1. Use permission control in the controller

Use the laravel-Permission plug-in

 * PeopleController constructor.
 * @param PersonRepository $repository
 * @param PersonValidator $validator
public function __construct(PersonRepository $repository, PersonValidator $validator)
    $this->repository = $repository;
    $this->validator  = $validator;
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2, use,GateDetermines whether permissions satisfy one of the given arrays

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3,APIUser-friendly time display in

3.1, setCarbonChinese show

Add the following code to the boot function of App\Providers\AppServiceProvider

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot(a)
        / /...
        // set Carbon to Chinese display
        / /...

    / /...
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In 3.2,ModelTo set the humanized display of the field. In order toArticle Modelcreated_atField as an example

use Carbon\Carbon;

public function getCreatedAtAttribute($date) {
    if (Carbon::now() > Carbon::parse($date)->addDays(15)) {
        return Carbon::parse($date);

    return Carbon::parse($date)->diffForHumans();
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$article->created_at; / / 1 seconds ago

Migrate 4pathparameter

 php artisan migrate --path="database/migrations/2018_12_31_173608_create_settings_table.php"
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5. Users can log out automatically if no operation stays too long

When writing a Web application, many people have encountered such a requirement: how to implement a user login after a long time (page no action or activity), we will automatically log out of the user login?

The solution is as simple as customizing Middleware in Laravel:

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;

class SessionTimeout {

    protected $timeout = 1200;
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
    { $isLoggedIn = $request->path() ! ='logout';
        if(! session('lastActivityTime')){
            app('session')->put('lastActivityTime', time());
        } elseif(time() - app('session')->get('lastActivityTime') > $this->timeout){
            $cookie = cookie('intend', $isLoggedIn ? url()->current() : 'home');
            $email = $request->user()->email;
            return route('login')->withInput(['email' => $email])->withCookie($cookie);
        $isLoggedIn ? app('session')->put('lastActivityTime', time()) : app('session')->forget('lastActivityTime');
        return$next($request); }}Copy the code

We use lastActivityTime to determine if a user has done something (refreshing a page, visiting a new page, etc.), and if they haven’t done anything within 20 minutes, we jump to the login page.

6. Convert SimpleXMLElement to array

I met it when I was developing the flying pig order interface

$resp       = $c->execute($req, $this->sessionKey);
/ / to obj
$obj        = simplexml_load_string($resp->asXML());
$json       = json_encode($obj);
// Get the array format
$respData   = json_decode($json, true);
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7. Logging


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use App\Models\OperationLog;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class ApiOperationLog
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  \Closure  $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle($request, Closure $next)

        $response = $next($request);

        $input = $request->all();

        / / status code
        $statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();

        // Request parameters
        $inputJson = json_encode($input, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

        // Returns content formatting
        $responseJson = json_encode($response, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

        $uid = 0;
        if(Auth::check()) {
            $uid = (int) Auth::id();

        $logLocal['uid'] = $uid;
        $logLocal['path'] = $request->path();
        $logLocal['method'] = $request->method();
        $logLocal['ip'] = $request->ip();
        $logLocal['input'] = $inputJson;
        $logLocal['result'] = $response->original;
        $logLocal['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        $logLocal['http_code'] = intval($statusCode);

        switch ($statusCode) {
            // case '200':
            // case '201':
            // case '422':
            // case '401':
            // Log::info(json_encode($logLocal,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
            // break;
            case '401':
            case '422':
            case '400':
            case '500':
                // Record to database
                $logLocal['result'] = json_encode($response->original,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
                Log::notice('Unknown status code:'.$statusCode);
        return$response; }}Copy the code

The sibling of paging returns with additional parameters

8. Use multiple mail servers for mail and add cc

/* * multiple mail configurations */
$toEmail = $request->get("email");
// backup current mail configs
$backup = Mail::getSwiftMailer();
// Setup your gmail mailer
$transport = new Swift_SmtpTransport(env('MO_MAIL_HOST'), env('MO_MAIL_PORT'), env('MO_MAIL_ENCRYPTION'));
// Any other mailer configuration stuff needed...
$gmail = new Swift_Mailer($transport);
// Set the mailer as gmail
// Send your message
Mail::to($toEmail)->send((new OrderNotice($data))->subject("Please contact connoisseur holidays - Changhui International Travel LTD as soon as possible."));
// Restore your original mailer
/* * add cc ->cc(array or string arg) */
$this->from(env('MO_MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS'), env('MO_MAIL_FROM_NAME'))

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