Zero, preface,

Recently, I have been developing JavaScript SDK, emphasizing native, short, fast, clear, readable, testable and so on.

JavaScript SDK development ideas refer to the JavaScript SDK Design Guide

The key part of SDK development is packaging, which determines the size of the SDK (short), the way it is introduced (native), and part of the speed issue (fast).

Use Webpack5 and Rollup package respectively during the development process.

The size of this SDK goes through 88KB (Webpack Production package) -> 59KB (rollup package) -> 33KB (rollup plus plugin-transform-Runtime package).

The difference between Rollup and Webpack5’s Terser, tree shaking, plugin-transform-Runtime is the reason why Rollup went from 88KB to 33KB.

Because Rollup is smaller after packaging, Webpack has better thermal effect under dev. Finally, we decided to use Rollup as production packaging tool and Webpack5 as development packaging tool.

Use webpack for apps, and Rollup for libraries

Webpack– well done and well done

Webpack was started in 2012 by Tobias Koppers to solve a problem that the existing tools had not solved at the time: building complex single-page applications (spAs). Two webPack features in particular have changed everything:

  1. Code Splitting

This allows you to break your application down into manageable chunks of code that can be loaded on demand, which means your users can quickly get an interactive website without having to wait until the entire application has been downloaded and parsed. Of course you can do this manually, so good luck. Static assets such as images and CSS can be imported into your application and can be used as another node in the dependency graph. No more worrying about whether your files are in the right folder, no more using hack scripts to hash file urls, because WebPack takes care of that for us.

Rollup– Play small and run fast

Rollup is the next generation JavaScript module packaging tool. Developers can use ES2015 modules in your application or library and efficiently package them into a single file for browser and Node.js use. The most exciting thing about Rollup is the ability to make packages smaller, and Rollup always produces smaller, faster packages:

  1. Tree-shaking

One of the features of Rollup when it was first launched. Rollup performs a static analysis of the code to find redundant code and removes it in the final package file to further reduce the size of the code. ### # ES2015 module packaging support ES2015 module packaging support is not available in other build tools. Rollup takes advantage of ES2015 modules by not requiring Babel to convert import to Commonjs require directly.

A, configuration,

Webpack5 packages the configuration

Since the project was packaged with Webpack at the beginning, development and Production config were configured

Install Webpack and related:

Yarn add -d [email protected] yarn add -d webpack-cli yarn add -d webpack-dev-server yarn add -d webpack-mergeCopy the code

Add the following configuration file to the project: webpack.config.js

const {merge} = require('webpack-merge')
const productionConfig = require('./') // Import the production configuration file
const developmentConfig = require('./') // Import the development environment configuration file
const webpack = require('webpack')
const path = require('path')

const baseConfig = {
  module: {
    rules: [{test: /\.(js|ts|tsx)$/,
        exclude: /(node_modules)/,
        use: {
          loader: 'babel-loader',}}, {test: /\.(less|css)$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'style-loader'}, {loader: 'css-loader'}, {loader: 'less-loader'.options: {
              lessOptions: {
                javascriptEnabled: true,},},},],},resolve: {
    extensions: ['.ts'.'.js'.'.tsx'.'.jsx'].alias: {
      The '@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),}},plugins: [
    new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
      h: ['dom-chef'.'h'],}),],}module.exports = env= > {
  // mode: 'production' || 'development',
  let config = env === 'production' ? productionConfig : developmentConfig
  console.log('Current mode :', env, config)
  return merge(baseConfig, config) // Merge public configuration and environment configuration
Copy the code

(Babel) with

Install Babel and related:

yarn add -D @babel/core
yarn add -D @babel/preset-env
yarn add -D @babel/preset-typescript
yarn add -D @babel/plugin-syntax-typescript
yarn add -D @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx
Copy the code


const presets = [
      targets: {
        edge: '17'.firefox: '60'.chrome: '67'.safari: '11.1'.ie: '11',},useBuiltIns: 'usage'.corejs: 3,}], ['@babel/preset-typescript']]const plugins = [
      pragma: 'h'.pragmaFrag: 'DocumentFragment',}],]module.exports = {presets, plugins}
Copy the code

const path = require('path')

module.exports = {
  mode: 'production'.entry: {
    index: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/app.ts'),},output: {
    libraryTarget: 'umd'.path: __dirname + '/dist'.filename: 'index.js'.library: '@efox/pay',},performance: {
    hints: 'error',},plugins: [].optimization: {
    minimize: true,}}Copy the code

const path = require('path') module.exports = { mode: 'development', entry: { index: Path.resolve (__dirname, './ SRC /app.ts'), // entry}, output: {libraryTarget: 'umd', path: __dirname + '/dist', filename: 'index.js', library: '@efox/pay', }, devtool: 'source-map', performance: { hints: 'warning', }, }Copy the code

