Kotlin can break an object into multiple variables, an operation called deconstruction declaration

Define a simple data class

data class Person(var name: String, var age: Int)

fun main(a) {
    val person = Person("zhangsan".1)
    println("- >${person.name}")
    println("- >${person.age}")

    val (name, age) = person
    println("- >$name")
    println("- >$age")}/ / output
-> zhangsan
-> 1
-> zhangsan
-> 1
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The name and age variables output the corresponding attribute values, which greatly simplifies our operation.

Data classes can use destruct declarations because data classes are special, and the compiler declares the following functions for them by default:

public final String component1(a) {
   return this.name;
public final int component2(a) {
   return this.age;
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Assigning values for name and age is equivalent to calling component1 and Component2 of the object respectively, which is the core principle of deconstruction declaration.

Custom deconstruction declarations

Normal classes do not have the capability to destruct. We can manually declare componentN(). We need the operator modifier:

class Book(var title: String, var price: Float) {
    operator fun component1(a): String = title
    operator fun component2(a): Float = price

fun main(a) {
    val book = Book("The ordinary world.".19.9 f)
    println("- >${book.title}")
    println("- >${book.price}")

    val (title, price) = book
    println("- >$title")
    println("- >$price")}/ / output-> Ordinary world ->19.9-> Ordinary world ->19.9
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Array, collection deconstruction declaration

By default, Kotlin supports deconstruction declarations for arrays, lists, and maps

fun main(a) {
    val array = arrayOf(1.2.3)
    val (a, b, c) = array
    println("-> a: $a b: $b c: $c")

    val list = listOf(1.2.3)
    val (d, e, f) = list
    println("-> d: $d e: $e f: $f")

    val map = mapOf("key1" to 1."key2" to 2."key3" to 3)
    for ((key, value) in map) {
        println("- >$key : $value")}}/ / output
-> a: 1 b: 2 c: 3
-> d: 1 e: 2 f: 3
-> key1 : 1
-> key2 : 2
-> key3 : 3
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A deconstruction declaration in a Lambda expression

We can deconstruct an argument in a Lambda expression. First, the argument must meet the condition that it can be deconstructed:

fun main(a) {
    val book = Book("gone with the wind".10.0 f)
    showBookInfo(book) { (name, price) ->
        println("-> name: $name")
        println("-> price: $price")}}fun showBookInfo(book: Book, block: (Book) - >Unit) {
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