Introduction of koa
Koa is a new Web framework. By making use of async functions, Koa helps you discard callback functions and greatly enhances error handling.
Installation of koa
cnpm i koa -S
1. Set up a simple server using KOA
1.1 Introduction of Modules
1.2 Instantiating an APP
1.3 app. Listen () to monitor
/ / introduction
const Koa = require('koa')
// instantiate app
const app = new Koa();
/ / to monitor
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2. Use of middleware
Middleware is an asynchronous function that preprocesses our requests and responses
app.use(async (ctx,next)=>{})
- CTX: Context
- The Koa Context encapsulates the Node’s request and Response objects into a single object
- Await next() as a dividing line between request and response (see code comments)
Ps: Because this is an asynchronous operation, it will wait until all the request part of app.use is finished and then continue processing corresponding part according to await next(), so it is called the dividing line between request and response
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa();
app.use(async (ctx,next)=>{
// Process the request
await next(); // It is equivalent to the split line between request and response
// Process the response
const rt = ctx.response.get('X-response-Time');
console.log(`${ctx.method} ${ctx.url} - ${rt}`);
// x-response-time
app.use(async (ctx, next) => {
// Get the current time at request time
const start =;
await next();
// Current time - request time
const ms = - start;
app.use(async ctx => {
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.type = 'html';
ctx.body = 'hello qlq';
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3. Use of error-handling middleware
3.1 First simulate an error ctx.throw(401,’ error ‘)
Ctx. throw(401,’ error ‘) equals
const err = new Error('wrong');
err.status = 401;
// Expose is an error that applies to clients
err.expose = true;
throw err;
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3.2 Listen for error methods with koa.on ()
app.on('error'.err= >{
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3.3 Build an error-handling middleware to handle errors emit(‘error’,error, CTX) to emit app.on() to listen for error
Ps: Error-handling middleware must be written at the top of all middleware
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa();
Error handling middleware must be written at the top of all middleware
app.use(async (ctx,next)=>{
try {
await next();
} catch (error) {
// Display the status code to the user
ctx.status = error.status || 500;
// The front-end initiates an Ajax request
ctx.type = 'json';
ctx.body = {ok:0.message: error.message}
// Manually trigger the global error function'error',error,ctx)
Ctx.throw () is the API interface of the middleware request
app.use(async ctx => {
// The request comes in
ctx.throw(401.'There was an error')})// koA listens for error methods
app.on('error'.err= >{
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4. Use koA-onError middleware to handle errors
4.1 Download KOA-onError and introduce fs module
4.2 onError (app) to listen
4.3 Ctx. body = fs.createreadstream (‘not exist’) in catch of error-handling middleware
const Koa = require('koa')
const onerror = require('koa-onerror')
const fs = require('fs')
const app = new Koa();
/ / onerror monitor app
// Middleware functions for error handling
app.use(async ctx=>{
try {
await next();
} catch (error) {
ctx.body = fs.createReadStream('not exist')
app.use(async ctx =>{
app.on('error'.err= >{
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5. Use of KOA-Logger middleware
5.1 Downloading and Importing the KOA-Logger
5.2 App. use(Logger) can obtain the request and response time and other information
Such as:
const Koa = require('koa')
const logger = require('koa-logger')
const app = new Koa();
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6. Use of KOA-Router middleware
Download the koa – the router
6.1 Creating a Router Folder to Install Routes. Create an index.js
6.2 Introduce the KOA-Router and instantiate a router and throw the router
6.3 router.get/post(‘ path ‘,(CTX,next)=>{})
Get /post () is used as much as app.get/post () in Node
6.4 Importing a Router File and Registering routes in a Server File
Importing a Router File
const routerIndex = require('./router')
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Registered routing
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6.5 Router. post(CTX =>{ctx.request.body}) Cannot obtain the request body
You need to download additional KOA-BodyParser for processing to get the parameters of the request body and download and import koA-BodyParser from the server file
const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')
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This will get ctx.request.body information in the routing file
6.6 await ctx.render(‘ file name to render ‘, data to render)
Route file index.js code
const Router = require('koa-router')
const router = new Router();
// Routing middleware processes the request definition API interface
router.get('/'.async (ctx,next)=>{
// Render a page template engine HBS
// Get the data from the database
const data = {
title: 'I don't want mongdb.'.subTitle: 'hello hubs'.htmlStr:'< h3 > < / h3 > hello my lack of money'.isShow: false.username:'Joe'.a: true.b: true.arr: ['a'.'c'.'e'].users:[
name:'yellow'.age: 12.birthday:new Date(1999.2.2)}, {name: 'little red'.age: 13.birthday: new Date(1993.2.2)}, {name: 'the little green'.age: 14.birthday: new Date(1992.2.2)},]}await ctx.render('index',data) // Views file
router.get('/login'.async (ctx, next) => {
/ / redirection
router.get('/sign'.async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.body = 'Registration Page'
