I remember in my internship job search, an interviewer asked me about JVM tuning, and it was like, Do you know anything about JVM tuning? I said I didn’t know much about it, and the interviewer said to me, you, the interviewer, can learn about it, the JVM can be tuned, and it will work better. At the time, I didn’t understand why the JVM was tuning, and I was wondering if some of the JVM’s parameters weren’t set properly in the first place. But I think the JVM has been around for so long that there was even this problem in the first place? And it hasn’t been resolved yet?
Is it possible that the poor performance of the JVM is not the fault of the JVM, but of the poor quality of the code written by the programmer? Then I looked it up: Does a typical Java project need JVM tuning? In most cases, the JVM does not need to be tuned, but sometimes programmers write programs that perform poorly, and the JVM is not entirely to blame.
Why learn about the JVM?
Locate the problem. It is possible that the system is not performing well, but we can’t immediately figure out where the program is not written well, so we need to diagnose the JVM to see what the problem is. To make a diagnosis, you need to first understand the JVM. This is not for beginners of Java, and it will confuse you. So what exactly do we know about the JVM? The first is the runtime partitioning (to be distinguished from the JMM), the second is the garbage collector and garbage collection algorithm, and the third is the JVM monitoring tool. From this, we can diagnose the JVM and locate problems.
In fact, I have written similar articles before, but this time to do an overall discussion, more systematic.
JVM runtime area
This was also the subject of my first blog post on how the MEMORY that the JVM requests from the operating system at runtime is divided. Which is this article:
- Do you only know heap and stack for the JVM?
In this video, we’re going to go over these concepts again, more systematically, more comprehensively, and I’m going to talk about stacks and heaps when I watch videos, but I’m not going to do that. Because for JVM, there are HotSpot VM produced by Oracle, TaobaoVM produced by Taobao, Bi Sheng JDK produced by Huawei, many well-known computer manufacturers have their own customized JDK. Will these changes lead to different versions of the Java language? What about the effect of Java write once run everywhere feature? In Java and the answer is not, there is a thing called the JVM specification, described above if you want to customize the JDK, magic to change the JVM, then also please in within the scope of this change, if wild magic to change the JDK, many mature open source framework on it may not be able to customize in your JDK run successfully, in order to ensure that all manufacturers custom JDK at the same time, Without affecting the Java write once, run everywhere feature, Oracle introduced the JVM specification, as long as you do not violate the specification, do not affect the bytecode operation, outside the specification, run your own custom.
When I write here, I suddenly think of a question that one of my classmates asked me when I was in college. Why do I define interfaces and let classes implement them? Why don’t I just write them in the class? I used is another example, introduced the use of the interface, if be the team to have a function that you complete, the function complete, with interface when the time comes somebody else just call your interface, don’t need to care about the specific implementation, it can effectively realize the decoupling, we can understand the interface as the specification, agreed when the time comes to implement this method. It’s true that interfaces are more like specifications, because you’re not going to write the implementation classes.
JVM specification address:
- Docs.oracle.com/javase/spec…
Now it’s 15, because the JDK is 15. This time we are looking at JDK8, and from JDK11, the RUNTIME area of the JVM is basically unchanged. The same JVM specification also imposes constraints on runtime areas, like interfaces, and the corresponding virtual machine implements the specifications, like implementation classes. The JVM specification specifies that the JVM runtime region has the following sections:
- The PC Register program counter
- Java Virtual Machine Stacks
- Heap Heap
- Method Area Method Area
- Run-time Constant Pool Specifies the Constant Pool at runtime
- Native Method Stacks
The latest JDK15 is also divided in this way, it seems that it has not been adjusted. There are adjustments, but the specification still divides the runtime region into these regions. However, different virtual machines seem to have different implementations, such as using HotSpot VM, the most widely used, to test in IDEA:
If you test any main function, you’ll see the console output the following:
A Heap is a Meta Space. Does HotSpot add another run-time region to the specification? No, this is actually a method area implementation. In HotSpot 1.6, the method area implementation is a permanent generation and also within the scope of garbage collection, as opposed to the young generation and the old generation. Version 1.7 moved the string constant pool to the heap. Version 1.8 completely removed the implementation of persistent generation and implemented method sections in MetaSpace. So why does the HotSpot VIRTUAL machine remove the persistent generation and implement the method area instead with the metadata area? Note that we mentioned the HotSpot VIRTUAL machine above. In fact, there were many early versions of the virtual machine, not 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8, but various implementations of the JVM by various vendors. We usually use the JVM provided by Oracle, the full name should be HotSpot JVM. There’s JRockit, there’s IBM JVM, There’s Apache Harmony, and on top of Harmony, Google developed Dalvik.
