In 2018, Ruiyun Zhihe opened the graphical Kubernetes one-click deployment tool Breeze, which has been widely praised by the community. Breeze follows the official release of Kubernetes. In v1.13.0, released today, our main contribution is to export the graphical configuration interface of the highly available architecture HAProxy+Keepalived component, without the need to manually run the HAProxy+Keepalived container.

Click the + sign to add a cluster:

Click Add Host, enter the host name, HOST IP address, and description (host usage), and click OK.

Repeat this step until all the node servers required for the cluster are added:

(K8S Master server, K8S Minion node server, Registry server, etc.) :

Click the “Add Component” button to set up and assign servers to each component:

Docker role, Registry role, etCD role, loadBalance role, Kubernetes role)

Registy entry point refers to the URL used by the client to access the mirror repository. The client can write the IP address or domain name directly:

Etcd can be deployed on the K8S Master node or three independent hosts:

Next, set up the high availability component (haProxy + Keepalived) :

VIP for K8S Master indicates the highly available virtual floating IP addresses of the three K8S master servers. Nic Enter the nic name of the actual operating system. Ensure that the nic names of the three nodes are the same. Router ID and Virtual Router ID Ensure that different K8S clusters use different values.

Kubernetes Entry Point is a highly available set point where a unified entry address for load balancing can be entered if the production environment has hardware or software load balancing pointing to all nodes of the K8S Master.

As opposed to expensive F5 specialized hardware, this setup can also be easily accomplished using a combination of HAProxy and Keepalived. Breeze comes with the deployment of this combination module.

For example, in the following figure is the unified gateway to the HIGH availability of the K8S cluster. The K8S Minion node will use this address to access the API Server. Note that if you are using the Breeze haProxy + Keepalived high availability component, enter the actual virtual IP address and the default port 6444.

Click “Next” to start installation and deployment:

If all role ICONS turn green, the deployment task is complete. You can log in to any K8S node and run kubectl get nodes to view the result.

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