A format,

1.1 Complete Format

// Kotlin
val sum: (Int.Int) - >Int = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y}
// Groovy
Closure sum = { Integer x, Integer y -> x + y }
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Kotlin’s function types are variable, e.g. (Int, Int) -> Int) Groovy’s function types have only one Closure

1.2 Simplified Format

// kotlin 
val sumSimple1: (Int.Int) - >Int = { x, y -> x + y }
val sumSimple2 = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }
// groovy
sumSimple = { x, y -> x + y }
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Kotlin’s lambda cannot completely omit type declarations when assigning a variable. When used as an argument to a function, it can be omitted. The def of Groovy can also be omitted; the val of Kotlin cannot

Second, the trailing lambda

When the last argument to a function is a function type, the lambda expression can be taken out of the argument list.

2.1 Three Parameters

// kotlin
fun a3(x: Int, y: Int, lambda: (Int.Int) -> Int) :Int {
    return lambda(x, y)
val b = a3(1.2, { x, y -> x + y })
val bOut = a3(1.2) { x, y -> x + y }

// Groovy
def a3(def x, def y, Closure closure) {
    closure(x, y)
a3(1.2, { x, y -> x + y })
a3(1.2) { x, y -> x + y }
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2.2 A Parameter

// Kotlin
fun a1(lambda: (Int.Int) -> Int) :Int {
    return lambda(1.2)}val bOut2 = a1 { x, y -> x + y }

// Groovy
def a1(Closure closure) {
a1 { x, y -> x + y }
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Third, it

When lambda has only one argument, it can be used to represent it.

3.1 as input parameter

// Kotlin
fun itFun(lambda: (Int) -> Unit) {
    lambda(1)}val itResult = itFun { print(it) }

// Groovy
def itFun(Closure closure) {
itResult = itFun { println(it) }
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3.2 Assigning values to variables

// Kotlin
val it: (Int) - >Unit = { println(it) }
// Groovy
it = { println(it) }
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When Kotlin’s lambda is assigned to a variable, the type needs to be declared.

The return value of lambda

The value of the last expression in a lambda expression is the return value

// Kotlin
val retLambda = {
    1 + 1
val retVal = retLambda() / / value is 3

// Groovy
retval = {
retval() / / value is 3
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5. Handling of useless variables

// Kotlin
val map = mapOf(1 to "a".2 to "b")
map.forEach { _, value -> print(value) }

// Groovy
map = [1: "a".2: "b"]
map.each { _, value -> println(_ + value) }
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Kotlin’s _ can be used as a declaration of useless variables, just placeholder, not referable; Groovy’s _ is considered a normal declaration and can be referenced.

Access to external variables

Can access and modify objects outside of lambda expressions

// Kotlin
val ints = listOf(1.2.3)
var sum = 0
ints.filter { it > 0 }.forEach {
    sum += it
println(sum) / / 6

// Groovy
ints = [1.2.3]
sum = 0
ints.findAll { it > 0 }.each {
    sum += it
println(sum) / / 6
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Seven, invoke

Kotlin’s lambda can be called with invoke(); Groovy doesn’t write this way.

// Kotlin
val sum = { x: Int, y: Int -> x + y }

// Groovy
sum = {x, y -> x + y}
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