Then Oracle bought Sun and started to rule the world by integrating HotSpot and JRokit. The integration must be the integration of their respective strengths. JRokit doesn’t have a permanent implementation and it works fine. So what exactly is the method area used to store information? The JVM specification also specifies the information stored in the Method area: metadata for classes and methods, and constant pools such as Class and Method. Whenever a class is first loaded, its metadata is placed in the method area. Permanent generation size is limited, too much before 1.8 class loading, the permanent generation memory Settings May result in permanent generation permanent overflow, namely the evil Java. Lang. OutOfMemoryError: PermGen, we have to according to the actual situation to adjust the size of the permanent generation. In JRokit is not the concept of permanent generation, and running well, there won’t be annoying. Java lang. OutOfMemoryError: PermGen. inJEP 122: Remove the Permanent GenerationThe reason for removing the permanent generation and replacing it with a Meta Space is still clear. If you are interested, please refer to this draft. There is little information about the metadata area, and only the Oracle Java Virtual Machine specification and Oracle Blog have the following descriptions:
In JDK 8, classes metadata is now stored in the native heap and this space is called Metaspace.
The metadata area of a class is stored in the local heap, called the meta-space.
The default size of the local heap is limited only by the local memory. Roughly speaking, the amount of memory left in the local heap is limited. If the local memory is not enough, I will apply to the operating system again (most operating systems have virtual memory). We can specify this by -xx :MaxMetaspaceSize. In addition, by default the JVM adjusts the MaxMetaspaceSize size dynamically based on the runtime profile. If the Metaspace footprint reaches the set maximum, a GC is triggered to collect loaders for dead objects and classes. Due to the nature of JDK 8, both G1 and CMS do a good job of collecting Metaspace sections (usually with Full GC).
The main object of the garbage collector is the heap. Different garbage collectors divide the heap into different types. Under JDK8, add -xx :+PrintGCDetails:
-xx :+PrintGCDetails
- The PSYoungGen Avenge the Young Generation.
- This area is preferentially used for the memory space applied for when creating objects
After garbage collection, the surviving objects in Eden Space will be moved To Survivor space, which is divided into two areas: To Survivor and From Survivor. The space size of the two areas is the same. When the young generation triggers garbage collection, objects that are still alive in Eden Space are placed into the empty survivor area (usually to Space), and objects that cannot be collected From another survivor area (From Space) are also placed into to Space. Then “To Space” and “From Space” switch identities. After the young generation triggers the GC, it calculates a tenuring threshold (when the object is moved to the old age after the promotion threshold is reached) and the size of the age regions, and resizes them as appropriate. When Eden Space is fully occupied and garbage collection is triggered, it happens that the To Space is not enough To hold objects that will survive the Eden Space and From Space garbage collection. From the perspective of the JVM, this can be avoided by increasing the threshold, but there is no guarantee.
- from space
- to space
- ParOldGen Parallel Old (Parallel Avenge)
- object space
- Metaspace dimension
Add -xx :+PrintGCDetails to VM Options and see how the output differs from that of JDK8:The –XX:+PrintGCDetails parameter is outdated in JDK 11. We recommend that we use -xlog :gc* instead. Then you find that the output looks completely different from JDK8 except for Metaspace. This is because the default Garbage Collector used in JDK 11 is G1(garbage-First Garbage Collector), which uses the concept of regions to manage memory and divides the heap into equal size partitions:
Old space is called old space (this is my name), Eden(young generation area), Survivor area, Humongous(large object area), when the size of the object is equal to half of the Region, the object will be assigned to this area. Belong to the elderly area). With this in mind, we can see the GC parameters printed below JDK 11. The default partition size is 1M. G1 is available in JDK6u14 and in JDK7u4. In JDK8, you can specify the use of the G1 garbage collector by -xx :+UseG1GC.