Start the

Dev command:

webpack –env development –watch

The build command:

cp src/index.d.ts dist && webpack –env production

Use Webpack5 to package the SDK, and the package size is 88KB

Rollup packages configuration

Install Rollup and related:

yarn add -D rollup
yarn add -D rollup-plugin-commonjs
yarn add -D rollup-plugin-inject
yarn add -D rollup-plugin-terser
yarn add -D rollup-plugin-typescript2
Copy the code


import typescript from 'rollup-plugin-typescript2'
import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel'
import {DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS} from '@babel/core'
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs'
import nodeResolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve'
import json from 'rollup-plugin-json'
import inject from 'rollup-plugin-inject'
import {terser} from 'rollup-plugin-terser'

export default {
  input: 'src/app.ts'.// Import file
  output: {
    name: 'efoxPay'.Umd mode must have the name attribute as a global variable to access the packaged results
    file: `dist/index.js`.format: 'umd'.sourcemap: true,},plugins: [
      // All JSON files will be parsed by default,
      // but you can also specifically include/exclude files
      include: 'node_modules/**'.exclude: ['node_modules/foo/**'.'node_modules/bar/**'].// for tree-shaking, properties will be declared as
      // variables, using either `var` or `const`
      preferConst: true.// Default: false

      Specify indentation for the generated default export -
      // defaults to '\t'
      indent: ' '.// ignores indent and generates the smallest code
      compact: true.// Default: false

      // generate a named export for every property of the JSON object
      namedExports: true.// Default: true
      jsnext: true.main: true,
      include: 'node_modules/**'.// Default: undefined
      namedExports: {
        'node_modules/dom-chef/index.js': ['dom-chef'].'node_modules/dom-chef/index.json': ['svg-tag-names/'],
      tsconfigOverride: {
        compilerOptions: {
          declaration: false.// Remove type files while output
      extensions: [...DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS, 'ts'.'tsx'.'js'].runtimeHelpers: true.exclude: 'node_modules/**'.babelrc: false.presets: ['@babel/preset-env'].plugins: [['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', {useESModules: false}]],
      h: ['dom-chef'.'h'],
Copy the code

Start the

Package command:

rollup -c

Rollup packages this SDK with a package size of 33KB using the above configuration

Next, this article discusses the most important plug-ins and algorithms in the packaging process.

Second, the terser

Terser, the ES6+ JavaScript parser and Mangler/Compressor toolkit, is probably the most efficient. Terser recommends packaging it with Rollup, which results in smaller code.

To use Terser on Rollup, you need to install rollup-plugin-terser

yarn add -D rollup-plugin-terser

And introduced in rollup.config.js

import {terser} from 'rollup-plugin-terser'
export default {
 plugins: [
Copy the code

While Rollup is a good choice, if you use WebPack over V4, Terser is used by default. Terser can be enabled with optimization. Minimize, as shown below:

  optimization: {
    minimize: true,},Copy the code

Third, the tree shaking

Both Webpack5 and Rollup come with tree shaking. Statically analyze the imports in your code and exclude any code that is not actually used. This allows the architecture to be built on top of existing tools and modules without adding additional dependencies or swelling the size of the project.

For example, to use CommonJS, you must import the complete tool or library object.

// Import the full utils object using CommonJS
var utils = require( 'utils' );
var query = 'Rollup';
// Use ajax methods on utils objects
utils.ajax( '' + query ).then( handleResponse );
Copy the code

But when using the ES6 module, instead of importing the whole utils object, we can just import the Ajax functions we need:

// Import the ajax function import {ajax} from 'utils' with the ES6 import statement. var query = 'Rollup'; // Call ajax function ajax('' + query). Then (handleResponse);Copy the code

Tree Shaking brings in only the most basic and minimal code, so it can generate libraries and applications that are light, fast, and low-complexity. Because this approach is based on explicit import and export statements, it is far more efficient than simply running automatic Minifier to detect unused variables in the compiled output code.

This is probably because the tree shaking algorithm for Rollup is better. After both WebPack5 and Rollup go through tree shaking, the package size is smaller.

Four, the plugin – transform – runtime

A plugin that enables the re-use of Babel’s injected helper code to save on codesize.

For browser backward compatibility, the ES6 syntax of each file is transformed using @babel/preset-env, which we call helper functions.

But there’s a problem with this. In normal front-end engineering development, at least dozens of JS files, more than a thousand. If the class syntax is used in every file, the same function declarations will be injected at the top of every converted file. The package that will be packaged with the build tool is very large and contains a lot of duplicate code.

One idea is to put these function declarations in an NPM package and import them directly from this package into our files when needed. Even thousands of files will reference these functions from the same package. When packaged with a build tool such as WebPack, the functions in the NPM package used are introduced only once, thus reducing reuse and volume.

Install @babel/plugin-transform-runtime to replace helper functions automatically.

   yarn add -D @babel/preset-env
   yarn add -D @babel/runtime
   yarn add -D @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
Copy the code

And introduced in rollup.config.js

import babel from 'rollup-plugin-babel'
export default {
 plugins: [
      extensions: [...DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS, 'ts'.'tsx'.'js'].runtimeHelpers: true.exclude: 'node_modules/**'.babelrc: false.presets: ['@babel/preset-env'].plugins: [['@babel/plugin-transform-runtime', {useESModules: false}]],}}),]Copy the code

Five, the summary

  • The Rollup package for this SDK is still smaller than Webpack5 without third-party plugins, proving that you can use Webpack for application development and Rollup for library development (packaging applications, Webpack packs static resources perfectly).
  • Rollup is better than Webpack5 tree shaking
  • This SDK removes the original CSS files and integrates them into TSX files, because Rollup does not support static resources well. Webpack has an “inherent advantage” for code splitting and static resource import, but it naturally leads to larger packages.
  • Plugin-transform-runtime is a must-have plug-in for packaging that automatically replaces repetitive helper functions, saving a lot of volume.

The author

Benny Shi