Author: Shiannizhilu public number: Zhixing Research Institute

16.1 using cookies

1. First, there are two ways to obtain cookies, as follows:

// Use request()->cookie to obtain decrypted cookie information
return request()->cookie('laravel_session');

// Use cookies :: also available, introduce Illuminate\Support\Facades\ cookies;
return Cookie::get('laravel_session');
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Cookies in Laravel are encrypted, and the native cookie method can only get encrypted information

If you want a cookie is not encrypted, the Middleware folder Settings: Http/Middleware/milldelEncryptCookies. PHP

protected $except = [
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2, use the response() method to create a cookie:

// The response() method writes a cookie
return response('Hello Cookie')->cookie('name'.'Mr.Lee'.10);
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Parameter 3 is the expiration time in minutes. The value must return, otherwise it cannot be written

You don’t usually use this.

Use Cookie::queue() to write cookies.

// I recommend this. It is much cooler
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4, use helper function cookie() to create cookie instances, and then write, more flexible;

// Helper function to create an instance to make writing more flexible
$cookie = cookie('gender'.'male'.10);
$cookie = $cookie
// Finally write
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Helper function full version:

// Full version, the latter four: path, domain name, HTTPS, only HTTP
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16.2 use Session

1, first, start the Web, the default session, through the following code to get all;

// Use request() :
return request()->session()->all();
// You can also use:
return Session::all();
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Return result:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []}}Copy the code

Use get() to get a session;

// Get one of the sessions
return request()->session()->get('_token'); 

// The following method also works
return Session::get('_token');/ / output: RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC

// For parameter 2, the closure is set to default
return request()->session()->get('name'.function () {
    return 'no session name';
// Output: no session name
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3. The helper function session(), which can be fetched and default set

// Get the session value
return session('_token');/ / output: RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC

// Get the session value and set the default value
return session('name'.'no session name');// Output: no session name
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4. There are two ways to determine whether a session exists:

// Check whether it exists and is not null
return Session::has('name'); 
return request()->session()->has('name');		// Support request() mode;

// Check whether it exists, even if it is null
return Session::exists('name'); 
return request()->session()->exists('name');	// Support request() mode;
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5. You can use helper functions to pass an array or put() to store session values.

// Use helper functions to pass the array
session(['name1'= >'Joe']);
// Use the put() method
// Support request() storage
// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []},"name1": "Zhang"."name2": "Bill"."name3": "Fifty"
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6, use the push() method, can store arrays, support request() mode;

// Session array
Session::push(''.'Joe');   Request ()->session()->push('', 'three ')
Session::push(''.'bill');   Request ()->session()->push('', 'id ')
Session::push(''.'Cathy');   Request ()->session()->push('', 'zhao 6 ')
// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []},"info": {
        "name": [
            "Zhang"."Bill"."Fifty"]}}Copy the code

8, the use of flash() method, automatically delete after obtaining, support request() mode;

// The stored session can only be retrieved once and then automatically deleted. Flash is also called flash data

// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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At this point, the execution result is:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": [
            "name"]},"name": "Zhang"
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Then refresh the page by commenting the above code to create Flash. The result is:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": [
            "name"]."new": []},"name": "Zhang"
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Then refresh again, and the result is:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []}}Copy the code

That’s the process.

9. If flash data is used, do not delete the data immediately. Use reflash() instead;

// This request to obtain, do not delete data, to the next request to delete, this is to save all flash data
// Save the individual delete data
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First create two flash data:


// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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The result is:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": [
            "name"."id"]},"name": "Zhang"."id": "10001"
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Modify the code as:

//Session::flash('name', 'name');
//Session::flash('id', '10001');

// Save the individual delete data
// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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The result is:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": {
            "1": "id"
        "new": [
            "name"]},"name": "Zhang"."id": "10001"
Copy the code

Then change the code to:

//Session::flash('name', 'name');
//Session::flash('id', '10001');

// Save the individual delete data
// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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The result is:

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": [
            "name"]."new": []},"name": "Zhang"
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If I refresh again, my name is gone. Well, that’s the process.

10. Forget () is used to delete one or more session data. Request () is supported.

// Delete a piece of data
Session::forget('name'); Session::forget(['name'])
return Session::get('name');
// Delete a piece of data and return
// Delete all data
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// Add some test data:

// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []},"id": "10001"."info": {
        "name": [
            "Zhang"."Bill"."Fifty"]}}Copy the code

Test 1:


// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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Test 1 result (id deleted) :

    "_token": "RA5s7slX29z04Yoq5B1P7ZJWHecjfRppacaKTsZC"."_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []},"info": {
        "name": [
            "Zhang"."Bill"."Fifty"]}}Copy the code

Test 2:

return Session::pull('id');
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Test 2 Results:

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Here a piece of data is deleted and the deleted data is returned

Test 3:

// Delete all data
// Look at the results
return Session::all();
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Test 3 Results:

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All that’s left is an empty array ha ha ha

11. Regenerate session ids with regenerate().

It clears the session and regenerates it:

// regenerate the SessionID
// Look at the results
return Session::all();

// obtain the SessionID,
return Cookie::get('laravel_session');
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    "_previous": {
        "url": ""
    "_flash": {
        "old": []."new": []},"_token": "Gr28KwYuEgDvs0k0N4RAWSkrnO7zDEQCnNCYS3S3"
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Compared with the above, the token has changed.

The above.