Getting a big paycheck right out of college is not easy, but with the right approach, you can be one of the top 2%.

I just got the notification of offer recently

So how as a fresh graduate how can smoothly enter the big factory? I think there are the following. First, the curriculum in the school, basic computer knowledge, such as C language, data structure, computer composition principle, computer network, computer operating system and other basic professional knowledge must be understood and mastered, in the school, these content must be tested.

Second, improve your ability to write code. Will not configure the environment, will not frame, to find information self-study, B station, Tencent classroom many free video courses.

Third, do projects. I’m not talking about school projects, but projects that can actually be deployed online. You can find it on GitHub, ask your seniors or teachers to see if there is a suitable program, or find some internship positions in large factories.

Fourth, crazy brush algorithm. Many of the questions on Leetcode may be used for in-person examination questions in school admissions, and many of the interview questions broadcast by teachers in Tencent class are also very good.

The above foundation, if the study period did not play solid, after work must also find a way to study hard.

Let’s talk about my learning route to join Tencent after graduation:

I was an undergraduate student in an engineering university in Guangzhou. I remember that I began to plan my direction in my junior year and decided to engage in front-end development work in the future. Then I began to study crazily. I have watched the video of B station and listened to the free open class in Tencent classroom. Later, I decided to participate in the VIP systematic course of Teacher Jin Du Fangfang for in-depth study. 24K is very satisfied with the offer of Bytedance this year. The first time to send good news to my teacher. The teacher is very responsible, every day to inform me to encourage me to study.

Participated in the systematic in-depth learning, in the process of byte interview feel the teacher’s foundation, framework principle, algorithm. Many of them are mentioned in the VIP courses of Jindu front End. I have to say, the course is very helpful for me to enter the factory.

If I want to save my time, I decide to choose a good teacher is also very important. If you need it, you can go to one of their free open classes. Bonus, 2021 end test video details

How do I get it? Add VX:1124692.