Local tuning
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Open the VisualVM tool that comes with the JDK to see what each project looks like.
The command line jstat
jstat -gcutil pid 1000
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The command line jmap
Jmap-heap pid Jmap-histo :live PID Jmap-heap pid Jmap-histo :live PID Jmap-heap pid Jmap-histo :live PIDCopy the code
The results of
Parallel GC with 4 thread(s) MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 MinHeapFreeRatio = 0 -xx :MaxHeapFreeRatio Sets the maximum heap free ratio of the JVM (default 70) MaxHeapSize = 2082471936 (1986.0MB) // The JVM startup parameter -xx :MaxHeapSize= set the maximum size of the JVM heap NewSize= 1310720 (1.25MB)// The JVM startup parameter -xx :NewSize= set the default size of the 'new generation' of the JVM heap MaxNewSize = 17592186044415 MB// Corresponding JVM startup parameter -xx :MaxNewSize= Sets the maximum size of the JVM heap 'new generation' OldSize = 5439488 (5.1875MB)// The corresponding JVM startup parameter -xx :OldSize=<value>: Sets the size of the old generation of the JVM heap NewRatio= 2 // The corresponding JVM startup parameter -xx :NewRatio=: the size ratio of the new generation to the old generation SurvivorRatio= 8 // Corresponding JVM startup parameter -xx :SurvivorRatio= set size ratio of Eden zone to Survivor zone in young generation PermSize = 21757952 (20.75MB) // Corresponding JVM startup parameter -xx :PermSize=<value>: Sets the initial size of the immortal generation of JVM heap MaxPermSize = 85983232 G1HeapRegionSize = 0 (0.0MB) Heap Usage:// Heap memory Usage PS Young Capacity = 33030144 (31.5MB)// Total Eden capacity Used = 1524040 (1.4534378051757812MB) Free = 31506104 (30.04656219482422MB) // Remaining capacity in Eden 4.614088270399305% Capacity = 5242880 (5.0MB) Used = 0 (5.0MB) Free = 5242880 (5.0MB) 0.0% used To Space: Capacity = 5242880 (5.0MB) Used = 0 (0.0MB) Free = 5242880 (5.0MB) 0.0% Used PS Old Generation Capacity = 86507520 (82.5MB) Used = 0 (0.0MB) Free = 86507520 (82.5MB) 0.0% Used PS Perm Generation// Current memory Capacity = 22020096 (21.0MB) Used = 2496528 (2.3808746337890625MB) Free = 19523568 (18.619125366210938MB) 11.337498256138392% Used 670 interned Strings evicted 43720 bytes.Copy the code
- If the program is out of memory or frequent
, there is a good chance of a memory leak, and in this case, the Java heapDump
View the status of the object. - To make the heap
You can use it directlyjvm
Command. - You can use it first
jmap -heap
Command to view heap usage to see how much space each heap is using. - use
jmap -histo:[live]
View objects in heap memory. If a large number of objects are continually referenced and not released, then there is a memory leak and the code needs to be combined to release unused objects. - You can also use
jmap -dump:format=b,file=<fileName>
The jhat command saves the heap information to a file and views the details with the jhat command. - This parameter is recommended when memory leaks, overflow, or other conditions occur
Several times in memory, the memory files are numbered and archived for subsequent memory analysis.