
This article focuses on constants and variables, branch expressions, operator and infix expressions, Lambda expressions, case: Equals and hashCode for Person, case: Four operations for String

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(1) Constants and variables

(1) Variables


int a = 2;
a = 3;

final int b = 3;  // Read-only variables
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var a = 2
a = 3

val b = 3 // Read-only variables
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(2) Constant


static final int b = 3;   
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const val b = 3
// Can only be defined in the global scope
// Only primitive types can be decorated
// Must be initialized immediately with a burst volume
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(2) Branch expression

(1) the if… else…


if (a == 3) {
    c = 4;
} else {
    c = 5;

c = a == 3 ? 4 : 5;
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if (a == 3) {
    c = 4
} else {
    c = 5

c = if (a == 3) 4 else 5
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(2) the when…


switch (a) {
    case 0:
        c = 5;

    case 1:
        c = 100;

        c = 20;
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c = when (a) {
    0 -> 5
    1 -> 100
    else -> 20} if a is equal to0C =5If a =1C =100.var x: Any = Any()
c = when {
    x is String -> x.length
    x == 1 -> 100
    else -> 20

c = when(val input = readLine()){
    null -> 0
    else -> input.length
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(3) Try… catch


try {
    c = a / b;
} catch (ArithmeticException | NullPointerException e) {
    c = 0;
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try {
    c = a / b
} catch (e: Exception) {
    c = 0

c = try {
    a / b
} catch (e: ArithmeticException) {
    2 // If an exception is thrown, c = 2
} catch (e: Exception) {
    0 // If an exception is thrown, c = 0

c = try {
    a / b
} catch (e: ArithmeticException) {
} catch (e: Exception) {
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(3) operator and infix expression

(1) Operators officially provided by Kotlin

"Hello"= ="World"

2 + 3

val list = listOf(
2 in list

val map = mutableMapOf(
    "Hello" to 2."World" to 3
val value = map["Hello"]
// val value = map.get("Hello")

map["World"] = 4

2 > 3
2.compareTo(3) > 0

val func = fun(a) {

2 to 3
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(2) Infix expression

The number of operators is limited, and although it changes with Kotlin iterations, it is still fixed for developers, so when I run out of operators I need to extend the logic we need in the form of infix expressions. The two points are infix and the function name (rotate)

println("HelloWorld" rotate 5) // Extend the rotate function

infix fun String.rotate(count: Int): String {
    val index = count % length
    return this.substring(index) + this.substring(0, index)

val book = Book()
val desk = Desk()
book on desk

class Book
class Desk

infix fun Book.on(desk: Desk){}Copy the code

(4) Lambda expression

(1) Anonymous function

Ordinary functions:

fun func(a) {
    println("Hello")}Copy the code

Anonymous functions :(no function name)

fun(a) {
    println("Hello")}Copy the code

Use of anonymous functions:

val func = fun(a) { // func is the variable name

func() // Call a function with a variable
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The type of the anonymous function :(the anonymous function is the type of the value returned in the last line)

val func: () -> Unit = fun(a) {
    println("Hello")}Copy the code

(2) Lambda expressions

Lambda expressions in Kotlin are essentially anonymous functions. The appearance of Lambda does reduce the amount of code to write, and also makes the code more concise

val func: () -> Unit = fun(a) {
    println("Hello")}val lambda: () -> Unit = {
    println("Hello")}val f1 = { p: Int ->
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Example: Implement Equals and hashCode for Person

class Person(val age: Int.val name: String) {
    override fun equals(other: Any?).: Boolean {
        val other = (other as? Person) ? :return false
        return other.age == age && == name

    override fun hashCode(a): Int {
        return 1 + 7 * age + 13 * name.hashCode()

fun main(a) {
    val persons = HashSet<Person>()

    (0.. 5).forEach {
        persons += Person(20."Benny")

    println(persons.size)  / / 1
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(6) Case: Implement four operations for String

operator fun String.minus(right: Any?).
        = this.replaceFirst(right.toString(), "")
// Replace the first occurrence of "right" in the string with empty
For example, if the string is HelloWorld World and right is Hello, the result is World World

operator fun String.times(right: Int): String {
    return (1..right).joinToString("") {this }
    // Repeat the character passed right, separated by a space (can also be separated by a ",")

operator fun String.div(right: Any?).: Int {
    val right = right.toString()
    // The first argument: the length of the string passed in
    // Second argument: the number of backward steps (starting from the first, if the argument is 1, then the next position after the end is 2)
    // The third argument: is it equal to the string passed in
    If He is equal to ld, then it + 1; if not, move backwards one bit
    // Determine if el is equal to ld, if it is equal, it + 1, if not, move back one bit
    return this.windowed(right.length, 1, transform = {
        it == right
    }) // [false, false, false, false ... false, true, ..., true]
        .count { it }

fun main(a) {
    val value = "HelloWorld World"

    println(value - "World")
    println(value * 2)

    val star = "*"
    println("*" * 20)

    println(value / 3)
    println(value / "l")
    println(value / "ld")}Copy the code


Hello World
HelloWorld WorldHelloWorld World
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