“This is the 10th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. See details of the event: The Last Gwen Challenge 2021”.

This article will introduce the use of the Calicoctl command tool

The installation

Calicoctl tool, installed in the host in binary command mode

curl -o calicoctl -O -L  "https://github.com/projectcalico/calicoctl/releases/download/v3.20.0/calicoctl" 
mv calicoctl /usr/local/bin
chmod +x calicoctl
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Note that the versions must be consistent, otherwise they cannot be used


Viewing the Node List

Calicoctl get node -o yamlCopy the code

Viewing Node Status

calicoctl node status
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In node-to-Node mesh mode, all nodes are in up state and routed connections are established

The node to check

Check whether all modules and kernels of the current node meet calico installation requirements

calicoctl node checksystem
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Nodes in the diagnosis of

After the diagnostic command is executed, system and Calico logs are collected and output to a file

calicoctl node diags
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This command returns an error, but the collected logs are actually fine. You can directly view the diagnostic logs in the red box directory

Check the IP pool

calicoctl get ippool
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In the initial K8S cluster, there is no specified CDIR network segment, which is by default. In addition, ipIP mode, NAT egress are enabled, and VXLAN virtual subnet mode is disabled


Ipam is an IP management module of Calico

View the total number of IP addresses and the details about assigned IP addresses

calicoctl ipam show
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View the current details of ipAM

calicoctl ipam check
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Ipam network management configuration

To release IP addresses, only the IP addresses that are not used are released. Use this command with caution

calicoctl ipam release --ip=192.1681.2.
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Allow IP address Borrowing

calicoctl ipam configure --strictaffinity=true
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Network Resource Management

Create a new network

Because calico was created by default when we installed it, it didn’t need to be touched, and there was almost no human intervention

calicoctl create -f xxx.json
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View network resource information

Filter out resources created by Calico

calicoctl get profile | grep calico
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Viewing Resource Details

calicoctl get profile projectcalico-default-allow -o json
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Replacing Network Resources

Update resources that have been created. Do not modify resources before they are configured

calicoctl replace -f xxxx2.json
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Combines the create and replace commands. Create when there are no resources, replace when there are resources. Similar to Kubectl’s Appley technology

Deleting Network Resources

With caution, the command may crash the cluster

calicoctl delete profile xxxxxx
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Look at the get

The get command can view all valid resources except node,profile, etc. If the resource is not created, the return is null

Metadata Backup

Before backing up data, the configuration file corresponding to Calicoctl must be available. In addition, lock the configuration file when exporting or importing data. Unlock the configuration file after exporting or importing data successfully.

Calicoctl default configuration file: / etc/calico/calicoctl CFG, but we are in the binary installation, in fact is not. You need to create your own

Configuration file Examples

Modify the certificate based on the certificate path

apiVersion: projectcalico.org/v3
kind: CalicoAPIConfig
  etcdEndpoints: https://etcd1:2379,https://etcd2:2379,https://etcd3:2379
  etcdKeyFile: /etc/calico/key.pem
  etcdCertFile: /etc/calico/cert.pem
  etcdCACertFile: /etc/calico/ca.pem
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Export data

calicoctl datastore migrate lock
calicoctl datastore migrate export
calicoctl datastore migrate unlock
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Data import

calicoctl datastore migrate lock
calicoctl datastore migrate import 
calicoctl datastore migrate unlock
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