Summary of JVM some classic interview questions, share my own solution ideas, I hope to help you, where you feel incorrect, welcome to point out, the subsequent free will update.
1. When can stack memory overflow occur?
Stack overflow demo: stack overflow demo: stack overflow demo: stack overflow demo
My answer:
- The stack is thread-private, and its life cycle is the same as that of a thread. Each method execution creates a stack frame, which is used to store information such as local variable table, operand stack, dynamic link, method exit, etc. The local variable table also contains basic data types, object reference types
- If the stack depth requested by the thread is greater than the maximum depth allowed by the virtual machine, StackOverflowError is thrown, resulting from a recursive call to the method.
- An OutOfMemory exception will be thrown if the Java virtual machine stack can be extended dynamically, and the extension has been attempted, but there is not enough memory to complete the extension, or there is not enough memory to create the corresponding virtual machine stack when a new thread is created. (Too many threads started)
- The -xss argument adjusts the JVM stack size
2. Detail the JVM memory model
Draw a diagram of the JVM memory model for the interviewer and describe the definition of each module, its functions, and possible problems such as stack overflow.
My answer:
- JVM memory structure
Program counter: Line number indicator of the bytecode executed by the current thread, used to record the address of the virtual machine byte instruction being executed, thread private.
Java virtual stack: Holds basic data types, references to objects, method exits, etc., thread private.
Native method stack: Similar to virtual stack, except that it serves Native methods and is thread private.
Java heap: The largest chunk of Java memory. All object instances and arrays are stored in the Java heap, where the GC collects them, and shared by threads.
Method area: stores loaded class information, constants, static variables, real-time compiler compiled code data, etc. (i.e., permanent strip), the collection target is mainly the collection of constant pool and the unloading of type, shared by each thread
3. Why should JVM memory be divided into new generation, old generation, persistent generation? Why should the new generation be divided into Eden and Survivor?
— XX:NewRatio, — XX:SurvivorRatio, SurvivorRatio, etc.
My answer:
1) Shared memory partition
Shared memory area = persistent band + heap
Persistence band = method area + others
Java heap = old + New generation
Cenozoic = Eden + S0 + S1
2) Configuration of some parameters
- By default, the ratio of Young to Old is 1:2, which can be configured using the parameter – XX:NewRatio.
- Default, Edem: from: to = 8:1:1 (can be set by parameter — XX:SurvivorRatio)
- The number of times an object in the Survivor zone is copied is 15(corresponding to the vm parameter -xx :+MaxTenuringThreshold)
3) Why Eden and Survivor? Why have two Survivor zones?
- If there is no Survivor, every time a Minor GC is performed in Eden, the surviving object is sent to the old age. The old generation fills up quickly, triggering a Major GC. The memory space of the old generation is much larger than that of the new generation, and a Full GC takes much longer than a Minor GC, so it needs to be classified into Eden and Survivor.
- Survivor exists in order to reduce the number of objects sent to the old age and thus the occurrence of Full GC. The pre-screening of Survivor guarantees that only objects that survive 16 Minor GC cycles will be sent to the old age.
- The biggest benefit of setting two Survivor zones is that fragmentation is solved. After a Minor GC is performed on the newly created object in Eden, the surviving object in Eden will be moved to the first Survivor space S0 and Eden will be emptied. When Eden is full, a Minor GC is triggered again, and the surviving objects in Eden and S0 are copied into S1, the second survivor space. (This is important because the replication algorithm ensures that the surviving objects in S1 from S0 and Eden take up contiguous memory space. Avoid fragmentation)
4. What is a complete GC flow in the JVM, and how are objects promoted to older generations
The Minor GC, Major GC, and Full GC are described in detail.
My answer:
- Java heap = old + New generation
- Cenozoic = Eden + S0 + S1
- When Eden’s space is full, the Java virtual machine fires a Minor GC to collect garbage from the new generation, and the surviving objects are moved to Survivor.
- Large objects (Java objects that require a lot of contiguous memory space, such as long strings) go straight to old age;
- If the object is born in Eden and survives the first Minor GC and is accepted by Survivor, the age is set to 1. After each Minor GC, the age is +1. If the object is older than a certain limit (15), it will be promoted to senescent state. That is, the long-lived objects enter the senile state.
