1. Single behavior controller
/ / controller
public function __invoke(){
/ / routing
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2. Route rollback
// The route was not found to run
// Put it at the bottom
Route::fallback(function () {
return redirect('/');
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3. Route information
// Current routing information
// Alias of the current route
echo Route::currentRouteName();
// The method to which the current route points
echo Route::currentRouteAction();
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4. Resource controller
HTTP Request Mode | URL | Controller method | Routing named | Business logic description |
GET | post | index() | post.index | Display all articles |
GET | post/create | create() | post.create | Publish article Form page (API none) |
POST | post | store() | post.store | Get the form submission data and save the new article |
GET | post/{id} | show() | post.show | Display individual articles |
GET | post/{id}/edit | edit() | post.edit | Edit article Form page (API none) |
PUT | post/{id} | update() | post.update | Get the edit form input and update the article |
DELETE | post/{id} | destroy() | post.destroy | Delete a single article |
// php artisan make:controller UserController --resource
// php artisan make:controller UserController --api
// Single resource route
// API resource routing
// Batch resource routing
'api'= >'Test\ApiController'
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5. Divide the database into blocks
// Retrieve 100 operations at a time for 10,000 more data
// Update with where conditions will have pits
$result = DB::table('uinfo')
->chunk(100.function ($result) {
foreach ($result as $item) {
$item->username = $item->username . '# # # 22'; }});Copy the code
6. The database checks whether the data exists
/ / return true
/ / returns false
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7. Database select query
// Add more fields to the already built query
$base = DB::table('uinfo')->select('username'.'password');
$result = $base->addSelect('updated_at')->get();
//select() implements native expressions internally
$result = DB::table('uinfo')->select(DB::raw('count(*) as num'))
//selectRaw() implements native expressions internally
->selectRaw('count(*) as num,username')
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8. UpdateOrInsert is modified but not added
$result = DB::table('uinfo')->updateOrInsert(
['id'= >15],
['username'= >'Test 1 of DEMO14'.'password'= >'123456'.'updated_at'= >$time.'created_at'= >$time]);Copy the code
9.Laravel adds code hints
composer requireBarryvdh /laravel-ide-helper PHP artisan ide-helper:generate -- generate annotations for Facades PHP artisan ide-helper:models -- generate annotations for data models PHP artisan IDE-Helper :meta - PhpStorm meta file is generatedCopy the code
10. Model scope: Local scope
// Use scope in front of the model
public function scopeCheckId($query.$index)
return $query->where('id'.'>'.$index);
/ / controller
$result = Uinfo::checkId(5)->get();
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11. Model scope: Global scope
/ / create the class
namespace App\Scopes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope;
class NameScope implements Scope
public function apply(Builder $builder, Model $model)
// TODO: Implement apply() method.
return $builder->where('id'.'>'.6); }}//2. Enable global scope
protected static function boot()
parent::boot(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
static::addGlobalScope(new NameScope());
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Model accessor
// Before accessor :get: After field name :Attribute
public function getUsernameAttribute($value)
return '[' . $value . '] ';
// Virtual field
protected $appends = ['info'];
public function getInfoAttribute()
return '# #'.$this->password;
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13. Model modifier
public function setPasswordAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['password'] = '&' . $value;
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14. Model preloading with
/ / Ucard model
public function be_user()
return $this->belongsTo(Uinfo::class, 'u_id'.'id');
/ / controller
$result = Ucard::with('be_user')->get();
$result = Ucard::with(['be_user'= >function ($query) {
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15. Model association (one-to-many) addition, deletion and modification
/ / Uinfo model
public function userCard()
return $this->Hasone(Ucard::class, 'u_id'.'id');
/ / controller
$result = Uinfo::find(15)->userCard()->save(new Ucard(['card'= >'15646484']));
Uinfo::find(15)->userCard()->create(['card'= >2525]);
Uinfo::find(15)->userCard()->update(['card'= >'change']);
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16. Model association (many-to-many) addition, deletion and modification
/ / model of the Article
public function rel_article()
return $this->belongsToMany(Keyword::class, 'a_k'.'a_id'.'k_id');
/ / controller
$k_id = 6;
/ / the attach increasing a_id = 1, k_id = 6
Article::find(1)->rel_article()->attach($k_id['remarks'= >Many-to-many increment]);
//sync unique add does not exist add (will be deleted before)
/ / delete detach a_id = 1, k_id = 6
/ / updateExistingPivot modification
Article::find(1)->rel_article()->updateExistingPivot(3['remarks'= >'change']);
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