Everyone goes through tough days in their lives, and if it’s the front end of a job search, hopefully reading this series of 49 articles has helped. – jsliang

A directory

No toss of the front end, and salted fish what’s the difference

A directory
The preface
Iii review Plan
Four job search series summary
4.1 making a summary
4.2 Summary of nuggets
4.3 LeetCode summary

The preface

Good morning, afternoon, afternoon and evening. I’m Jsliang.

In 2020, jsliang’s career was full of setbacks. What happened in the three and a half months between his resignation at the end of July and his induction in mid-November? Fear, confusion, anxiety, helplessness, relief…

Jsliang has been working for one month since December 20, and the interview series for 2020 has been sent out. Here is a brief summary!

Iii review Plan

If you’re planning to move next year, or have already left your job, you want to be prepared for the interview.

Then Jsliang suggests that you follow the Jsliang Job Search Series, which lists what I think are comprehensive knowledge points.

Jsliang’s interview review process goes like this:

  • Fill in the Gaps: When you read Jsliang or any other blogger’s articles, you will have questions, so you need a list of things you can step by step to fill in the gaps. Here’s a little book called Fill in the Gaps
  • Not every factory will attract you, so make a list of your goals, and start with the least important ones and go to them one by one (like visiting two factories a week).

In the middle is constantly looking up information, and in their own words to organize the answer.

As you review, there will probably be:

  • That you’re taking too long to study
  • Inquire frequently about your interview progress
  • Said you were having trouble filing
  • Said your profile wasn’t helpful

So, keep a good attitude, don’t think too much about it, it’s just a passing thing, if you’re feeling uncomfortable, just block out that person.

We should have confidence in ourselves. Not all of us can find a satisfying job overnight. If you quit your job naked, here’s a word for you.

  • Now that you have the courage to quit your job, you have the confidence to find a better job. Even if you don’t, you have it now!

Of course, the detailed review process is given at the beginning of jsliang’s job search series:

  • Series – Interview materials

Let’s summarize the content of the job search series below.

Four job search series summary

If it helps, give it a “like” or “star” and thank your friends for their support

  • Jsliang 2020 Job Search Series
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 01 – JavaScript Basics
  • Jsliang Job Series – 02 – JavaScript prototypes with prototype chains
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 03 – Closures and Curlization
  • Jsliang Job Series – 04 – JavaScript variables
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 05-this
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series -06 – Event Loop
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 07 – Promise
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 08 – Write Promises
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 09 – Handwritten shallow and deep copies
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 10 – Handwritten Call /apply/bind
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 11 – Handwritten New
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 12 – Handwriting stabilization and Throttling
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 13 – JSONP
  • Jsliang Job Search series – 14 – Hand-written source hodgepodge
  • Jsliang job series – 15 – handwritten source code series summary
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 16 – From enter URL to render page
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 17 – Cross-domain
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 18 – Local storage
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 19 – Garbage collection
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 20 – Browser cache
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 21 – Browser cache
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 22 – Reflux and redraw
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 23 – Performance optimization
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 24 – Summary of browser series
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 25 – Computer Networking Basics
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 26 – Network Security
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 27-TCP
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 28 – WebSocket
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 29 – HTTP/HTTPS
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 30 – Computer networking series summary
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 31 – Webpack
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 32 – Simple implementation for Webpack
  • Jsliang Job-hunting Series – 33 – Webpack-Tree Shaking
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 34 – Webpack miscellany
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 35 – Webpack performance optimization
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 36 – Summary of front-end engineering series
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 37 – React-Virtual DOM
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 38 – React Series summary
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 39 – SUMMARY of the HTML series
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 40 – CSS mobile
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 41 – Box model
  • Jsliang Job Hunting Series – 42 – CSS Basics
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 43 – CSS series summary
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 44 – summary of a series of front-end algorithms
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 45 – Summary of the front end design patterns series
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 46 – Resumes
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 47-2020 Interview questions
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 48 – Summary of experience with front end interviews
  • Jsliang Job Search Series – 49-2020 Job search series summary

Jsliang’s document library is licensed by Jun Rong Liang under a Creative Commons Attribution – Non-Commercial – Share Alike 4.0 International license. Based on the github.com/LiangJunron… On the creation of works. Outside of this license agreement authorized access can be from creativecommons.org/licenses/by… Obtained.