Risk tip: Looking for a job is like investing, only you’re investing expertise and time. Similarly, the investment of work can be classified according to the risk and return: high risk and high return, such as stock futures, etc. Low risk and low yield, such as bond deposits. In addition, you can also be divided according to the holding time: long-term investment, you are optimistic about the company’s long-term prospects; Short term. You value the company’s salary. Therefore, job-hopping is risky, and changing jobs should be cautious. Employers always consider whether replaceable, individual pursuit is irreplaceable, the current overall economic situation is not good, many unscrupulous dealers create chaos to borrow the opportunity to ship, in the job before be sure to ensure their own safety, riding a donkey looking for a horse is worth considering. Next, listen to veteran brother I give you exclusive investment advice!

  • How to give a cute girl advice on job hopping?

Recently, many friends in the circle are ready to change jobs. Some communication in daily life also triggered my thinking, and I also sorted out some words. Looking for a job is like looking for a partner, especially in the age of veteran brother, who can not afford to delay, it should be considered carefully. How to find a good job? This question hovered in my mind, and I will see what I think. A lovely girl in the GitChat reader group asked for your advice. Now she has received offers from A and B, and the salary gap is less than 1K.

  1. A, Sino-foreign joint venture, established about two years, the product is the transportation industry management system B end, 10 people technical team, young and energetic, great pressure, there is A certain space for development.
  2. B, Chinese information technology service company, about 20 years, the product is the B-end of government management system, the scale of 1000 people, the project team of 5~ 6 people, limited growth, stable without pressure.

Enthusiastic netizens have come up with ideas:

  1. Net friend A: Plan to choose B, don’t plan to choose A
  2. Net friend B: want to pension choose B, want to struggle choose A
  3. Net friend C: Sister, do you have a date? Consider marrying me, so you don’t have to work, I’ll earn money to support you!

Based on the information given by the cute girl, I can’t give her any clear advice. Netizens give suggestions based on their current situation or experience, but we don’t know anything about the girl. Finding a job is an investment, no matter which one you choose, there are risks and benefits, but everyone has different definitions of risks and benefits, and the ability to take risks is also different. Usually, most people don’t accept instability, but there are also people who think that there is no progress. Some people think cash in hand is king, others value personal growth, and some even go to work to kill time and experience life, not bad money! Even the same person may have different perceptions at different times or places, as well as different risk-taking abilities.

Therefore, this is a very personalized problem. It is not good for Zhang SAN, but it is the best choice for Li Si. Therefore, the problem of finding a job must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. There is no right answer, but there should be some methodology to follow. Looking back over the past three or five job-hopping experiences, VETERAN brother I try to sum up some invariable laws from these complicated changes. Only by grasping these invariable essence can we face the changing times with ease.

  • How do you learn to see through your work?

Besides salary, what other criteria do you use to evaluate a job? After carefully reading the lovely girl’s description, I found that the veteran brother was very professional, covering various factors related to the job: industry field, type of capital, company size, business type, shareholding structure, short and short earnings, etc. There’s something to be said for each of these dimensions, and perhaps by understanding the underlying logic behind how these factors determine how a job will work, you’ll know how to find a good one.

Industry field

I’ve worked in three industries — communications equipment, telecom operations and fintech — each with a different type of business. No matter what position we are engaged in, we need to master business knowledge more or less. Those engaged in application system research and development, operation or sales are close to the end user and rely more on business knowledge, while those engaged in general technical products are far away from the end user and rely less on business knowledge. If you change jobs from industry to industry, it means discarding your accumulated business knowledge and learning new business knowledge from scratch.

In the short term, this is a hidden cost, after all, learning new things requires investment; In the long run, crossover brings unique advantages, and mixing and matching can spur innovation. If you choose the industry you are interested in from the beginning, and the industry is also a sunrise industry, after a long time of focus and deep cultivation, then your advantages will be more obvious. Of course, if the industry has fallen by the wayside or you’re no longer interested in it, it’s always a good idea to leave sooner rather than later. Individual efforts can only do so much relative to industry trends. As the saying goes: find the right tuyere pig can fly up.

