
What is JuliaBox

A platform to run Julia code directly from Jupyter Notebook in a browser without having to download and install anything.

Who uses JuliaBox

  1. Data scientists, quantitative analysts (people who develop and implement complex mathematical models to help financial firms make decisions about risk management, investment and pricing), Stracts (people who focus on structure, quantitative finance and engineering, from modeling risk and writing complex algorithms to engineering technology platforms and data analysis)

  2. Universities and other educational institutions. In the Julia programming teaching course, JuliaBox allows students and teachers to run Julia code without installing anything on their computers. In the same code running environment, teachers can encapsulate data and code in Git and then synchronize it across all student accounts.

    JuliaBox has been successfully used in many disciplines and courses around the world: in Australia, Asia, Europe and America, students use Julia to learn linear algebra, statistics, economics and more.

Why we choose JuliaBox?

  1. Be friendly to beginners:

    • You can use github and other accounts to log in. It is free of registration and you can pay to use high-performance online computing.

      Once logged in, you can see the Julia Tutorial folder, which contains a series of notebooks that will teach you the basics of the Julia language and some popular ways to use Package. In addition, some notebooks demonstrate the use of distributed computing.

    • Save the trouble of downloading and installing Julia, and because the new version 1.0 is not compatible with the old package, using the old version 0.6 can help Xiaobai get familiar with Julia more quickly;

    • Jupyer Notebook is great for helping beginners write correct, smooth code quickly: a clean interface, block running, useful plug-ins, seamless writing with Markdown, lightweight editor, online storage, convenient visualization, and more.

      If you are used to writing code with IPython Jupyter Notebook, you can use JuliaBox with proficiency

  2. Easy to use: you can use JuliaBox anytime and anywhere with only the Internet, and there is no need to worry about the inconsistency of Julia versions on different machines.

  3. Easy UI management library: JuliaBox comes with 275+ most popular packages, including libraries for plotting, statistics and machine learning. Registered and unregistered libraries are supported for installation and use.

    JuliaBox uses a distributed remote file system as the primary directory to provide more persistent disk space for consumers.

  4. Synchronization: Support Git and Google Drive synchronization.


  1. The Internet is one of the biggest conveniences of JuliaBox, but for those who have no “ladder” in China, the slow opening speed will be a big problem. (Hopefully this non-technical issue will not be a problem in the future)

  2. Management library commands such as pkg.add () are not available in JuiaBox and can only be managed using the UI interface.

  3. When the set of built-in packages in Juliabox changes, other packages installed by users may become stale, and there may be kernel deaths or other unexplained errors.

    One solution is to reset Package — delete all packages installed by the user (without deleting user data and files) and return the Julia environment to its original state.

  4. Making both remote and local changes to files using Git synchronization can cause some errors. Google Drive can be modified locally and remotely (add and delete).

  5. Session time limit: Free users stay online for 90 minutes, paying users get longer sessions.

    Session refers to keeping JuliaBox online. If the session ends, the Notebook can still edit and run code, but it can’t save changes made since the last time it saved.

    In my experience, there are remedies: Remember to save. Saving doesn’t mean you can’t undo. For content that is not saved after the session time, you can merge the code blocks and copy the code inside.

    After the session ends, you can log in again, paste the copied code back in, and restore it by chunking or editing it. If you are not sure what code you have modified, merge all the code blocks in the notebook and copy them, log in again to create a new note, then block and edit.

How to use JuliaBox?

step 1

Open the official website of JuliaBox:, and choose one method to log in.

step 2

Wait for the Jupyter notebook to open. The opening speed is affected by network speed and the ladder.

Open it and you’ll see the familiar notebook. The interface is simple and fresh. The buttons are all simple words


The function menu at the top level is easy to understand, with emphasis on the package button ↓

Click Package -> Yours, input the package you want to install, click +, and then slide the mouse to the end, click Start, the confirmation dialog box will pop up, click OK, it may take a long time to install the package, error may be encountered, but it can be installed patiently. (Be careful with the Reset button)

Currently, the Julia version of JuliaBox is 0.6.2, and it will be updated after the package of the new version is improved.

JuliaBox Supports Julia REPL terminal operations ↓

You can look at the running Notebook, shut it down, or re-log in to Julia for a short time. The Notebook will remain running, which means the code inside will continue to run. (Click shutdown to close the running notes)

Supports the plug-in functions of Jupyter Notebook ↓

Distributed Computing

JuliaBox supports distributed computing. See the official documentation for details:…



Finally, I attached a video of Julia’s official channel that I removed from YouTube. It is the same as JuliaBox’s notes

Baidu cloud link: password: xuywCopy the code

Happy JuliaBoxing 😉