Above, we explained the deployment of etCD, Kube-Apiserver, Kube-Controller-Manager, Kube-Scheduler and Docker services on the Master node. This article introduces the deployment of Kubelet and Kube-Proxy services on Node.

First, preparation

Binary Kubernetes cluster Docker is v19.03.12 version, related article has been prepared for you (note to select V19.03.12 version), the portal is as follows:

Docker environment setup and configuration

At this point we have deployed the Docker service on the Master node.

2. Cluster deployment

Decompress the kubernetes-node-linux-amd64.tar.gz file on the client and copy the kubectl, kubelet, and kube-proxy executable files to /usr/bin. Then create systemd service configuration files for each service in /usr/lib/systemd/system and configure startup parameters for each service.

1. Kubelet service

Kubelet service depends on the Docker, set systemd service configuration file/usr/lib/systemd/system/kubelet. The service, the following ࿱