
You will be asked a lot of strange questions during an interview. Just like when you were in school and you learned in your math book that all three angles of an equilateral triangle are equal to 60 degrees, you rarely see a paper that asks you how many degrees are the three angles of an equilateral triangle. Most of the time this point will be nested in a geometry problem, as an argument, and if you don’t know the point, you can’t solve the problem.

When you’re in the front end and they’re asking you these weird questions, you might think, I don’t need this shit for my business. If your mind stays in this position, then maybe you can only stay in the level of Chetuza.

Type conversion

Q: a == 1 &&a == 2 &&a == 3, how to return true?

When I saw this problem, I was at a loss at first. If A is a constant, then it must have some value, so why can it be equal to three values at the same time? As my best may not be the elder sister, I once again serious topic, in the expression of a has an action, is to go to and 1 and 2 and 3 in turn made interpretation are equal, in JS, two different types of value in judging whether the same time, will do a transformation, we can control the transformation method, And return the new value? Let’s try the following code:

var a = {
  toString: function() {
a == 1
/ / conversion
// false
a == '1'
/ / conversion
// false
a == {}
// false
a == []
// false
Copy the code

As shown above, we override the toString method of object A.

  • When objectaAnd a number1When we do the comparison, we execute ita ็š„ toStringMethods.
  • When objectaAnd a string1When we do the comparison, we execute ita ็š„ toStringMethods.
  • When objectaNot performed when comparing with an empty objecta ็š„ toStringMethods.

This is the JS type conversion. Reference types are converted to the toString method before being compared to the base type.

Under all implicit stereotypes of reference types, there is a toString method, as shown below:

Set a as an object and override the toString method as follows:

var a = {
  value: 0.toString: function() {
    return ++this.value

a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3
// true
Copy the code

Each time the comparison is performed, the toString method is fired, which returns the incremented value, up to 3, and true.

Here’s a quick tidbit: do not use the arrow function to override toString above. If you use the arrow function, the this in the function will refer to the global Window object. The this in the arrow function always wants to be the first normal function that wraps it, working its way up to the global Window object. If the arrow function is used, this. Value is equal to window.value, and the defiend is returned.


If a === 1 && a === 2 && a === 3, how to return true?

And you’re like, what the fuck, what the hell. Right, right now you can only answer ten thousand changes with changeless, that is the JS foundation of tamp solid oneself. The difference is that the strict mode === does not trigger the toString conversion call.

Solve the above problems. You can go to the getter, and what the getter does is when you access a variable, it gets intercepted. DefineProperty = object.defineProperty = object.defineProperty = object.defineProperty

var value = 0
Object.defineProperty(window.'a', {
  get() {
    return ++value

a === 1 && a === 2 && a === 3 // true
Copy the code

The first time we compare a === 1, we call a, we get, we return 1. And so on and so forth, and then finally a is 3.


These topics are not the key, what is important is the JS knowledge that these topics backside takes. You may think that I usually business development basically do not use these knowledge points, but really when it comes to writing some superstructure, these basic knowledge, will be you to obtain more opportunities and wealth stepping stone, I can not guarantee to give you a series of columns, try to keep more weeks, usually is really busy.

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