Use of u-Table components based on Element UI encapsulation

1. Supported functions

1. Tables support hyperlinks

2. Table supports inline edit input box and select

3. Support the tags

4. Support row expansion

5. Supports tree expansion

6. Sorting is supported

7 Filter Support

8. The width can be adjusted according to the length of the table header (support English and Chinese), or set the width by yourself

9. Support custom (slot), the front end by changing the data structure processing better

Second, the data format of background transmission

1. Set columns (Array)
parameter If required instructions type An optional value The default value
type The type of the current column, optional string link/tags/edit
prop mandatory The name of the corresponding column data. When type==tags, props is the name of the array of tags to be displayed string
label The column name string
align Alignment, center by default string left/center/right center
width Column width, the default table header width Number Header width
filters Data filtering options, array formats, elements in the array need to have text and value attributes. Array[{ text, value }]
filtersMethod The method used for data filtering, if multiple filter items are selected, will be executed multiple times for each item of data, and any return true will be displayed. Function(value, row, column)
link Type = link when required Jump link string
selectData Type =edit, if the current edit is select Currently edit select data Object{}, see the following table for details
scopedSlots Custom slot object
formatter Normal HTML customization Function(row,column)
render Contains customizations of the Element UI structure Function(h, CTX) h is Function h
prop Type = tags See prop description below

Parameter description of selectData

parameter If required instructions type An optional value The default value
label mandatory Display the name of the field taken string
value mandatory The specific value is taken from the field string
list mandatory The data selected by the select selector array

For example,

selectData: { // The data selected for each column should be the same
	label: 'name'./ / value name
	value: 'value'.// Display the name
  name: Type '1'.value: '1'
  name: 'type 2'.value: '2']}},Copy the code

Type =tags Parameter description of prop

  • Note: Prop is the field name of the tags array defined in listData

  • The parameters of tags data are described as follows

    parameter If required instructions type An optional value The default value
    label mandatory The tag copy string
    type type string success/info/warning/danger
    effect The theme string dark / light / plain light
    size size string medium / small / mini mini

    For example,

    In the listData [id:1.table_tags1: [ // Fixed field
      label:'failure'.// Tags copy must be uploaded
      type: 'danger' / / the style of the tags Don't have to pass an optional value (empty/success/info/warning/danger)
       label: 'success'.type: 'success'},]] columns [{type: 'tags'.prop: 'table_tags1'.// The tag name
      label: State of '1',},]Copy the code
2. ListData (Array)
parameter If required instructions type An optional value The default value
children This field is required when displaying tree structures Controls a tree structure that matches the parent element structure
The other parameters
3. Setting of the Options table (Object)
parameter If required instructions type An optional value The default value
stripe Whether table with zebra pattern boolean false
loading Whether to add table loading to load animation boolean
mutiSelect Whether the list item selection function is supported boolean false
border Whether to display table vertical lines boolean false
rowKey This field is required when expanding row information and tree structures, but is also desirable at other times The field name with the unique ID of the current row string
expendRowRender Whether to expand the row boolean false

The expendRowRender is used when the front end needs to be passed to the child component in the form of a slot

<u-table ref="tableRef" :data="listData" :columns="columns" :options="options" :operates="operates" @confirmedit ="confirmEdit" > // slot form <template V-slot :expendRowRender="record"> {{record.row.description}} </template>  </u-table>Copy the code

Third, front-end call

After requesting the interface, get the listData Columns Options

<u-table ref="tableRef" :data="listData" :columns="columns" :options="options" :operates="operates" @confirmedit ="confirmEdit" > // Slot form displays row information <template V-slot :expendRowRender="record"> {{record.row.description}} </template> </u-table>Copy the code
parameter Whether will pass instructions type An optional value The default value
data is data array
columns is Each column array
options no Table common control parameters, see background pass data format above for details object
operates no Action items
confirmEdit Type = edit when required Method of saving when in-line editing Function({ value, successFun, errFun})
handleSelectionChange The method executed after multiple lines are selected Function(val)