To emphasize, some incorrect sources refer to heap, stack, and the like as the JMM Java Memory Model (JMM). In short, the Java memory model is a specification designed to address concurrent programming issues across platforms.
To summarize
By now we have a clear understanding of the JVM runtime region division. Prior to JDK8, the JVM runtime region was:
- The PC Register program counter
- Java Virtual Machine Stacks
- Permanent generation (Method Area)
- Run-time Constant Pool Run-time Constant Pool (in the permanent generation
- Native Method Stacks
- Heap heap
- The young generation
- Eden Space
- To Space
- From Space
- Old generation
- The young generation
- The permanent generation
After JDK8, the permanent generation was removed in favor of the meta space, and the memory partition in the heap was dependent on the garbage collector chosen, G1(JDK9 became the default garbage collector) and ZGC(JDK 11 introduced, JDK15’s default garbage collector), Shenandoah GC(introduced in JDK12) weaken the concept of generation and use partitions to manage memory. As of JDK 16, except for the above three partitioned garbage collectors, all garbage collectors use generational memory management.
The permanent generation is not in the heap, but is physically contiguous with the heap. After JDK8, if you choose generational garbage collector:
If you choose a partition garbage collector, such as G1, then Java runtime partitioning looks like this:
The heap is the main area of concern for the garbage collector. Objects also allocate memory primarily on the heap, which means that objects can also allocate memory outside the heap. This is not the subject of this article, but you can refer to the following two articles:
- Are Java class objects allocated memory on the heap?
- Please, stop saying that Java objects are allocated on the heap!
Runs the garbage collector. Calling the gc method suggests that the Java Virtual Machine expend effort toward recycling unused objects in order to make the memory they currently occupy available for quick reuse. When control returns from the method call, the Java Virtual Machine has made a best effort to reclaim space from all discarded objects. Calling the garbage collector. Calling this GC method means that the JVM will put some effort into collecting unwanted objects to reduce memory footprint, and when the method returns, the JVM will do its best to reclaim memory from unwanted objects.
Note the best effort here, which means doing nothing, that the Hot Spot studied in this article, like other JVMS, defaults to GC as soon as the method is called and waits for the method to return when the GC is complete. However, there are exceptions to this rule. ZGC does not support triggering through system.gc (), even if it calls System.gc(). As of JDK17(no new garbage collector proposals are seen in JDK17), other garbage collectors can trigger gc via system.gc ().
The finalize () method
If an object implements a Finalize () method, that method will be called during the collection phase of the object. Note that the JVM only manages memory for us. This includes allocating and freeing resources, such as out-of-heap memory (mainly used by zero-copy and NIO), file handles, sockets, etc., which must be managed manually by the programmer. Java provides Finalize () to allow users to register a callback method called Finalize () to customize the behavior of GC cleaning objects. In java.io.FileInputStream, Finalize () is overwritten to release the corresponding file handle resources. JDK 8 onwards this method was marked as obsolete, replaced by Cleaner. For a discussion, see:
- The new version of Java will scrap Object.Finalize () and add a new java.lang.ref.cleaner
Into the GC
Garbage Collection: Garbage Collection. When an object in the heap is deemed useless by the JVM, the Garbage collector in the JVM reclaims the memory of that object and cleans up its instance data. It can be seen from the above that garbage collection can be divided into two parts, one is how to define garbage, the other is how to recycle garbage. If we will be the memory for a room, the user program can be understood as the users of the room, garbage collector is the clean room, inferred from the common sense, in when you were young, my mother give you clean the room, basic is suspended the right to use your room for a period of time, and then let you to use again, This is The Stop-the-world of The Java World, where The JVM suspends The user thread at some point in garbage collection and waits for that phase to end before resuming The user thread.
How to define garbage
Reference counting method
The reference calculation method holds the number of references to an object by allocating a space in its header. If the object is referenced by another object, its reference count is increased by one. If a reference to the object is deleted, its reference count is decreased by one. When the reference count to the object is zero, the object is considered junk.
