“K8S Ecology Weekly” mainly contains some recommended weekly information related to K8S ecology that I have come into contact with. Welcome to subscribe zhihu column “K8S Ecology”.

Released Istio v1.7.1

This is the first patch release of Istio V1.7 series. Some notable things about this update:

  • # 26625Repair theistioctl x authz checkMake it better compatible with v1beta1 AuthorizationPolicy;
  • #26617 Fixes an issue where the update to the Headless Services endpoint does not trigger any XDS attack;
  • # # 26938Fixed when usedIstioCNIremove-from-meshInit container not removed

Rook v1.4.3 release

Patch fixes some Ceph related issues and introduces some minor features:


  • # 6232Created because the Cceph-CSI driver cleans up garbage collection in some clusterscsidriverObject is no longer set for itownerRef. Mainly becausecsidriverIs a cluster-level object, and namespace level objects should not be set to itownerRef;


  • Add the storageClassDeviceSet tag to OSD Pod
  • # 6145Added for Ceph clusteruninstallMode, ifUninstallModeCR Spec is set toyes-really-uninstall-even-if-in-use, then the cluster will be directly deleted without waiting for the PVC to wait;
  • Init container will only start if Dashboard is set to true;
  • #6127 If an OSD node is down and needs to be removed from the cluster, a job will be started to clean it. If the OSD is still up, the job is rejected.

Thanos v0.15.0 release

Query Frontend is based on the Cortex Query Frontend, so they have some common features such as Splitting and Results Caching

For more information about this release, refer to its ReleaseNote

Progress in the upstream

  • # 94398Kubeadm willkube-schedulerkube-controller-managerThe API Server address in the KubeconFig configuration file points to the local API Server address. In the upgrade process, if the version of these components is inconsistent with that of the API Server, the API Server requests non-existent API addresses.
  • # 94395 kubeadm upgradeWill ensure that the ETCD manifest is regenerated regardless of whether the ETCD version has changed.

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