Continuous integration concept
Continuous integration is a software development practice in which team development members integrate their work frequently, with each member integrating at least once a day, meaning that multiple integrations may occur per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including compilation, release, and automated testing) to catch integration errors early. — Martin Fowler
Git Working Branch
The prerequisite for continuous integration is to have a robust and clear versioning tool, and there is no doubt that we are using Git as a versioning tool here
To learn more about git workflow, click hereLearn Git workflow in depth
- Feature /* Feature branch, used for the development of a new feature
- Hotfix /* Hotfix branch, used to hotfix bugs in online environments
- Develop /* Test the branch of the test environment
- Master branch, pre-live environment branch
Hotfix and feature branches allow developers to push, while Develop and Master branches only allow developers to merge.
This paper analyzes the schematic diagram of principle
- Git pushes to gitLab server after the developer completes the code, and triggers a POST request to the webServer server at the back end via a pre-set system hook on GitLab.
- The back-end WebServer server receives the request, analyzes the source branch and project team through, and then hands it to different shell scripts for processing.
- Update the project code for different environments through shell scripts, and if you are in the development branch, configure Nginx and push access urls to the pins.
- The ELK server monitors PHP project error logs, which developers can view and debug in time.
A graphical representation of how webserver handles Git requests
Development environment (dev_Branch) processes
For hotfix/* or feature/*
- Git push events trigger the Gitlab hook, and then the gitlabCI script executes the shell script for the development branch through conditional detection
- The shell script pulls the corresponding function branch or hotfix branch, then copies the nginx template configuration file and changes the corresponding domain name and directory.
- Reload the nginx configuration file and push access connections to the pin group.
Gitlab server configuration
Configure the server key
Add system hooks and choose when to fire them
Webserver configuration
Configure the GitLab processing script
Only part of the code is posted here for reference only, because the specific requirements may be different, here is to throw out a brick.
- is used to handle gitlab event requests
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Time : 2018-12-18 17:41
# @Author : opsonly
# @Site :
# @File :
# @Software: PyCharm
from flask import Flask,request,render_template,make_response,Response
import json,os,re,requests
import subprocess
import re
app = Flask(__name__)
null = ""
cmd = "/var/www/html/"
def hello():
json_dict = json.loads(
name = json_dict['event_name']
# string intercepts the branch name
ref = json_dict['ref'][11:]
ssl = json_dict['project'] ['url']
# gitlab project name
project = json_dict['project'] ['name']
# gitlab group name
namespace = json_dict['project'] ['namespace']
hostfix = re.compile(r'hostfix/*')
feature = re.compile(r'feature/*')
if name == 'push':
if namespace == 'it':
# pre-live branch
if ref == 'master':
cmd = './ ' + project + ref + ' ' + namespace
s = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
return Response(s)
# test branch
elif ref == 'develop':
cmd = './ ' + project + ref + ' ' + namespace
s = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
return Response(s)
# Development branch
elif hostfix.match(ref) and feature.match(ref):
cmd = './' + project + ref + ' ' + namespace + ' ' + ssl
s = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
return Response(s)
elif namespace == 'web':
if ref == 'master':
cmd = './ ' + project + ref + ' ' + namespace
s = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
return Response(s)
elif ref == 'develop':
cmd = './ ' + project + ref + ' ' + namespace
s = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
return Response(s)
# Development branch
elif hostfix.match(ref) and feature.match(ref):
cmd = './' + project + ref + ' ' + namespace
s = subprocess.getoutput(cmd)
return Response(s)
elif name =='merge_request':
# You can define a pin push that will take you directly to the GitLab merge interface each time you click the link
return Response('Event not triggered')
if __name__ == '__main__':
Copy the code
Distribute different requests to different shell scripts for processing
It group shell script
- Test server script
#! /bin/bash
function ERROR_NOTICE() {
header="'Content-Type: application/json'"
msg="'{\"msgtype\": \"text\",\"text\": {\"content\":\"The $1 $2 $3The \}} '" "
a='curl '$url' -H '$header' -d '$msg
eval $a
function IF_TRUE() {
ERROR_NOTICE The $1 $2 $3
function master() {
if [ -d $Dir/The $1 ];then
cd $Dir/The $1
#startTime=$(ls -l composer.lock|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
git fetch
git checkout $2
git pull origin $2
cp .env.develop .env
composer install
IF_TRUE The $1 $2 $3
/usr/local/php7/bin/php artisan queue:restart
IF_TRUE The $1 $2 $3
echo The $1 " Success"
cd $Dir
git clone ${3}/The ${1}.git
cd The ${1}
git checkout $2
cp .env.develop .env
composer install
IF_TRUE The $1 $2 $3
/usr/local/php7/bin/php artisan queue:restart
IF_TRUE The $1 $2 $3
master The $1 $2 $3
Copy the code
Web group shell script
- Test the environment shell update script
#! /bin/bash
Define the file directory
function pull_say() {
PullDir=The $1
echo "$PullDir Git Pull Error"
echo 'start'
if [ The $1= ="EnjoyCarWeb" ];then
cd $Dir/EnjoyCarWeb
startTime=$(ls -l package.json|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
JstartTime=$(ls -l $EnjoyJsDe|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
# pull project codeGit pull origin develop/v1.3.4 pull_say stopTime=$(ls-l package.json|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
JstopTime=$(ls -l $EnjoyJsDe|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
if [ "$JstartTime"! ="$JstopTime" ];then
cp $EnjoyJsDe $EnjoyJs
# compile code
if [ "$startTime"! ="$stopTime" ];then
rm -f package-lock.json
/usr/bin/npm install
/usr/bin/node build/build.js
/usr/bin/node build/build.js
echo The $1 "Success"
elif [ The $1= ="ucarCarWeb" ];then
cd $Dir/ucarCarWeb
startTime=$(ls -l package.json|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
JstartTime=$(ls -l $EnvirmentJs|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
git pull origin develop
stopTime=$(ls -l package.json|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
JstopTime=$(ls -l $EnvirmentJs|awk '{print $6,$7,$8}')
if [ "$startTime"! ="$stopTime" ];then
rm -f package-lock.json
/usr/bin/npm install
/usr/bin/node build/build.js
/usr/bin/node build/build.js
if [ "$JstartTime"! ="$JstopTime" ];then
cp $EnvirmentJs $DirEnvirJs
echo The $1 "Success"
echo "Complate.."
Copy the code
The development branch and budget line branch are roughly the same as above, so they won’t be posted here
ELK server configuration
Please click on ELK real-time analysis of PHP laravel project logs
Results show
Gitlab merge request pushed to Dingding
Nginx access url pin push
ELK displays PHP error logs
- Not all projects need to be deployed automatically. Our online environment is published manually by git tag and grayscale publishing script. Common scripts on github: github address
- Because Java and client APP are used in another project of our company, we are testing another set of automatic process scheme of Jenkins, and I will summarize it by then.
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