The management type

Veteran brother I have served in state-owned private enterprises, sino-foreign joint ventures, private enterprises and other types of enterprises. Different types of capital have a great influence on enterprise culture. Some are deep and strict, while others are flat and flexible. Like 996/997/007 to our code farming is very common, but some foreign enterprises do not advocate overtime, you want to work overtime someone else talk to you, you say this pull hate?

Want to know the name of the business? You can send me a private message. There is nothing wrong or wrong with overtime culture, given that different countries are at different stages of development, but the differences are real. In addition, enterprises with different cultural backgrounds also have different requirements for employees’ views on three aspects. Brother, a veteran, once interviewed purely foreign-funded enterprises. After five or six rounds, he had a video interview with the Chinese-American boss on the other side of the ocean. The advice from others is also very sincere, veteran brother I also learned a lot from this interview, can only say that different do not work for each other!

Equity structure

Once went through a lot of pit users to share, there are rivers and lakes where there are people, each company is like a small wulin, the gate of the mountain. If the ownership structure is dispersed and there are more natural shareholders, the probability of encountering management infighting is relatively high. As an individual, you cannot get rid of the whole environment, and the cooperation atmosphere will not be good in the case of high internal friction. If you don’t fit in well, it’s not good for your personal growth. When selecting targets, we can use such systems to learn about each company’s shareholding structure and what former employees think of it.

The company size

Big companies learn to behave, small companies learn to do things, which is also an eternal rule. Large companies have sufficient resources, including talent and capital. In the era of transformation and upgrading, large companies will position themselves in all directions, but they generally look down on small money. They need a large market, just like whales must live in the deep sea. If it finds no opportunity after rapid trial and error, it will quickly shrink and switch until it finds an entry point for a big market before committing heavily. As a result, the business of a large company changes very quickly, unlike a small company that can only focus on a vertical niche.

Inside the big company, you are a small screws, unless you are a powerful can affect the development direction, ordinary individuals don’t clinging to do business in a big company, but ascension of hard and soft skills, no matter how the company changed, you can quickly into battle, with the leadership, this is immutable laws, see: Big Company vs. Small Company: Which would you Choose?

Business types

2C, 2B, 2G, and derived from 2B2C, which belongs to the category of business model, the one who gives money is the boss. If the business type is 2C, the right of discourse of product and technology positions will be more important, and the value of professional and technical personnel will be more reflected. Because the consumption behavior of end users is in line with the market rules, they will evaluate whether the products or services are cheap and good, and vote with money directly. However, if the type of business is 2B or 2G, then the relationship between customers or government and business is more important, so that marketing and management positions have more say, products or services only need to pass, economic base determines the superstructure, you need to develop different survival skills in different environments.

Nature is rich and colorful, including tropical rain forests, grasslands and deserts, as well as polar plateaus, and so on. Each ecology is rich in animal and plant populations. Trees die and people live. If you’re born to live on the prairie, why go to the polar regions to survive? See “2C or 2B: What does it have to do with Finding a job?”

Length of earnings

Short-term income mainly includes working conditions, salary and bonus, travel allowance, overtime allowance, festival welfare, etc., while long-term income mainly includes annuity, stock and option, etc. Income structure of different types of work each are not identical, before signed to sell yourself, how much do you know your best sold, for example: work need often work overtime or on a business trip, but don’t know when talk about pay no overtime or very few travel subsidies, the overall earnings will be discounted, or your price per unit time is much less.

The short term is certain and predictable, while the long term is unknown and risky. Choose to join a company, if you agree with its vision or vision, you must know that the future is too far away, many unexpected things will happen in the process of pursuing the dream, for example, many years ago, the vision of e-commerce, choose to join the e-commerce enterprise, but only two or three survived and developed well, the rest are dead. There is also a friend of veteran brother, who joined the company two years ago when P2P finance was at its peak. He talked about a lot of options, but he was about to be listed and worth tens of millions. However, the industry regulation was suddenly tightened, leading to a decline in business and listing.

