“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


  • Last year’s year-end summary did not participate in this year’s summary, this year is known as inspirational elder brother, volume king, hard brother… The title of, etc.

Technically && work


  • The current project is relatively large. Dozens of people developed a micro front-end project, which also experienced a large project reconstruction from UMI to the current single-SPA, Vite + rollup and React + TS. In the process of refactoring, we wrote many plugins based on business and then opened source. A state management plugin for React was developed successively to develop a series of high-performance front-end components. We also conducted a lot of front-end performance tests ourselves, including the refactoring of input box and down box components. Because antd of mass data processing it is too bad, just say thousands of data table rendering, don’t do paging scene, stuck directly, the official to the project of the virtual list, but practical, will be a lot of pit, can only be practical in simple business scenarios, and tied for this need, in the case of merger line directly cool, I have to deal with too much on my own

  • Other miscellaneous, React related source code, PNPM,vite,rush…… Our technology is very new, step on the little prince

On the job

  • Anti-roll person, pay attention to work efficiency, refuse ineffective overtime (using pomodoro method, 40 minutes for a tomato)
  • 8 internal technical sharing for front-end colleagues, including JS -> TS -> React
  • Team atmosphere group, manual funny
  • Won the first three quarters, three times excellent employee, the fourth quarter has not come down

A sideline power

  • This year’s sideline has two directions, one is the public number, the other is the interview counseling, the monthly income of the public number, ranging from 500-3000, depending on the extent of the release, a lot of junk advertising is not accepted, last month pushed a lot of advertising, some money can earn, some money or do not earn good,

  • In November last year, I officially started the interview coaching. At the beginning, I placed orders on a certain fish and earned several thousand yuan a month. Then in June, I asked Brother Shark to cooperate with You Ideal and set up offer harvester. Through us, many students got offers they did not dare to dream of, those who entered big factories, their salaries increased several times. People brought us more money but we are very very busy, in the week, weekends in the interview, interview this year, more than 200 people, the last post, I wrote an interview this year 100 + people interview, interview people rose quickly, means I don’t have spare time, basic is the interview counseling, learning.

  • How to do a good sideline, diligence, it is necessary, study hard, hard output, three days of fishing two days bask in the net, do not suggest dry, I did a year just is to have improvement.

  • Like the interview, I tutored so many people, A question I have done hundreds of times, NO matter how stupid I am, I can also be very very skilled, like a lot of handwritten questions, I can directly do mouth spray.

Community impact

  • There are more than 2,000 people in the club, many of them have changed their status quo through their own efforts, although most of them are unable to stick to it. I always tell them that getting up at six is not the goal, you do not get up for the sake of getting up, but keep studying. Follow your own schedule, or force yourself to get up early. You to your own life in the effort, not to give others to see, how do you say you don’t need to pipe the world and the other people’s salary won’t hit your own card, only your own wages will hit your own card, stick to it, the farther you go, you will, the more opportunities as I now, I can not pay the life, I went out looking for work, is also very simple. Here is not to show off, this is study hard, we can through their own efforts to improve oneself, good wages, in the process of you to improve yourself, naturally, don’t complain, it’s no use complaining, do you think this is not good, that’s not bad, but you can’t change, that will endure, until one day you become very strong, You naturally have the right to choose, not the right to be chosen, otherwise there is no other way, you want to get, and do not work, ideas are just ideas, no value! Practice is good, code is good
  • Three years into the industry, although no annual salary is average, but I tell you with their own practical actions, although MY education is not high, but through their own diligence and efforts, greatly improved their family life.
  • Under my encouragement, many people are slowly changing themselves and becoming better. The most direct way is to get more offers. Brother Moon would like to thank all the students who gave food to me, thank you!

This year’s income

  • Salary (less than 50W after tax,) + sideline (6 digit specific number is not convenient to say), my wife asked me, you every day like playing chicken blood, not tired, I said accustomed to, after all, poor, this year’s student loans, car loans also paid off.
  • Out of debt, out of debt

In the future…

  • Buying a house in Shanghai next year will be in debt again
  • You may have to throw yourself into a side business or a teaching job in a training institution
  • In terms of technology, architecture and extreme performance, soft power is further improved
  • I hope my experience can inspire more people to recognize themselves, study hard, struggle, just for themselves. Make life better for yourself and your family.
  • Long wind and waves will sometimes, straight sail to the sea!