Java memory model

This article, the first in a series of articles on the Path to God, is an introduction to the JVM.

Ongoing update

Java memory model

JVM Memory Structure VS Java Memory Model VS Java Object Model (Hollis Original)

Send this article to the next person who asks you what the Java memory model is. (original) Hollis

How does the memory model solve the cache consistency problem? (original) Hollis

Java multithreading visibility (video) (recommended) (if the video is too slow, suggest using 1.5x speed to watch)

JSR 133: JavaTM Memory Model and Thread Specification Revision

Java Memory model FAQ

An in-depth understanding of the Java Memory model (I) — Basics

An in-depth understanding of the Java memory model (part 2) – reordering

An in-depth understanding of the Java memory model (iii) – sequential consistency

An in-depth understanding of the Java memory model (IV) — Volatile

An in-depth understanding of the Java memory model (5) — locking

An in-depth understanding of the Java memory model (vi) — final

An in-depth understanding of the Java Memory Model (VII) — Summary

Java Theory and Practice: Fixing the Java Memory Model, Part 2 (Extended reading)