This is the 10th day of my participation in The August Wenwen Challenge.

Notes for writing YAML

YAML is a compact, unmarked language.

Syntax format:

  • Indentation indicates hierarchy
  • The TAB character “TAB” is not supported. Space is used for indentation
  • Usually two Spaces are indented at the beginning
  • A character is indented by one space, such as a colon or comma
  • “–” indicates the start of a file in YAML format
  • “#” comments

1. YAML content parsing

The YAML content of deploying an application in K8S is roughly divided into two parts:

Controller definition: Defines controller properties

Controlled object: Pod template that defines container properties

Specific field meaning:

apiVersion API version
kind The resource type
metadata Resource metadata
spec Resource specification
replicas Copy number
selector Label selector
template Pod template
metadata Pod metadata
spec Pod specifications
containers The container configuration

Create pods using YAML

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: kube100-site
    app: web
    - name: front-end
      image: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
    - name: flaskapp-demo
      image: jcdemo/flaskapp
        - containerPort: 500
Copy the code

ApiVersion: the value here is v1. This version number needs to be changed depending on the installed Kubernetes version and resource type. Remember that it is not written down.

Kind: Pod is created here. The resource type can be Deployment, Job, Ingress, Service, etc.

Metadata: Contains meta information about a Pod, such as name, namespace, and tag information.

Spec: Contains some container, storage, volume, and other parameters required by Kubernetes, as well as properties such as whether to restart the container if the container fails. The complete Kubernetes Pod properties can be found in the specific Kubernetes API.

2. Resource fields too many, remember how to do?

Many students YAML can’t write! The main reason is to use less, which is due to the composition of each resource, familiar with each resource application, will naturally write, but also do not have to wait to be familiar with a variety of resources, here teach you a few skills to help quickly start.

  • Use the run command to generate a deployment template

    Kubectl create deployment nginx –image=nginx:1.14 -o yaml –dry-run> my-deploy.yaml

  • Run the get command to export the deployed yamL application

    kubectl get my-deploy/nginx -o=yaml –export > my-deploy.yaml

  • If a field word is not remembered, refer to explain for more detailed help

    kubectl explain pods.spec.containers