Build: Depends on the upgrade

Spring. The boot. Version > 2.3.12. RELEASE spring. Cloud. Version > Hoxton. SR12 nacos. Version > 2.0.2 druid. Version > 1.2.6 Mybatis. Version > 3.5.7 mybatisplus. Version > knife4j. Version > 2.0.9 hutool. Version > 5.7.3Copy the code

Feat: new features

  • Add SCHEMA + field mixed SCHEMA: SCHEMA_COLUMN

  • Add data source + field blending mode: DATASOURCE_COLUMN

It is suitable for a chain store with multiple branches, a group with multiple molecular companies, a merchant with multiple vending machines and other scenarios. Currently, only the back-end part is implemented.

  • The Echo module supports memory caching and is disabled by default.

Fix: fix

  • When a tenant is added, the menu icon is initialized using the Ant Design style

Refactor: to strengthen

  • The Echo annotation cancels the Method field.

  • Adjust LoadService interface single responsibility to remove the findNameByIds method.

You can replace the functionality of Method and findNameByIds by adding multiple implementation classes

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