Object object = new Object();
Copy the code
Assuming that object points to an object at an address of 0xAaff666, we say that an object stored in address 0xAaff666 has a reference to object. Then set object to NULL. Objects at the address 0xAaff666 are considered garbage. Instead of having to suspend the entire application until all objects in the heap have been processed, the algorithm spreads garbage collection over the entire application. So garbage collection using reference algorithms is not strictly a stop-the-world garbage collection mechanism. The main reason this algorithm was abandoned was because it could not solve the circular reference problem, as follows:
public class GcDemo {
public Object instance;
public static void main(String[] args) {
GcDemo a = new GcDemo();
GcDemo b = new GcDemo();
a.instance = b;
b.instance = a;
a = null;
b = null; }}Copy the code
Suppose a previously pointed to address 0xfffa and B to address 0xffFb. So even if A is set to null, then instance of an object at the address 0xffFA still points to 0xFFFb, and instance of an object at the address oxffFb points to 0xFFFA. Something like this:
From this we introduce the garbage determination algorithm reachability analysis algorithm used in Java.
Accessibility analysis algorithm
The basic idea of Reachability Analysis is to search down the path known as the Reference Chain from some Gc Roots objects as seven points. When an object is not connected to gc Roots by any reference chain (that is, unreachable from the GC Roots node), the object is proved to be unavailable. Which objects can be used as GC roots? In the Java language, there are several types of objects that can be used as GC roots (see Eclipse heap analysis for details):
- The object referenced in the virtual machine stack (the local variable table in the stack frame)
- Class static variable reference object
- The object referenced by the class constant
- Objects referenced in JNI’s native method stack
- The global object in JNI
- Object used by a living thread
The basic unit of storage is the stack frame. Each time a method is called, a stack frame is added to the stack frame. We can understand that the stack frame stores the necessary information for the method to execute.
Based on this thinking, the circular reference problem was solved, we know that the program was based on the method of the basic execution unit, a method is a basic execution unit, Java is also starting from the main method, we now come to combined with concrete example look at the accessibility analysis algorithm is how to solve the problem of circular references:
private static void testGC(a) {
GcDemo a = new GcDemo();
GcDemo b = new GcDemo();
a.instance = b;
b.instance = a;
Copy the code
After testGC() is executed, objects a and B point to are no longer GC Roots, so they can be marked as garbage. So why can these objects be GC Roots, and what’s special about these objects? If these objects are marked as garbage and collected by the garbage collector, it will affect the normal execution of the program. When a JVM calls a method, it creates a stack frame for that method, and if the object corresponding to that stack frame is recycled, the method cannot execute. The same goes for class-static variables and constants, which methods use at run time.
How to recycle garbage
If you are rich and you don’t want to tidy your room, you hire a housekeeper to clean your room. If the housekeeper is skilled at picking up the garbage, she will mark the garbage area with stickers and then remove the garbage. So the housekeeping uses a mark-clear algorithm. The problems existing in the domestic is the space utilization rate is not high, the room has a lot of small space, and then you have a large object, oh, no, is a large furniture wants to moved in, you carefully calculated, found that these together enough free space, but the space is not connected together, can’t move the furniture to come in, so you have made a room.
To avoid this situation, you let the housekeeping in a clean strategy, domestic cut your room for the two areas, using only one piece at a time, and then use the need of that piece of garbage collection, garbage collection, the rest of the articles for daily use to move to another, so to buy other articles for daily use, avoids the clearly feel the room, But there’s just no room for awkward questions. But pretty soon you have a new problem, and the utilization of the room goes down, because your house is 160 square meters, and with this housekeeping strategy, you have to go to 80 square meters. This is the tag copy algorithm.
Soon you become uncomfortable with this strategy, and you ask the housekeeper to clean the room after each cleaning. However, you will soon notice the discomfort. You are a very clean person and need to clean once an hour, because your necessities change frequently and housekeeping is slow. This housekeeping uses a mark-collation (also known as mark-compression) algorithm.
So you are smart enough to quickly start to tell my aunt, divide the room, which area carries out the marking – clear strategy, which area carries out the marking – copy strategy, which area carries out the marking – tidy strategy.
