment is already installed and configured by default. If not, refer to my Laravel column.

Install laravel and install plugin

1.1 installation laravel

Create an empty folder on your desktop:In the terminal go to this folder and enter the command:Composer creation-project laravel/laravel=5.8.17 --prefer -- dist./As follows:

1.2 Installing development Plug-ins

This plugin allows you to develop faster and allows you to track source code. Enter the following command on the terminal:composer require barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper Once installed, type on the project command linephp artisan ide, will generate a prompt retrieval command:Enter a command on the command linephp artisan ide-helper:generate This file is just a list of all your classes. Then we write in the editor, there is a response prompt, and can follow the source location.

Ii. Running project and configuration

2.1 Configuring a Virtual Host and Binding the hosts File

Configure apache (here don’t understand the configuration of input code can be directly to the terminal/Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/HTTPD – vhosts. Open the conf can configuration, You can also check out my blog MAC Environment configuration or Window Environment Configuration) :

<VirtualHost *:80>
  The email address of the site administrator, which is displayed when the site generates an error of 500 (internal server error)
  # Site to bind to the domain name
  ServerAlias localhost
  Make sure to set the log, the log can access us for system statistics
  # Log is not automatically created directory need to be manually created, file is automatically created
  # Error log
  ErrorLog "/Users/justin/Desktop/laravelproject/logs/error.log"
  # Success log
  CustomLog "/Users/justin/Desktop/laravelproject/logs/access.log" combined
  # The root directory of the site
  DocumentRoot "/Users/justin/Desktop/laravelproject/public"
  DirectoryIndex index.php
  <Directory "/Users/justin/Desktop/laravelproject/public">
    Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride All
    allow from All
Copy the code

Then create it in the project root directorylogsFolders (folders are not automatically generated, log files are automatically generated) :

Modify the hosts file:Then restart theMAMP, enter:, the effect is as follows:

2.2 Configuring database Connections

Make the corresponding configuration Settings in the project. Env file:

Copy the code

1, create a new database:2. Configure the laravel database connection configuration

2.3 Localization Configuration

Configure the config/app.php file time zone, faker, and verify the localization configuration

# locale => ‘zh_CN’ #faker Chinese ‘faker_locale’ => ‘zh_CN’

Go to thehttps://packagist.orgDownload the language pack:See this article for language pack configuration Faker 英 文 configuration:

2.4 Deleting default files or Directories

app/User.php database/factories/UserFactory.php resources/views/welcome.blade.php database/migrations/All files below

Git source code management

New warehouse on Code Cloud:And then:

Then,git add . git commit -m "first commit" git remote add origin git push -u origin master

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