Ingress is an API object in a Kubernetes cluster that manages external access to services, typically through HTTP and HTTPS. Ingress can provide layer 7 load balancing, SSL termination, name-based virtual hosting, and more.

A typical example of accessing a service through Ingress is shown below:

To configure these Ingress policies, a Kubernetes cluster needs to deploy an Ingress controller that listens for Ingress and Service changes, configures load balancing and provides access points based on rules. The Ingress Controller typically exposes the entry address to the Internet at deployment time in the form of a NodePort or LoadBalancer for external access to the cluster.

A typical Ingress Controller with a list of supported features is shown below (see the original spreadsheet here) :

The selection of these Ingress controllers can refer to the comparison of the above features, which will not be expanded in this paper.

In addition to the resources defined by Kubernetes Ingress API objects, many Ingress controllers extend a wealth of features based on Kubernetes annotations, and use these features differently in different controllers. Thus, in scenarios where switching between different Ingress controllers is required, the correct configuration of these features requires querying the documentation of multiple projects.

Ingress Builder provides a visual editor for Ingress API resources. After you select the controller (such as Nginx) and Kubernetes versions from the right side of the editor, the various features supported by the controller are displayed below them. Here is an example of editing an nginx Ingress resource:

After selecting different features on the right, annotations are automatically added to the Ingress resource on the left, making it very easy to use.

Ingress Builder access url for ingressbuilder. Jetstack. IO, I wish you have a good time.

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