Introduction to garbage collector
Prior to JDK 1.3, the Serial GC was the only option, and the garbage collector was single-threaded, which meant that both the mark and sweep phases required the entire JVM to be suspended. This is also a generational garbage collector, with the new generation using tag copying and the old using tag collation algorithms. As time went on, Serial GC no longer met the needs of the server side. Java began to convert Serial to parallel processing. Java changed Serial to parallel processing, which is called ParNew. This garbage collector has less information). The JVM provides two parameters to control the throughput of the application insane and Parallel Insane if you are interested in the throughput of your system (application run time/application run time +GC time).
- -xx :MaxGCPauseMillis: controls the maximum garbage collection pause time, a number of milliseconds greater than 0
- -xx :GCTimeRatio: Sets the throughput. The value is an integer between 0 and 100
This is also a double-edged knife. It does not mean that the lower you set the JVM’s garbage collection pause time, if that is the case, then the JVM will not supply parameters to the outside world. Because the time reduction in GC is achieved by tuning down the young generation, if the tuning is too small, the collection frequency is greatly increased and throughput goes down. For discussion, see this article:
- The JVM Insane and the Parallel Old garbage collector
A Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) collector is a collector whose goal is to obtain a minimum collection pause time. This is because when the CMS collector works, the GC worker thread and the user thread can execute concurrently to reduce the collection pause time. The CMS collector can only be used for old-time collections and is based on a marker clearing algorithm.
Before G1, ZGC, Shenandoah came along, assuming that the JDK’s default garbage collector didn’t meet our needs, we needed to choose the appropriate combination of garbage collectors based on the business:
- Serial GC(different versions for different generations)
- ParNew(tag copy) + CMS(tag clean) GC
- Parallel Scavenge + Parallel Old
As a developer, my vision is can I write code without having to focus on so many parameters? Soon G1, ZGC, Shenandoah appeared to meet my needs, no need to choose, excellent performance (this seems to be a bit controversial, after all, there is no silver bullet, on-demand selection is the right theory), fewer parameters. G1: Garbage First uses the concept of partitioning to manage heap memory, designed to “collect as much Garbage as possible First,” with the goal of minimizing the pauses associated with processing very large heaps. So instead of waiting for memory to run out (like Serial or Parallel) or running out of memory (like the CMS garbage collector), G1 uses an internal heuristic algorithm to find regions with high collection benefits in the past. ZGC is a low-latency garbage collector from JDK11(Linux only). It is designed to:
- The pause time does not exceed 10ms
- The pause time does not increase with the size of the heap, or with the size of the active objects
- Support for 8MB-4TB heaps (16TB in the future)
Shenandoah GC: With the introduction of JDK 12, Shenandoah’s pause times are similar to ZGC’s, with an average pause duration of 10ms, while ZGC’s average pause duration is 1ms, with a maximum of 10ms, but throughput is reduced.
The Full GC and Mirror GC
The action of the JVM to reclaim the memory of an object can be divided into two main categories:
- Partial GC: A pattern that does not collect the entire heap
- Young GC: Only GC of the Young generation is collected
- Old GC: Collects only GCS of the Old generation. Only CMS concurrent collection when this mode
- Mixed GC: Collects GCS for the entire young generation and part of the old generation. Only the G1 has this mode.
- Full GC: Collects the entire heap, including all parts of the young generation, the old generation, the permanent generation (which is removed by JDK8 if it exists), and so on.
The Major GC is usually equivalent to the Full GC, collecting the entire GC heap, but since Hotspot VM has been around for so many years, the interpretation of terms has become completely confusing. When someone asks you XX GC, be sure to ask what they mean.
GC trigger condition
As discussed above, each young GC triggers the condition that Eden is full. The CMS GC only collects older generations, which is triggered when the usage ratio of older generations exceeds a certain value. G1 triggers when the heap usage ratio exceeds a certain value.
Reference types
In Java, where everything is in the object-oriented world, there are two types of data types, basic and reference. Reference types are the main object of concern for garbage memory collection. Reference types can also be classified into strong reference (Object Object = new Object()), SoftReference (WeakReference), and virtual reference (PhantomReference).