})'/'.ctx= >{
// The POST request requires an additional download of KOA-BodyParser for processing to get the parameters of the request body
ctx.body = { 'ok':1}})module.exports = router;
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Server file code
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa();
// KoA-bodyParser is required to handle the post request body parameters in KOA
const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')
// Import a route
const routerIndex = require('./router')
// Register the route
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7. Params, Query, Context namespace, static resource middleware
7.1 params
7.1.1 Creating a Routing server file of a User Automatically imports and registers corresponding routes
7.1.2 router.prefix(‘/user’) The path name used below will be automatically added to prefix
7.1.3 Params handles router.get(‘/:id/:pid’)
The path name followed by: indicates that the following property is params
7.1.4 Params can be obtained directly using ctx.params in the callback function
7.2 the query
http://localhost:3000/user?name=zhangsan&age=18 with CTX. The query can obtain {name = zhangsan, the age 18 =}
7.3 Context Namespace
The namespace of the context object names all routes using the data in state
Ctx.state. navList={a:1}; Ctx.state. navList is available on all routers
7.4 Static Resource Middleware
Set the static resource server, which is used to set the path for obtaining resources such as images. Set the public file to hold resources such as images
7.4.1 Download and import KOA-static
const static = require('koa-static')
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7.4.2 Configuring a Static Resource Server
// SRC ='/images/1.png' public images 1.png
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Routing user code
const Router = require('koa-router')
const router = new Router({
prefix: '/user'
// router.prefix('/user');
// http://localhost:3000/user? name=zhangsan&age=18
router.get('/'.(ctx,next) = >{
ctx.body = "I'm a user page"
// http://localhost:3000/user/1/3
router.get('/:id/:pid'.(ctx,next) = >{
ctx.body = 'parmas usage'
module.exports = router;
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Server code
const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa();
// KoA-bodyParser is required to handle the post request body parameters in KOA
const bodyParser = require('koa-bodyparser')
// Import a route
const routerIndex = require('./router')
const routerUser = require('./router/user')
// Introduce static resource file middleware
const static = require('koa-static')
app.use(async (ctx,next)=>{
// The namespace of the context object can name all routes using the data in state
ctx.state.navList = {
await next();
// Set up the static resource server
// Register the route
// Register user routing
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Koa-hbs template engine
Render the template to the front page
8.1 Downloading server files and importing KOA-HBS
const hbs = require('koa-hbs')
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8.2 Registering middleware for the Template Engine
App. Use (HBS) middleware (configuration of {})
- ViewPath: indicates the root directory of the view
- DefaultLayout: defaultLayout file
- PartialsPath: public views path
- DisableCache: indicates whether to cache
viewPath:__dirname+'/views'.// The root directory of the view
defaultLayout:'layout'.partialsPath:__dirname+'/views/partials'./ / public views
disableCache: true // No caching during development
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Create the default layout layout.hbs (HBS file)
Layout. HBS is an HTML file written with {{}} body inserted with {{> public views}} nav and foot under partials
The main content part of the fixed writing method is fixed under the views index. HBS file
Layout. The hub code
<! DOCTYPEhtml>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="Width = device - width, initial - scale = 1.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/index.css">
{{#block 'indexCss'}}{{/block}}
{{! -- Navigation --}}
{{! }}
{{{body}}} {{! -- index.hbs --}}
{{! - feet -}}
{{! -- Code move is a block --}}
<script src=""></script>
{{#block 'jquery'}}{{/block}}
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8.4 Use Handlebars -helpers middleware in index.hbs
It’s best to download Handlebars -helpers because native KOA-HBS doesn’t have many methods for interpolating references
const helpers = require('handlebars-helpers')
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For more information:…
8.5 Await ctx.render(‘ HBS to be displayed ‘, data to be transmitted) in route
For example look at the code for index.hbs (all the data is in the index view above use ctx.render())
{{! -- Body content --}}
{{#contentFor 'indexCss'}}
h3 {
color: red
{{! -- Interpolation binding (double curly braces) --}}
{{! -- Insert HTML (three parentheses) --}}
{{! -- if (#if) --}
{{#if isShow}}
<a href="http://localhost:3000/login">Please log in</a>
{{! - cycle -}}
{{#each users }}
<li>{{name}}-{{age}}-{{data birthday 'YYYY/MM/DD'}}</li>
{{#and a b}}A and b are true{{/and}}
{{#contains arr 'e'}}E is in the array{{else}}E is not in the array{{/contains}}
{{! -- js --}}
{{#contentFor 'jquery'}}
console.log('content for jquery');
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8.6 Code move
In the default layout file, layout. HBS uses {{#block ‘block name ‘}}{{/block}} to refer to where the code is moved to. In other view files {{#contentFor ‘block name ‘}}
Ex. :
{{#contentFor 'jquery'}}
console.log('content for jquery');
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{{#block 'jquery'}}{{/block}}
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