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0. Know FFmpeg

0.1 What is FFmpeg?

0.1.0 FFmpeg is a leading open source multimedia framework that enables various processing of almost any multimedia file. includes libavCodec, a decoder library for audio and video in multiple projects, and libavFormat, an audio and video format conversion library. FFMPEG: Used to convert video files or audio files to formats.
Ffplay: a simple player, based on SDL and FFmpeg libraries.

Ffprobe: displays information about media files. Libswresample libavresample libavcodec libavformat libavutil libswresample libavcodec libswresample libavcodec libavutil Libpostproc: libswScale for video preprocessing: libavFilter for video scaling

0.3 Installing FFmpeg on Linux

By Jayce Link:… The copyright belongs to the author. Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate the source.