
Print the result based on the data given

This question is mainly about:

  • How do you represent a piece of data in a tree structure
  • Breadth first traversal of the tree

Subject data:

const list = [
    id: 1001,
    parentId: 0,
    name: 'AA'
    id: 1002,
    parentId: 1001,
    name: 'BB'
    id: 1003,
    parentId: 1001,
    name: 'CC'
    id: 1004,
    parentId: 1003,
    name: 'DD'
    id: 1005,
    parentId: 1003,
    name: 'EE'
    id: 1006,
    parentId: 1002,
    name: 'FF'
    id: 1007,
    parentId: 1002,
    name: 'GG'
    id: 1008,
    parentId: 1004,
    name: 'HH'
    id: 1009,
    parentId: 1005,
    name: 'II'
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The implementation code

// Implement tree structure printing
function printTree(data) {
  const obj = {}
  const result = []
  // Select * from key where id = key
  data.forEach(item= > {
    obj[] = item
  // Convert the data into a tree structure
  data.forEach(item= > {
    const parent = obj[item.parentId]
    if (parent) {
      parent.children = parent.children || []
    } else {
  /* How can I print this effect? 1. Look at the print order first. What algorithm can print this order? 2. How to implement prefix whitespace: use recursion each time + delimiter */
  const res = (item) = > {
    let pre = ' '
    let rec = (ary, p) = > {
      ary.forEach(i= > {
        console.log(p +
        if (i.children) {
          rec(i.children, p + ' ')
    rec(item.children, pre)

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