Strong reference
In general, the most common way we create objects in Java is like this:
Object object = new Object();
Copy the code
Object stores the address of an object in the heap. We also call object pointing to new Object(). New Object() produces an Object that has a reference to it, Object. We call this type of reference a strong reference type. Strongly referenced object invalidation generally occurs in two ways:
- End of life cycle
That is, when it is clear that the object is no longer being used, the object is waiting to be collected by the GC. Many sources on the web will say that the JVM will never reclaim memory for objects that are strongly referenced, that is, created in new mode. If a method returns void, and the method is called repeatedly, memory is occupied, and not freed, then the JVM will be OOM. This does not happen with the JVM because it is wrong to say that strongly referenced objects will not be recycled even after OOM. But the blogs on the Internet are basically copied from each other, one wrong, that is all wrong. Let’s verify the above statement:
public class JVMDemo { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { testGC(); } System.out.println("--------------------------"); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(10); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); } private static void testGC() throws InterruptedException { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024 * 1024 * 10]; }}Copy the code
Let’s start by limiting heap memory with JVM parameters. My computer has 16 GIGABytes of memory, so garbage collection can be difficult.
- Add -xx :+PrintGCDetails(tells JVM to print garbage collection information when garbage collection is collected) -XMx128m (maximum heap available size is 128M) -xMS64m (heap starting memory is 64M), -xx :+PrintHeapAtGC: Prints memory usage of the heap before collection.
Output result:
This is enough to prove that many bloggers are wrong about strong reference types and that the JVM will never reclaim their memory at any time. How can you prove that the testGC() method is responsible for the printed GC information? Quite simply, we can comment out calls to testGC() in the for loop. You will notice that GC information will not be printed. This story tells us that to understand the combination of theory and practice, online blogs should have the ability to discriminate in their own, because they may be wrong. Because in the writing object when the recycling is also turned over a pile of data, found that all say different, there are a lot of problems. Fortunately, I finally found some reliable data:
- Java object life cycle
- Reference types, object reachability, and recycling in Java
- The Truth About Garbage Collection
An introduction to the life cycle of an object
Roughly speaking, the life of an object looks like this:
- Created Creation phase
For new, memory is allocated on the heap and the variable is initialized.
- In Use Phase
Object Object = new Object(); The object that comes out of new is held by Object.
- Invisible The Invisible stage
Even if strong references hold objects, but those references are local variables, they enter this phase, which is not necessary, like the following:
private void run(a) {
try {
Object object = new Object();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Object is visible in the try. So when I get to this point,
// The object to which the object is pointing enters the invisible phase
System.out.println("hello world");
Copy the code
- Unreachable phase
An object in the unreachable phase is a state in which the object is no longer reachable by any strongly referenced reference chain by GC Roots. Later, WE’ll talk about GC Roots with the reachability algorithm (which deals with how to determine that an object is garbage).
- Collected Phase
An object enters the “collection phase” when the garbage collector finds that the object is in the unreachable phase and the garbage collector is ready to reallocate the object’s memory space. If the object has overridden the Finalize () method and has not been executed, then the operation of the finalize() method is executed. If the Finalize method has already been executed, the object goes directly to the finalization phase. Finalize () method can be regarded as the self-help of objects to some extent, although in some sense, it is rather weak and there are still many problems. In JDK8 and above, the method has been marked as outdated.
- The end of the 1600s
When an object completes the finalize() method and remains unreachable, the object enters the finalization phase. At this stage, wait for the garbage collector to reclaim the object space. Note that waiting, waiting to be collected by the garbage collector, means that the object failed to save itself.
- Deallocated redistribution stage
This is the last stage of garbage collection, and if the object is judged unreachable through the above stage, then the memory space occupied by the object is a candidate for reallocation. Whether the memory space is emptied or reallocation, and when it occurs, depends on the specific virtual machine implementation.
Add in the Servlet life cycle, the thread life cycle, and the class life cycle, and you have just four of Java’s four life cycles.