The specific encapsulation code is as follows

<!--region 封装的分页 table-->
  <div class="table">
    <!-- <table-setting  :columns="columns"></table-setting> -->
      :max-height="options.maxHeight || 500"
      <!-- 自定义空内容 -->
      <template v-if="options.emptySlot" slot="empty">
        <slot :name="options.emptySlot" />
      <!--region 选择框-->
        style="width: 55px;"
      <!--region 数据列-->
      <!-- :sortable="index===0?true:false" -->
      <el-table-column v-if="options.expendRowRender" type="expand">
        <template slot-scope="scope">
          <!-- 展开的行的数据插槽 -->
          <slot name="expendRowRender" :row="scope.row" />
      <template v-for="(column, index) in columns">
          :align="column.align || 'center'"
          <!-- 自定义表头 -->
          <!--  slot="header" slot-scope="scope" -->
          <template v-slot:header="scope">
            <slot v-if="column.scopedSlots && column.scopedSlots.customHeader" :name="column.scopedSlots.customHeader" :column="column" />
            <template v-else>
              {{ column.label }}

          <!-- 自定义下方内容 -->
          <template slot-scope="scope">
            <!-- element内的元素需要用到render -->
            <template v-if="column.render">
            <!-- 自定义列的插槽 -->
            <template v-if="column.scopedSlots && column.scopedSlots.customRender">
              <slot :name="column.scopedSlots.customRender" :row="scope.row" :column="column" />
            <template v-else>
              <!-- 普通的html formatter -->
              <template v-if="column.formatter">
                <span v-html="column.formatter(scope.row, column)" />
              <!-- 链接 -->
              <template v-else-if="column.type==='link' && scope.row[]">
                <el-link type="primary" :href="scope.row[]" :underline="false" target="_blank">{{ scope.row[column.prop] }}</el-link>
              <!-- tags -->
              <template v-else-if="column.type==='tags' && scope.row[column.prop].length">
                  v-for="item in scope.row[column.prop]"
                  :effect="item.effect || 'light'"
                  style="margin: 2px;"
                  {{ item.label }}
              <!-- edit -->
              <template v-else-if="column.type==='edit' && !column.scopedSlots">
                <!-- 选择 -->
                <template v-if="column.selectData">
                  <el-select v-if="scope.row['table_edit']" v-model="scope.row[column.prop]" placeholder="请选择">
                      v-for="item in column.selectData.list"
                  <span v-else>{{ scope.row[column.prop] }}</span>
                  <!-- <span v-else>{{ getMatchObj(column.selectData.list,column.selectData.value,scope.row[column.prop])[column.selectData.label] }}</span> -->
                <!-- 日期选择 -->
                <template v-else-if="column.datePicker">
                  <el-date-picker v-if="scope.row['table_edit']" v-model="scope.row[column.prop]" type="date" :placeholder="$t('form.selectPlaceholder')" style="width: 100%;" value-format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
                  <span v-else>{{ scope.row[column.prop] }}</span>
                <!-- input 类型 -->
                <template v-else>
                  <el-input v-if="scope.row['table_edit']" v-model="scope.row[column.prop]" class="edit-input" />
                  <span v-else>{{ scope.row[column.prop] }}</span>

              <template v-else>
                <span>{{ scope.row[column.prop] || scope.row[column.prop]===0 ? scope.row[column.prop]: '-' }}</span>

      <!--region 按钮操作组-->
      <template v-if="operates">
          v-if="operates.list && operates.list.filter(_x => === true).length > 0"
          <template slot-scope="scope">
            <div class="operate-group">
              <template v-for="(btn, key) in operates.list">
                <!-- <div class="item"  > -->
                <template v-if="">
                  <!-- 如果是行内编辑 -->
                  <template v-if="btn.inlineEdit">
                    <!-- 状态编辑中 -->
                    <template v-if="scope.row['table_edit']">
                        :disabled="btn.disabled || false"
                        @click="confirmEdit(key, scope.row)"
                      >{{ '保存' }}
                        :disabled="btn.disabled || false"
                      >{{ '取消' }}
                    <!-- 状态 未编辑 -->
                    <!-- :disabled="isEditing" -->
                      :disabled="btn.disabled || false"
                      @click="onEdit(key, scope.row)"
                    >{{ btn.label }}
                  <!-- 普通的 -->
                    :disabled="btn.disabled || false"
                    @click.native.prevent="btn.method(key, scope.row)"
                  >{{ btn.label }}