- When the old age is Full and no more objects can be held, a Minor GC is usually followed by a Full GC, which cleans up the entire heap — both young and old.
- Major GC occurs in old GC, clearing old areas, often with at least one Minor GC, which is more than 10 times slower than a Minor GC.
5. You know which types of garbage collectors, their advantages and disadvantages, focusing on CMS and G1, including principles, procedures, advantages and disadvantages.
It is important to keep in mind that typical garbage collectors, especially CMS and G1, differ in their principles and garbage collection algorithms.
My answer:
1) Several garbage collectors:
- Serial collector: single-threaded collector that must stop the world and use the copy algorithm when collecting garbage.
- ParNew collector: Multithreaded version of Serial collector that also needs to stop the world, copy the algorithm.
- The Parallel Scavenge collector. The purpose of the Parallel Avenge collector is to achieve a controlled throughput. If the virtual machine runs for a total of 100 minutes, and 1 minute of garbage is spent, the throughput is 99%.
- Serial Old collector: An older version of the Serial collector, a single-threaded collector that uses a mark-collation algorithm.
- The Parallel Old Collector: An older version of the Parallel Avenge collector, which uses a multi-threaded, mark-collation algorithm.
- CMS(Concurrent Mark Sweep) collector: it is a collector whose goal is to obtain the shortest recovery pause time. Mark cleaning algorithm, operation process: initial Mark, Concurrent Mark, re-mark, Concurrent Sweep, a large amount of space debris will be generated at the end of collection.
- G1 collector: mark sorting algorithm implementation, operation process mainly includes the following: initial mark, concurrent mark, final mark, screening mark. No space debris can be created and the pause can be precisely controlled.
2) Differences between CMS collector and G1 collector:
- CMS collector is the old collector, can be used with the new generation of Serial and ParNew collectors;
- G1 collector is collected in the old age and the new generation, do not need to be combined with other collectors;
- CMS collector A collector that targets minimal pause times;
- The G1 collector can predict the pause time for garbage collection
- The CMS collector is garbage collection using the “mark-sweep” algorithm, which is prone to memory fragmentation
- The G1 collector uses a “mark-tidy” algorithm to consolidate space and reduce memory space fragmentation.
6. How much do you know about the JVM memory model, such as reordering, memory barriers, happening-before, main memory, working memory?
Volatile (volatile) : Volatile (volatile) : volatile (volatile) : volatile
My answer:
1) Java Memory model diagram:
The Java memory model stipulates that all variables are stored in the main memory, and each thread has its own working memory. The working memory of the thread stores a copy of the main memory of the variables used in the thread. All operations on variables must be carried out in the working memory of the thread, instead of reading and writing the main memory directly. Different threads cannot directly access variables in each other’s working memory, and the transfer of variables between threads requires data synchronization between their own working memory and main memory.
2) Instruction reordering.
Here, let’s take a look at some code
public class PossibleReordering {
static int x = 0, y = 0;
static int a = 0, b = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Thread one = new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run(a) {
a = 1; x = b; }}); Thread other =new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run(a) {
b = 1; y = a; }}); one.start(); other.start(); one.join(); other.join(); System.out.println(" (" + x + ", "+ y +") "); }Copy the code
The run result may be (1,0), (0,1), or (1,1), or (0,0). This is because, at actual runtime, code instructions may not be executed strictly in the order of code statements. Most modern microprocessors use out-of-order execution (OoOE or OOE), where conditions permit the execution of subsequent instructions that are currently capable of executing immediately, avoiding the wait for the data needed for the next instruction. By using out-of-order execution techniques, the processor can greatly improve execution efficiency. And that’s reordering.
3) Memory barrier
Memory barriers, also known as memory barriers, are CPU instructions used to control reordering and memory visibility problems under certain conditions.
- LoadLoad barrier: for statements such as Load1; LoadLoad; Load2: Ensure that the data to be read by Load1 is completed before the data to be read by Load2 and subsequent read operations are accessed.