Soft references
Depending on JVM memory: If there is enough memory, GC will not randomly reclaim soft reference objects; If the JVM runs out of memory, the GC proactively reclaims soft reference objects. Often used as a cache. Is there a parameter to control how much memory is insufficient? As we have seen above, different garbage collections trigger garbage collection at different times. As I used the JDK’s default Parallel Recycling test, the memory ran out and the soft references weren’t recycled. This makes me curious about the above statement: The JVM is running out of memory and the GC is actively collecting soft reference objects. I wonder if it is due to multithreading. The garbage collector thread has not even started working, and the thread causing the memory leak has already crashed the JVM. Then I looked at SoftRefeence’s notes:
All soft references to softly-reachable objects are guaranteed to have been cleared before the virtual machine throws an OutOfMemoryError. Otherwise no constraints are placed upon the time at which a soft reference will be cleared or the order in which a set of such references to different objects will be cleared. Virtual machine implementations are, however, encouraged to bias against clearing recently-created or recently-used soft references.
Prior to OOM, the JVM guarantees that all soft reference objects will be removed, but there is no limit to which soft reference objects are reclaimed or in what order. Virtual machine implementations tend to delete the latest created or used SoftReference.
After doing some research, I found that the lack of memory is not only related to the available memory, but also related to time. The JVM website I look up to such a parameter: – XX: SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB. The parameters are described as follows:
Soft references are kept alive longer in the server virtual machine than in the client. The rate of clearing can be controlled with the command line option -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=, which specifies the number of milliseconds a soft reference will be kept alive (once it is no longer strongly reachable) for each megabyte of free space in the heap. The default value is 1000 ms per megabyte, which means that a soft reference will survive (after the last strong reference to the object has been collected) for 1 second for each megabyte of free space in the heap. Note that this is an approximate figure since soft references are cleared only during garbage collection, which may occur sporadically. Soft references in the JVM server mode of survival time is longer than the survival time of the client, can clear speed – XX: SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB
This specifies how long a soft reference in the heap has lived per MB of memory, in milliseconds. The default parameter is 1 second. SoftReference Overview:The get method is used to get the corresponding reference object. Example:
class SoftObject {}public class SoftReferenceDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SoftReference<SoftObject> softRef = new SoftReference<>(new SoftObject());
List<Byte[]> byteList = new ArrayList<>();
while (true) {
if (softRef.get() == null) {
System.out.println("Soft reference object has been reclaimed.....");
} else {
byteList.add(new Byte[1024 * 1024]); }}}}Copy the code
The IDEA is specified in the VM Options, – XX: SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB = 0. Then it comes out quickly: the soft reference object has been reclaimed…… Note that memory is limited by -xms and -xmx.
A weak reference
The corresponding class is WeakReference, which is characterized by the fact that as long as GC is executed, weak references will definitely be reclaimed.
public class WeakReferenceDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
WeakReference<MyObject> weakReference = new WeakReference<>(new MyObject());
System.out.println(weakReference.get() == null ? "Has been recycled." : "Not recycled");
// Let the GC thread execute
System.out.println(weakReference.get() == null ? "Has been recycled." : "Not recycled"); }}Copy the code
Output result:
Phantom reference
Corresponding PhantomReference classes, generally not used alone, generally and reference queue (ava) lang. Ref. ReferenceQueue) are used together. When gc collects an object and finds that the object still has a virtual reference, it puts the virtual reference into the reference queue and then (when the virtual reference is out of the queue) reclaims the object. Therefore, we can use the virtual reference implementation to do some additional operations before the object is GC.Sample code:
class MyObject{}public class PhantomReferenceDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
MyObject myObject = new MyObject();
ReferenceQueue<MyObject> myObjectReferenceQueue = new ReferenceQueue<>();
// Reference object + reference queue
PhantomReference<MyObject> phantomReference = new PhantomReference<>(myObject,myObjectReferenceQueue);
myObject = null;
// let GC execute
System.out.println("The GC to perform...");
// Print the corresponding reference objectSystem.out.println(myObjectReferenceQueue.poll()); }}Copy the code
When the object referenced by the virtual reference implements finalize method, the enqueueing time will be delayed.
