Issue 1: Examples of Spring Authorization Server Authorization pattern – Issue 1: Juejin (cn), wrote an example of Spring-authorization-server, for the future to write a complete project foundation

Phase 2: K8S deployed the application of the separation of the front and back ends of Spring Cloud – Phase 2 – Nuggets (Juejin. Cn). Several main modules of the project got through, and on the basis of phase 1, migrated to K8S cluster and modified part of the process

Golang wrote k8S application deployment tool – Nuggets (juejin. Cn) this system one key installation tool

Phase 3: This, the project basically finished, began to write resume.

On the basis of phase 2, gateway was connected to improve the token verification process of Gateway, and a blog project with the separation of front and back ends that I wrote in 2019 was introduced (part of it has been rewritten to adapt to the new code). Front-end interconnection authorization Server (Ingress Exposes domain names) and back-end interconnection Gateway (Service Name service discovery) are used to demonstrate the access functions of the authorization platform.

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