- StoreStore barrier: for statements like Store1; StoreStore; Store2. Before Store2 and subsequent write operations are executed, ensure that the write operations of Store1 are visible to other processors.
- LoadStore barrier: for statements such as Load1; LoadStore; Store2, ensure that the data to be read by Load1 is completed before Store2 and subsequent write operations are flushed out.
- StoreLoad barrier: for statements like Store1; StoreLoad; Load2, ensure that writes to Store1 are visible to all processors before Load2 and all subsequent reads are executed. It is the most expensive of the four barriers. In most processor implementations, this barrier is a universal barrier that doubles as the other three memory barriers.
4) Happen -before principle
- Single-thread happen-before principle: In the same thread, the previous actions happen-before the actions that follow. Lock happens before: Unlock operation of the same lock happens before lock operation of the same lock.
- The happen-before rule for volatile: Writes to a volatile variable happen-before any operations (including writes) to that variable.
- The coincidentally -before transitivity principle: if A happens -before B, B happens -before C, then A happens -before C.
- The happen-before rule for thread starts: start methods of the same thread happen-before other methods of this thread.
- The coincidentally -before principle for thread interrupts: a call to the threadinterrupt method happens -before the code sent by the interrupted thread that detected the interrupt.
- The happen-before principle of thread termination: All operations in a thread happen-before thread termination detection.
- The happen-before principle for object creation: an object is initialized before its Finalize method is called.
7. Tell me briefly what you know about classloaders. Can they break parental delegation and how?
What is a class loader? Draw a picture for the interviewer. Explain why class loaders exist, explain the parent delegation model, and finally explain how to break the parent delegation model.
My answer:
1) What is a class loader?
The classloader simply loads a class file into JVM memory with the specified fully qualified name and turns it into a class object.
- Bootstrap ClassLoader: implemented in C++ (for HotSpot), it loads into memory libraries stored in the
\lib directory or in the path specified by the -xbootclasspath parameter.
- Other classloaders: Implemented in the Java language and inherited from the abstract ClassLoader class. Such as:
- The Extension ClassLoader is responsible for loading all libraries in the
\lib\ext directory or in the path specified by the java.ext.dirs system variable.
- The Application ClassLoader. The class loader is responsible for loading specified libraries on the user’s classpath, and we can use this class loader directly. In general, if we don’t have a custom class loader this is the default.
2) Parental delegation model
The working process of parental delegation model is as follows:
If a classloader receives a class-loading request, it first does not attempt to load the class itself, but delegates the request to the parent classloader. This is true for every classloader, and only if the parent cannot find the specified class in its search scope (that is, ClassNotFoundException) will the child loader attempt to load it itself.
Parental delegation model diagram:
3) Why do we need the parental delegation model?
Java.lang.Object, java.lang.String, and put it in the ClassPath. The comparison between the classes and the uniqueness of the classes are not guaranteed. Why do we need the parental delegation model? Prevents multiple copies of the same bytecode from appearing in memory
4) How to break the parental delegation model?
To break the parent delegate mechanism, you not only inherit the ClassLoader class, but also override the loadClass and findClass methods.
8. Describe the main JVM parameters you know
Stack configuration related, garbage collector related, and ancillary information related.
My answer:
1) Stack configuration is relevant
java -Xmx3550m -Xms3550m -Xmn2g -Xss128k
-XX:MaxPermSize=16m -XX:NewRatio=4 -XX:SurvivorRatio=4 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=0
Copy the code
-Xmx3550m: The maximum heap size is 3550m.
-Xms3550m: Sets the initial heap size to 3550m.
-Xmn2g: Sets the size of the young generation to 2g.
-Xss128k: The stack size of each thread is 128K.
-xx :MaxPermSize: Set the persistent generation size to 16 MB
-xx :NewRatio=4: Sets the ratio of the young generation (including Eden and two Survivor zones) to the old generation (excluding persistent generation).
-xx :SurvivorRatio=4: Sets the size ratio of Eden zone to Survivor zone in the young generation. If set to 4, the ratio of two Survivor zones to one Eden zone is 2:4, and one Survivor zone accounts for 1/6 of the whole young generation
-xx :MaxTenuringThreshold=0: Set the maximum garbage age. If set to 0, the young generation object passes through the Survivor zone and goes directly to the old generation.
