1. Examples of variable promotion
1.1 eg1
- Form global execution Context EC(G)
- Lexical analysis, prior to code execution
- Variable promotion (in the current context with var and function declared in advance)
- var a; var b; var c; Var is declared but not defined. The global context is based on var and function, and the corresponding properties are also set in window
- fn = 0x000; Create heap memory to hold code strings
- Code execution stage (things done in variable promotion stage are not repeated in code execution stage and will be ignored)
console.log(a, b, c); // undefined undefined undefined
var a = 12,
b = 13,
c = 14.function fn(a) { // fn has already declared + definition when promoting, code execution phase skips this phase
/* Private context initialization scope chain:
Parameter assignment: a = 10 Variable promotion: no var and function code execution */
console.log(a, b, c); // a private 10 b and c look for 13 14 in EC(G)
a = 100; // Private a = 100
c = 200; // global c = 200
console.log(a, b, c); / / 100 13, 200
// The function returns no value after completion. Undefined is returned by default
// The current context is not occupied outside the stack
b = fn(10); // execute the function first, return the result to b b = undefined
console.log(a, b, c); // 12 undefined 200
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1.2 eg2
- In the global context, variables are promoted
- var i; A=0X000; [[scope]]:EC(G) scope is global
- var y; B=0x001; [[scope]]:EC(G)
- Code execution I = 0;
var i = 0;
function A() {
/* EC(A1) scope chain
parameter assignment: var I; X = 0x100 [[scope]]:EC(A1) scope is A1 execute I = 10 */
var i = 10;
function x() {
return x; // return 0x100
// 0x100 is occupied by global y and cannot be released. Closure is reserved
var y = A(); // A() returns the result to y = 0x100
y(); / / 10
function B() {
var i = 20;
B(); / / 10
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When a function is executed, its parent scope (context) is not related to where the function is executed, but only where it is created. Where is the function created
1.3 eg3
- Variable promotion:
- var a;
- var obj;
- fn = 0x000; [[scope]]: EC(G) No matter where fn executes, fn’s parent context is always global
- Code execution
var a = 1;
var obj = { // 0bj = 0x001 Object open heap memory
name: 'tom'
function fn() {
/* fn executes a private context chain
parameter assignment: var a2; // Only a2 is private, a/obj2/obj are global code execution is not occupied, free */
var a2 = a; // a2 = 1
obj2 = obj; // Add obj2 to winndow, obj2 = 0x001
a2 = a; // a2 = 1
obj2.name = 'jack'; // 0x001.name = 'jack'
fn(); / / implementation of fn
console.log(a); / / 1
console.log(obj); // {name: 'jack'}
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1.4 eg4
- Variable ascension
- var a;
- fn = 0x000; [[scope]]:EC(G)
- Code execution
var a = 1; // a = 1
function fn(a) {
/* EC(fn) initialize the scope chain
parameter a = 1 var a; (already corporeal parameter a, a variable already exists AO(Fn) this promotion will be ignored) a = 0x001; [[scope]]:EC(fn) does not redeclare a, but reassigns code to execute */
console.log(a) // 0x001
var a = 2; // reassign
console.log(a) / / 2
function a() {} // Variable promotion has been handled, code execution skipped
console.log(a) / / 2
fn(a); / / execution fn (1)
console.log(a) // 1 global a
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1.5 eg5
1.5.1 case 1
- Variable promotion:
- var a;
- fn = 0x000; [[scope]]:EC(G)
- Code execution
console.log(a); // undefined
var a = 12;
function fn() {
/* fn performs initialization of the scope chain
parameter assignment: var a; // Private a */
console.log(a); // undefined
var a = 13; // Private a = 13
fn(); / / execution
console.log(a); / / 12
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1.5.2 case 2
- Variable promotion:
- var a;
- fn = 0x000; [[scope]]:EC(G)
- Code execution
console.log(a); // undefined
var a = 12;
function fn() {
/* fn performs initialization of the scope chain
parameter assignment: no variable promotion: no private variable */
console.log(a); / / 12
a = 13; // global a = 13
fn(); / / execution
console.log(a); / / 13
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1.5.3 scenario 3
- Variable promotion:
- fn = 0x000; [[scope]]:EC(G)
- Code execution
console.log(a); // If the output variable is not its own private variable, find the superior
a = 12;
function fn() {
console.log(a); / / 12
a = 13; // global a = 13
fn(); / / execution
console.log(a); / / 13
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1.6 eg6
- Variable promotion:
- var foo;
- Self-executing function, does not participate in variable promotion, code is created until run
var foo = 'hello';
function (foo) {
/* EC(any) initializes the scope chain
parameter assignment: foo = 'hello' Variable promotion: var foo, the current context has foo, ignores this step to declare code execution */
console.log(foo); // hello
var foo = foo || 'world'; // foo = 'hello'
console.log(foo); // 'hello'
)(foo); // The self-executing function executes. Pass the argument 'hello'
console.log(foo); // hello
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&& and | |
- A | | B: A true return A value, A false returns the value of B,
- A&&B: returns the value of B if A is true, and returns the value of A if A is false
- && and | | appeared at the same time, && priority is higher than | |
1.7 eg7
function foo() {}
foo = 1;
// ---------------
function foo() {}
foo = 1;
function foo() {}}console.log(foo);
// ---------------
function foo() {}
foo = 1;
function foo() {}
foo = 2;
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2. Data type
2.1 aobject
To a value of the data typeNumber/string
Converts a value of an object data type to a number/string
- First look up the object’s
attribute - If it does not, the next call to the object’s
Method to get the original value (primitive type value) - If the original value cannot be obtained, call again
To a string orNumber
Convert to numbers
- First look up the object’s
- in
If there are strings (or partial object values) on the left and right sides of an operation, it is not a mathematical operation, but a string concatenation - Alert will implicitly convert the value to a string output
- String concatenation, template string to achieve string concatenation, encounter object will be converted into a string
- In the rest of the math, for example
- / * %
Will convert the object to a number = =
In comparison, objects are also converted to strings or numbers
- in
let obj = {
name: 'this is a obj'
let arr = [10.20.30]
let time = new Date(a)let num = new Number(10)
console.log(obj, arr, time, num)
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console.log(10 + obj) // '10[object, Object]'
// 1. obj[Symbol.toPrimitive] => undefined
// 2. obj.valueof () => {name: 'XXX '} is not the original value, the original value is the basic type
// 3. obj.toString() => '[object, Object]'
console.log(10 + num) / / 20
// 1. num[Symbol.toPrimitive] => undefined
// 2. obj.valueof () => 10 is the original value. The original value is the basic type
obj[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function() {
return 100;
console.log(10 + obj) / / 110
// The default argument hint
obj[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function(hint) {
console.log(hint) // => Default, number, or string
return 100;
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