The background,

Kafka cluster: Kafka cluster on MAC

Two, software installation

Zookeeper is required because Kafka relies on ZooKeeper. Kafka is written in Scala, which is based on the JDK, so you need to install the JDK. 1. JDK. You are advised to install JDK in JDK8 or later. 2. Zookeeper, set up a zK pseudo-cluster with 3 nodes on the machine. 3. Kafka set up a 3 node Kafka cluster locally.

Three, installation steps

1. Set up a zK pseudo-cluster with three nodes

ip Client connection port Cluster election interface Cluster atomic broadcast interface Server. id Specifies the ID value in the server The node name, not currently available, is configured in the hosts file 2181 12888 13888 1 zk01 3181 22888 23888 2 zk02 4181 32888 33888 3 zk03

The id in is specified by the myID file created in the directory specified by the dataDir item in zoo. CFG configuration file.

1. Download the ZooKeeper installation package

Get the code

2. Decompress three copies and store them in the ZooKeeper directory

3. Modify the ZooKeeper configuration file. The following uses ZK01 as an example

1. Change the zoo_sample. CFG file in the conf directory to zoo.cfg2. Edit the zoo. CFG configuration file Note:

1, here take ZK01 as an example to write, because it is local start multiple, so the need to modify the port

2. On each servermyidThe corresponding values of files should be different and unique.

3,dataDirThe path needs to be modified.

4, the rest of the configuration can be modified to see the specific situation.

5. Start three ZK nodes

Respectively into zk01 / bin, zk02 / bin, zk03 / bin directory to perform the following commands

./ --config .. /conf startCopy the code

6, connectionzkThe cluster

. / zkCli. Sh - server 0.1:3181127.00 0.1:4181Copy the code

2. Create a kafka cluster with 3 nodes

ip Client connection port 9092 0 9093 1 9094 2
Note: be unique and numeric.

1. Download Kafka
Copy the code

2. Unpack 3 files and place them in kafka directory

3. Modify the file. Kafka01 is used as an example

Attributes to be modified. The following uses Kafka01 as an example

The property name Attribute values describe 0 The configuration on each Kafka node needs to be different
listeners PLAINTEXT: / / Each Kafka node needs to be configured differently. PLAINTEXT represents PLAINTEXT transmission
log.dirs ../logs Log File Path
zookeeper.connect,, Zk server address
num.partitions 1 The default number of partitions for the topic
log.retention.hours 168 Controls the retention time of log files, in hours

4. Start three Kafka nodes

In order to enter kafka01 / bin, kafka02 / bin, kafka03 / bin directory, execute the following commands

./ .. /config/ &Copy the code

5. Kafka test

Here kafka01 is used as an example

1. Create a theme

bin/ --create --topic test-001 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --bootstrap-server,,
Copy the code

2. View the subject information

Bin/kafka - switchable viewer. Sh - go - the bootstrap - server 0.1:9093127.00 0.1:9094 - topic test - 001Copy the code

3. Post a message to the topic you created

Bin/kafka - the console - producer. Sh -- -- topic test - 001 - the bootstrap - server 0.1:9093127.00 0.1:9094Copy the code

Read the message just published to the topic

bin/ --topic test-001 --from-beginning --bootstrap-server,,
Copy the code

At this point, a simple working Kafka cluster is set up.

Iv. Reference documents

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