When we talk about JVM tuning
After the discussion above, we can talk about JVM tuning. My original understanding of tuning was a bit problematic. I thought it was fine, and then it worked even better. But what happens is that the JVM doesn’t run as well as it should, and then we see what’s wrong with the JVM. In most cases, it’s not the JVM’s garbage collection, it’s the programming that’s wrong, and we diagnose the JVM and see what’s wrong. But there are also special cases, that is, really need to adjust (big data field needs this), but also can not blind tuning, we need to analyze the operation of the program, comprehensive to give the best parameters, but not clear about the situation began to jump, all called blind tuning.
A memory leak
The common reason why JVMS don’t perform as well as they should is because of memory leaks. I used to think of memory leaks as destructors like C++. I don’t understand why Java has memory leaks, but the definition of a memory leak is:
A Memory Leak refers to a program that fails to release or release dynamically allocated heap Memory for some reason, resulting in a waste of system Memory, slowing down the program and even crashing the system. — Baidu Encyclopedia
So by definition, Java still has memory leaks. A typical scenario is if you have a large table, do a full table scan, return to Java and generate a large object, and then generate it frequently. Once large objects are generated (garbage collectors other than the ZGC, Shenandoah GC, and G1 are time-consuming), a GC is triggered if memory runs out, and a memory leak occurs.
JVM monitoring tool -MAT
Java has been around for a long time, and there are many diagnostic tools, such as JVisualVM, JConsole, etc., but here are the simple, user-friendly, and free ones. MAT from Eclipse, my favorite JVM memory analysis tool, can easily diagnose memory leaks. Download address:www.eclipse.org/downloads/d…After downloading:
Typically, we export the dump file into the VM with the suffix hprof file for analysis. Jmap-dump :format=b,file= Process NUMBER of the file location
Then we start the export hprof file and import MAT for analysis.
To summarize
This is an overview of the JVM series, covering the whole world. Basically around JVM tuning, I think JVM tuning is like treating a JVM, the dump tool is the output report, MAT is the analysis tool.
The resources
- Delve into the JVM road Metaspace |
- Java 8: From PermGen to Metaspace
- What is the difference between a Major GC and a Full GC? What are the trigger conditions?
- Ali P8 Technical officer: For Java developers, it is really important to understand the GC logs of the JVM
- Why use a single-threaded full GC when a Concurrent mode failure occurs in the CMS GC?
- Look at jdK1.8, the default garbage collector used by the JVM
- JVM memory area details (Eden Space, Survivor Space, Old Gen, Code Cache, and Perm Gen)
- Allocation Failure (GC) causes some JVM points to be sorted out
- When the Eden space of the JVM is full and s0 space is full, what will happen if there are still living objects in Eden space?
- Seven JVM garbage collector features, pros and cons, and usage scenarios
- Some key technologies for the Java Hotspot G1 GC
- Probably the most comprehensive G1 study notes
- Java HotSpot VM Options
- The JVM parameter
- JDK11 official document
- G1: One Garbage Collector To Rule Them All
- Petra Ragnar Reaches up to 1 billion garbage collectors
- Cutting edge practice: How has the garbage collector evolved? Ali technology
- Shenandoah GC: a new concurrent compressed garbage collector from JDK12
- Using MAT to analyze JVM memory Problems, from Beginner to Master (ii)
- MAT from Entry to Mastery (I)
- The interviewer why use yuan | JVM space to replace the permanent generation?
- Configure common MEMORY parameters for the JVM
- JVM practice: GC log parsing
- What is the independent meaning of the JVM parameter Xms relative to Xmx, and are there drawbacks if Xms = Xmx is forced?
- 2021-2-28: What exactly happens after system.gc () is called?
- The system.gc () call is not the same as what I saw in the Java book.
- Java object life cycle
- Garbage Collection Roots
- WeakReference vs. SoftReference
- JVM G1 (garbage-First Garbage Collector
- Java JVM Stack Frames
- Classic garbage collector
- How to check which server default garbage collector is? How can a garbage collection collector be configured on a production environment? What is your understanding of garbage collector?
- Use Memory Analyse Tool to analyze Memory overflows (non-Eclipse plug-in)
- JVM memory analysis tool MAT and its practice
- Shenandoah GC: a new concurrent compressed garbage collector from JDK12
- How to evaluate Shenandoah GC?