1. Abnormal error handling

/** * A protection against code that may execute exceptions * default Exception class :Exception ** /
fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    println("-------------- direct display error --------------")
    // Display the error directly

    }catch (e:Exception){

    println("-------------- Ignore error --------------")
    // Ignore errors
    val a : Int ? = try {
    }catch (e: Exception){
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Integer: -1 
0E is the safe converted c, and the value isnull 
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2. Type checking and conversion

Empty type
There are nullable and non-nullable types of any type

- val notNull:String = null // Error, cannot be null
- val nullable:String? = null // Yes, it can be null
- notNull.length // True, non-null values can be used directly
- nullable.length // Error, possibly null, cannot get length directly- nullable!! .length// Nullable cannot be nullable forcibly- nullable? .length// If nullable is null, return null
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fun getName(a): String? {
    return "Zhang"

fun getName2(a): String? {
    return null

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    valname = getName() ? :return
    println("Name 1:$name")

    val value: String? = "Hello World"
    // Do not check for nullprintln(value!! .length)valname2 = getName2() ? :return
    println("Name 2:$name2")}Copy the code

The name1: zhang SAN11
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Intelligent type conversion
Java Style type conversion

- val sub:SubClass = parent asSubClass - A Java-like type conversion that throws an exception on failureCopy the code
Safe type conversion

- val sub:SubClass? = parent as? SubClass - Returns if conversion failsnull, do not throw exceptionsCopy the code

/** * check: To convert a variable to another type use */

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val a = 5
    val b = 6

    val c = if (a > b) "More than" else a - b

    // Type judgment: is
    if (c is String) {
    } else {
        println("Integer:$c ")}// The Kotlin compiler converts intelligently most of the time
    if(c is Int) println(c.inc())

    / * * * manual conversion: casting as * casting complains. Java lang. ClassCastException * * /
    //val d = c as String
    //println("d is cast c, value $d ")

    /** * Manual conversion: safe conversion as? * Secure conversion */
    val e = c as? String
    println("E is the safe converted c, and the value is$e ")}Copy the code


Integer: -1 
0E is the safe converted c, and the value isnull 
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Intelligent type conversion

- if(parent isSubClass)parent.< member of a SubClass > - The compiler deduces the type as much as possible, and avoids useless type conversionsif(nullable! =null) nullable. Length - Correct! Because we confirm nullableCopy the code

public class Parent {
    public String getName(){
        return "parent"; }}Copy the code

public class Child extends Parent{
    public String getName() {
        return "child"; }}Copy the code

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val parent: Parent = Child()
    if (parent is Child) {

    val value: String? = "Hello World"
    / / because the value! = NULL automatically String
    if(value ! =null) {
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