This is the 28th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

I. Commodity data sheet

1.1 Create commodity data tables

Using the commandphp artisan make:model Good -mCreate product model, migrate file:

1.2 Creation of commodity data table

Add the product table structure to database/migrations/2021_08_17_150039_create_goods_table.php:

Schema::create('goods'.function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->json('pics')->comment('Little Atlas');
            $table->tinyInteger('is_on')->default(0)->comment('Stocked or not: 0 not stocked, 1 stocked');
            $table->tinyInteger('is_recommend')->default(0)->comment('Recommended: 0 not recommended, 1 recommended');
Copy the code

Execute the file migration command:php artisan migrate

Second, commodity management

2.1 Creating a Commodity Controller

Create goods controller command:php artisan make:controller Admin/GoodsController --api

2.2 Creating a Route

Add routes/admin.php:

            /* * merchandise management */
            // Whether it is available
            $api->patch('goods/{good}/on', [GoodsController::class, 'isOn']);

            // Whether recommended
            $api->patch('goods/{good}/recommend', [GoodsController::class, 'isRecommend']);

            // Commodity management resource routing
            $api->resource('goods', GoodsController::class, [
                'except'= > ['destroy']]);Copy the code

2.3 API for adding goods

1. Create form validation

Because of the large number of commodity fields, we write a separate file for form verification. Run the commandphp artisan make:request Admin/GoodsRequest:Inherit the basic validation we wrote:

Write validation rule:


namespace App\Http\Requests\Admin;
use App\Http\Requests\BaseRequest;

class GoodsRequest extends BaseRequest
    /** * verify */
    public function rules()
        return [
            'category_id'= >'required'.'description'= >'required|max:255'.'price'= >'required|min:0'.'stock'= >'required|min:0'.'cover'= >'required'.'pics'= >'required|array'.'details'= >'required',]; }// Message overwrite
    public function messages() {
        return [
            'category_id.required'= >'Classification cannot be empty'.'description.required'= >'Description cannot be empty'.'description.max'= >'Length cannot exceed 255'.'price.required'= >'Price cannot be empty'.'stock.required'= >'Inventory cannot be empty'.'stock.min'= >'Inventory minimum 0'.'cover.required'= >'Cover image cannot be empty'.'pics.required'= >'Small atlas cannot be empty'.'pics.array'= >'Small graph set is an array'.'details.required'= >'Details cannot be empty',]; }}Copy the code

2. Add controllers to goods

    /** * add item */
    public function store(GoodsRequest $request)
        $user_id = auth('api')->id();
        return $this->response->created();
Copy the code

3. Add allowable fields and type conversions

In Models/ good.php, write:

    // Batch assignment fields
    protected $fillable = ['user_id'.'category_id'.'description'.'price'.'stock'.'cover'.'pics'.'is_on'.'is_recommend'.'details'];

    // Cast attributes
    protected $casts = [
        'pics'= >'array',];Copy the code

Ok, then let’s test: You can see that the item table has been inserted with the data we just created.

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