This is the 8th day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August

Full-text search

Field search

This is also the most commonly used, for example, typing GetPromotions in the search box will return all documents containing GetPromotions.

A phrase search

A phrase can be searched by enclosing it in double quotation marks

“test java”

Field search

You can search by the field on the left side of the page

Qualified field full-text search: field:value Exact search: Keyword with double quotation marks field:”value”


Level: indicates the level field and the Info value

Query based on logical operations

KQL provides and or not query logic and, or not

With the logical

logID:202108130823180101511900792F05F2EC and msg:request

Or logical

name: "Jeff" or name: "Kitty"
Copy the code

The logic

not logID:202108130823180101511900792F05F2EC
Copy the code

Screen out the logID not 202108130823180101511900792 f05f2ec document

not age >= 10
Copy the code

Filter out documents with an age less than 10

Wildcard to search

MSG :res* is matched from the MSG field to. result ,res, response

logID: *
Copy the code

All fields with logID are filtered.