                <!-- </div> -->



// getMatchObj是根据 key value获取对象数组中的某个对象
import { getMatchObj } from '@/utils/index'
export default {
  name: 'UTable',
  components: {  },
  // 组件
  components: {
    expandDom: {
      functional: true,
      props: {
        row: Object,
        render: Function,
        index: Number,
        column: {
          type: Object,
          default: null
      render: (h, ctx) => {
        const params = {
          row: ctx.props.row,
          index: ctx.props.index
        if (ctx.props.column) params.column = ctx.props.column
        return ctx.props.render(h, params)
  props: {
    // 表格数据
    data: {
      type: Array,
      default: () => {
        return []
    // 表头数据 需要展示的列
     * type: 当前列的类型
     * prop:列数据对应的字段名
     * label:列名
     * align:对齐方式 默认居中
     * width:列宽 默认 表头的宽度
     * sortable: 是否排序 默认 false
    columns: {
      type: Array,
      default: () => {
        return []
    // 操作按钮组 === label: 文本,type :类型(primary / success / warning / danger / info / text),show:是否显示,icon:按钮图标,plain:是否朴素按钮,disabled:是否禁用,method:回调方法 inlineEdit: 是否是行内编辑
    operates: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => {
        return {
          width: 'auto',
          type: 'text',
          plain: false,
          fixed: false,
          list: []

     * table 表格的控制参数
     * mutiSelect  是否多选
     * rowKey: 行数据的row-key
     * border: 是否显示表格竖线
     * expendRowRender: 是否展开行
     * emptySlot: 自定义空状态的插槽
     * maxHeight: 流体高度
    options: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => {
        return {
          stripe: false, // 是否为斑马纹 table
          // loading: true, // 是否添加表格loading加载动画
          // highlightCurrentRow: false, // 是否支持当前行高亮显示
          mutiSelect: false, // 是否支持列表项选中功能
          border: false, // 是否显示表格竖线
          expendRowRender: false // 是否展开行
    // 当有type ===edit时候  confirmEdit方法必须传递(前端做的事情)
  // 数据
  data() {
    return {
      pageIndex: 1,
      multipleSelection: [], // 多行选中
      currentPage4: 4,
      isEditing: false, // 控制操作按钮
      editableArr: [], // 可编辑列表的字段名
      editLoading: false
      // dataList:[]
  computed: {

  watch: {
    // data:{
    //   handler(newValue,oldValue){
    //     if(newValue !== oldValue){
    //       this.dataList =
    //     }
    //   },
    // }
  created() {
  mounted() {
  methods: {
    // 多行选中
    handleSelectionChange(val) {
      this.multipleSelection = val
      this.$emit('handleSelectionChange', val)
    // 显示 表格操作弹窗
    showActionTableDialog() {
    handleSizeChange(val) {
      // console.log(`每页 ${val} 条`);
    handleCurrentChange(val) {
      // console.log(`当前页: ${val}`);
    fitColumnWidth(tableHead, index) {
      // 根据表头自适应列宽
      let flexWidth = 0
      for (const char of tableHead) {
        if ((char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z') || (char >= 'a' && char <= 'z')) {
          // 如果是英文字符,为字符分配8个单位宽度
          flexWidth += 9
        } else if (char >= '\u4e00' && char <= '\u9fa5') {
          // 如果是中文字符,为字符分配15个单位宽度
          flexWidth += 18
        } else {
          // 其他种类字符,为字符分配8个单位宽度
          flexWidth += 8
        // if(index===0){
        //   flexWidth += 8
        // }
      flexWidth += 10 // 加上padding值

      if (flexWidth < 60) {
        // 设置最小宽度
        flexWidth = 60
      // if (flexWidth > 250) {
      //   // 设置最大宽度
      //   flexWidth = 250
      // }
      return flexWidth + 'px'

    getInit() { => {
        if (v.type === 'edit') {
    // 行内编辑
    onEdit(index, row) {
      this.isEditing = true
      this.$set(row, 'table_edit', true)
      // row.table_edit = true // 控制当前行 => {
        row['origin-' + v] = row[v]
    // 保存编辑
    confirmEdit(index, row) {
      // this.isEditing = false
      // row.table_edit = false;
      // 删掉不必要的元素
      //   delete row['origin-'+v]
      // })
      // delete row.table_edit
      this.editLoading = true
      this.$emit('confirmEdit', {
        row: row,
        successFun: () => {
          this.editLoading = false
          this.isEditing = false
          row.table_edit = false
        errFun: () => {
          this.editLoading = false
 => {
            row[v] = row['origin-' + v]
    // 取消编辑
    cancelEdit(row) {
      this.isEditing = false
      row.table_edit = false => {
        row[v] = row['origin-' + v]
      // row.title = row.originalTitle
<style lang="scss">
    text-align: center;
    margin-top: 20px;

Copy the code