Therefore, being bullish on the long term doesn’t mean you should give up short-term gains. If you can’t talk about the future without the present, choosing the long term trend is also to leave more possibilities for yourself. If the company grows fast, you can soar. If the company is having trouble growing, you can move to the same type of head company. Still, negotiate your current salary until you’re happy with it.

Of course, everyone’s expectations for short-term benefits are different from person to person, but there is nothing shameful about talking about money. Money represents your value and how much money you can help the company earn. It is also a reference for subsequent companies to carry heavy burdens on you. Short-term gains do not conflict with ability improvement. In addition, long-term earnings must not stay in the verbal, you must protect legitimate rights and interests by legal means such as options or equity, otherwise the company’s development is no matter with us. It is best to talk about satisfaction before joining the company. It is hard to say when you will get a raise after joining the company. Only when you are satisfied can you spare no effort to make money for the company.

  • How do you know if your job is right for you?

In addition to the analysis of the above factors, still have a lot of factors associated with work, including leadership, team directly under a colleague or near and far away from home, etc., and each inner view of the weight of each factor is different, or evaluation of each factor needed information is not full and accurate, more hearsay, enter the company you will find more than expected. Therefore, from a scientific point of view, looking for a job is a dynamic multi-objective decision problem, it is the same with the stock market investment, the underlying associated factors very much, or asymmetric information not available, anyway this is a subject void of the optimal solution, we analyze the purpose is to find out as much as possible the logic behind, and then improve the probability of find a good job, Or find a reason to convince yourself.

Confidence is more important than gold, and only when you believe in the decisions you’re making can you move forward on your own path without distractions. You can focus on the short term or the long term, but you have to know where you want to go, what you need right now to get there, and make decisions based on who you are. Of course, goals or dreams can change, what we can do is to pursue the best of the present, live each moment, live a lifetime. As for personal growth, you have a cooperative relationship with the company, and there is only one real leader in our life, that is yourself. Everyone else is going to a journey together, and everyone has to go to different destinations, just because of fate. While helping the company to make money, we should strive for opportunities to improve ourselves and get closer to our life goals in a win-win situation.

  • Finally you must remember this!

No matter Ma Yun or Ma Huateng, they have not foreseen that they can achieve such a big career, Ma Yun job was rejected more than 37 times, really can not find a boss when their own boss, Ma Huateng once set a price of one million did not sell Tencent, but now they have become the entrepreneur of the wind and rain, you say this with who to argue? Even if they were to start from scratch now, they would not be able to make today’s achievements. In the end, finding a good job boils down to this:

One life two luck three feng shui, four merit five reading,

Six seven phase eight worship god, nine nobles ten health.

Therefore, there are still some smart people in the reader group. A netizen suggested to the lovely girl: draw lots, man proposes, god disposes!

God has the best plan, not enough for your ass, okay? This time, you can take the initiative to make more achievements and read more books. For example, you can give a tip to the veteran brother when you have nothing to do, or forward articles to other friends. Ah! Is it easy for me to go all the way around? ! ^_^ “‘

Times change so fast that there is no point in thinking too much about the details. The key is to grasp the unchanging. As an individual, you are the center of the world, and you should not deviate from the external rhythm, otherwise you will be very anxious and passive. No matter how the outside world changes, you must be determined, at your own pace, to remain constant and respond to change, to improve cognition and ability, to recognize and leverage trends, to be a long-term believer.

Finally, remember, I was wrong!

Finally, remember, I was wrong!

Finally, remember, I was wrong!

If you are interested in this topic, you are welcome to talk to elder brother veteran for discussion. In the near future, I will also post several solutions to job-hopping problems and systematic output. Today first share here, if you think the content is valuable, please move your finger to forward to other partners in need. In addition, I will share my experience in career planning, job interview, skill improvement and influence building in the future. Please pay attention to this blog or the public account “IT Veteran brother”!