Laravel extension package development
This example takes hinet/ laravel-Invitecode, an invitation code project I created on Github, as an example.
About the source
Hinet/laravel-Invitecode: Invite Code for Laravel (
Extension Package Directory
Create the packages directory in the project root directory and create a directory named packages under that directory with the following structure:
|- App
|- packages
|---- laravel-invitecode
|-------- config
|-------- src
|-------- composer.json
Copy the code
Initialize the
We use the Composer init command to initialize the creation package
composer init
Copy the code
Run the preceding command and fill in the package information as prompted. The resulting composer. Json content is as follows:
"name": "hinet/laravel-invitecode"."description": "invite code for laravel"."keywords": ["invite code"."laravel"]."require": {
"php": "7.3 | ^ ^ 8.0"."illuminate/support": 7.0 | 6.0 | 5.5 | "^ ^ ^ ^ 8.0 | ^ 9.0"
"license": "MIT"."autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Hinet\\InviteCode\\": "src/"}},"authors": [{"name": "hinet"."email": ""}]."minimum-stability": "dev"
Copy the code
Note: We need to create a Facade and Provider later, so the Illuminate/Support package needs to be introduced
Add a third-party class library
Since we need to use the third-party HashId class library to generate the invitation code in the extension package, we need to add the Classmap node under the Autoload node of composer. Json to automatically load the class library, we copy the class library to the SRC /Libs directory of the extension package. And modify composer. Json as follows:
"name": "hinet/laravel-invitecode"."description": "invite code for laravel"."keywords": ["invite code"."laravel"]."require": {
"php": "7.3 | ^ ^ 8.0"."illuminate/support": 7.0 | 6.0 | 5.5 | "^ ^ ^ ^ 8.0 | ^ 9.0"
"license": "MIT"."autoload": {
"classmap": [
"src/Libs/HashGenerator.php"."src/Libs/Hashids.php"]."psr-4": {
"Hinet\\InviteCode\\": "src/"}},"authors": [{"name": "hinet"."email": ""}]."minimum-stability": "dev"
Copy the code
Create a captcha generation class
Create our captcha generation class invitecode.php in the SRC directory as follows:
namespace Hinet\InviteCode;
use Hashids;
use Illuminate\Config\Repository;
/** * invitation code generation class */
class InviteCode{
protected $config;
private $hashIds;
public function __construct(Repository $config){
$this->config = $config->get('invitecode');
$salt = $this->config['salt'];
if(empty($salt)) {$salt = env('APP_KEY');
// Instantiate the HashIds library
$this->hashIds = new Hashids($salt.$this->config['length'].$this->config['char']);
/** * Generates an invitation code */
public function enCode($id){
return $this->hashIds->encode($id);
/** * Obtain the user ID */ based on the invitation code
public function deCode($code){
$code = $this->hashIds->decode($code);
if(is_array($code)) {return current($code);
return $code; }}}Copy the code
Creating a Configuration File
Create the config directory in the extension package root directory and create the config file config.php as follows:
return [
'length'= >6.// The length of the invitation code
'char'= >' '.// Generate the invitation character (cannot include 0), default a-za-z1-9
'salt'= >' '.// Encryption salt, default use APP_KEY
Copy the code
Create a Provider service Provider
Create the InviteCodeProvider by executing the artisan command in the project root directory.
php artisan make:provider InviteCodeProvider
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The generated provider will be in the App/Providers directory of the project. We will copy it to the SRC/extension package and modify the namespace accordingly. The final code is as follows:
namespace Hinet\InviteCode;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class InviteCodeProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Register services.
* @return void
public function register()
// Register an instance of the InviteCode class in singleton mode. Note that it is registered as InviteCode and the Facade behind it will be named after InviteCode, otherwise the instance of the class will not be found
$this->app->singleton('InviteCode'.function ($app) {
return new InviteCode($app['config']);
* Bootstrap services.
* @return void
public function boot()
// Automatically publish the configuration file, where invitecode parameter is tag
__DIR__.'/.. /config/config.php' => config_path('invitecode.php')],'invitecode'); }}Copy the code
Create a Facade
Create the SRC /Facades directory in the extension package and create invitecode.php as follows
namespace Hinet\InviteCode\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class InviteCode extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
// Note that the Facade name must be the same as the name of the singleton registered in the Provider
return 'InviteCode'; }}Copy the code
Extension Pack Discovery
In the Laravel app’s config/app.php configuration file, the providers option defines the list of service providers that Laravel can load. When someone installs your extension pack, they usually want to include your service provider in this list. Instead of having users manually add your service providers to the list, you can define service providers in the Extra section of the composer. Json file in the extension package. In addition to service providers, you can list all the Facades you want to register:
"name": "hinet/laravel-invitecode"."description": "invite code for laravel"."keywords": ["invite code"."laravel"]."require": {
"php": "7.3 | ^ ^ 8.0"."illuminate/support": 7.0 | 6.0 | 5.5 | "^ ^ ^ ^ 8.0 | ^ 9.0"
"license": "MIT"."autoload": {
"classmap": [
"src/Libs/HashGenerator.php"."src/Libs/Hashids.php"]."psr-4": {
"Hinet\\InviteCode\\": "src/"}},"extra": {
"laravel": {
"providers": [
"Hinet\\InviteCode\\InviteCodeProvider"]."aliases": {
"InviteCode": "Hinet\\InviteCode\\Facades\\InviteCode"}}},"authors": [{"name": "hinet"."email": ""}]."minimum-stability": "dev"
Copy the code
At this point, a Laravel extension pack has been developed.
Distributing extension packages
Create the repository on Github, push the extensions we created into the repository, and publish our extensions at to install in Composer.
Installing the Extension Package
We can install the Laravel extension package we just released using the composer command:
composer require hinet/laravel-invitecode
Copy the code
Publishing configuration in a project:
PHP artisan Vendor :publish --tag=invitecode #Copy the code
Use the sample
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use InviteCode;
class DemoController extends Controller{
public function index(){
echo InviteCode::enCode(123);
//print NDZ0kA
//echo echo InviteCode::deCode('NDZ0kA');
//print 123}}Copy the code