2) Garbage collector correlation
-XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction=5 - XX: + UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection:Copy the code
-xx :+UseParallelGC: Selects the garbage collector as a parallel collector.
-xx :ParallelGCThreads=20: Number of threads to configure the parallel collector
-xx :+UseConcMarkSweepGC: Enables concurrent collection for the elderly user.
– XX: CMSFullGCsBeforeCompaction: as the concurrent collector wrong memory space is compressed, sorting, so run after a period of time will produce “fragments”, results in lower operation efficiency. This value sets the number of GC runs after which the memory space is compressed and collated.
– XX: + UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection: open to the compression of old generation. Performance may be affected, but fragmentation can be eliminated
3) Correlation of auxiliary information
Copy the code
-xx :+PrintGC output form:
[GC 118250K->113543K, 0.0094143 secs] [GC 121376K->10414K, 0.0650971 secs]
-xx :+PrintGCDetails
[GC [DefNew: 8614K->781K(9088K), 0.0123035 secs] 118250K->113543K(130112K), 0.0124633 secs] [GC [DefNew: 8614K->781K(9088K), 0.0123035 secs] 8614 k – > 8614 k (9088 k), 0.0000665 secs] [Tenured: 112761K->10414K(121024K), 0.0433488 secs] 121376K->10414K(130112K), 0.0436268 secs
9. How to display thread stack information.
JPS, top, jstack
My answer:
- Enter JPS to get the process number.
- Top-hp PID Obtains the CPU time performance of all threads in the process
- The jstack pid command displays the stack status of the current Java process
- Or jstack -l > / TMP /output.txt prints the stack information to a TXT file.
- You can locate it using the FastThread stack, /
10. Strong reference, soft reference, weak reference, virtual reference difference?
ThreadLocalMap defines the four types of references, either in code or by extending the use of weak references in ThreadLocalMap.
My answer:
1) Strong references
Object obj = new Object(); Even in the case of running OutOfMemory, the JVM would rather throw an OutOfMemory error than reclaim this object.
2) Soft references
If an object has only soft references, there is enough memory for the garbage collector not to reclaim it; If you run out of memory, the objects are reclaimed.
SoftReference<String> softRef=new SoftReference<String>(str); / / soft referencesCopy the code
Usefulness: Soft references have important practical applications, such as the browser back button. When you press Back, is the content of the page displayed on the back page rerequested or retrieved from the cache? It depends on the implementation strategy.
(1) If a web page is recycled at the end of browsing, then click back to view the previous browsing page, need to rebuild
(2) If the browsing web pages are stored in memory, it will cause a large amount of memory waste, and even cause memory overflow
The following code:
Browser prev = new Browser(); SoftReference sr = new SoftReference(prev); // Set it to a soft reference after browsingif(sr.get()! =null){ rev = (Browser) sr.get(); // Not yet collected by collector, directly fetched}else{ prev = new Browser(); // Sr = new SoftReference(prev) is reclaimed because of insufficient memory. // rebuild}Copy the code
3) Weak references
Objects with weak references have a shorter lifetime. When the garbage collector thread scans the memory area under its control, once it finds an object with only weak references, it reclaims its memory regardless of whether the current memory space is sufficient.
String str=new String("abc"); WeakReference<String> abcWeakRef = new WeakReference<String>(str); str=null; Equivalent to STR = null; System.gc();Copy the code
4) Virtual references
If an object holds only virtual references, it can be collected by the garbage collector at any time, just as if there were no references at all. Virtual references are mainly used to track the activity of objects being collected by the garbage collector.
11. To be updated
Reference and thanks
- Why there are two new generation memory need Survivor area…
- The JVM memory model, instruction rearrangement, and resolution of memory barriers:…
- Principle of Java 8 big happen – before super comprehensive explanation…
- The JVM parameter configuration of…
- Java’s strong reference, weak references, soft references, virtual reference…
- In-depth Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine
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