Arithmetic operator

Number operation


Division will give you a decimal

Remainder x % 7

Abnormal condition, -1%7 === -1, different from our cognition before, because JS extracts negative sign directly, 1%7 is 1, so plus negative sign, it is -1 namely. It doesn’t exist in mathematics, but you can imagine that minus 1 percent 7 is the same thing as 6 percent 7, and the remainder should be 6.

The exponent x ** 3

X ++ / ++x/x– / –x

A ++ takes the first value of a, plus +a takes the last value of a. (The value of a is 2, but the increment is different.)

var a = 10

b = a++
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And the answer is b is equal to 10,a ++ is equal to 10,a is equal to 11.

A — take the first value of a, take the last value of a. (Both values of A are 4, but the two decrement results are different.)

Evaluate operator +x

Is evaluated

The negative number operator -x

Unlike evaluation operators, negative operators invert the sign of a value

The string operations

Strings support only addition

The following operations are wrong, but JS still gives “results”.

Comparison operator


Is greater than


Less than

> =

Greater than or equal to

< =

Less than or equal to

= =

JS Trinity diagram

0 == [], 0 == ‘0’, 0 == ‘\t’, 0 == ‘\t’

Don’t use ==, use === instead. The problem with == is that it’s always smart-aleck (automatic type conversion).

X == y truth table

[] == false but not falsy, [] == false but not {}, [[]] == false.

X === y truth table

There is no mystery. Basic types look at value equality and objects look at address equality.

[]! = = [] {}! = = []

Special case NaN! == NaN

! =

= = =

! = =

Boolean operator

Or and not

| | or

&& and

! non

Short circuit logic

Console. log && console.log(‘hi’) defensive programming in case console does not exist.

A = a | | 100 a guaranteed value, there is a a, does not exist for 100. But there’s a loophole, because all five falsy values can make a false.

To avoid this problem, use the following code:

Binary operators

Or, and, no


If both bits are 0, the result is 0, otherwise 1

I don’t get the right result because I didn’t convert to binary


If both bits are 1, the result is 1; otherwise, 0


Invert a binary bit (0 becomes 1,1 becomes 0)

~3 / / - 4
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The above expression applies binary no to 3 to get -4. This result occurs because when bitwise operations are performed, JavaScript internally converts all operators to 32-bit binary integers.

Three forms of 32-bit integer is 00000000000000000000000000000011, whether the binary operation after 11111111111111111111111111111100. Since the first digit is 1, the number is a negative number. JavaScript internally uses the form of complement to represent negative numbers, which means that you need to subtract 1 from the number, negate it again, and then add a negative sign to get the corresponding decimal value. This number minus 1 equals 11111111111111111111111111111011, get 00000000000000000000000000000100, take again the plus minus sign is – 4. And since it’s a little bit of a hassle to do that, you can just remember that if you add something to its negative value, it’s equal to negative 1.

Exclusive or


If the two bits are the same, the result is 0, otherwise, 1

Left moves to the right

The < < and > >

Now I have more than one, so if I move to the right, I’m going to get eaten, so it’s going to be0b0001. Moving to the left will complete it.

The right shift operator for header zeroing


The only difference between the right shift operator (>>>) and the right shift operator (>>) is that when the binary form of a number moves to the right, the head is filled with zeros regardless of the sign bit. So, the operation always gets a positive value. For positive numbers, the result of this operation is exactly the same as the right-shift operator (>>), except for negative numbers.

4 >>> 1
/ / 2

-4 >>> 1
/ / 2147483646
/ * * for binary form for 11111111111111111111111111111100-4, * take the sign bit moves to the right one, you get 01111111111111111111111111111110 * 2147483646 for the decimal. * /
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This operation actually converts a value to a 32-bit unsigned integer.

The fastest way to see how a negative integer is stored inside a computer is to use this operator.

-1 >>> 0 / / 4294967295
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Code above, said – 1 as a 32-bit integer, the storage form of internal use unsigned integer format, value is 4294967295 (namely (2 ^ 32) – 1, equal to 11111111111111111111111111111111).

Some use

Use the and operator to determine odd and even
Even number &1 = 0Odd number &1 = 1
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Use ~, > >, < < > > >, | to integer
console.log(~~ 6.83)	/ / 6
console.log(6.93 >> 0)	/ / 6
console.log(6.83 << 0)	/ / 6
console.log(6.83 | 0)	/ / 6
console.log(6.83 >>> 0)	/ / 6
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use^Swap the values of A and b
var a = 5
var b = 8
a ^= b	// A = a ^ b
b ^= a
a ^= b
console.log(a)	/ / 8
console.log(b)	/ / 5
Copy the code

Other operators

Some operators

Property name = property value// Can only be used on objects
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Reads the property value of an object


Why can we have properties that are not objects?

'a-b-c'.split(The '-')
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JS has special logic, the dot is not an object, it is wrapped as an object

The number will become the number object

A string becomes a string

Bool becomes Boolean

Example: when the number a uses the dot operator

When toString is called, JS first turns A into an object with a method, encapsulating object A1.

Get the toString that encapsulates object A1.

Kill encapsulation object A1.

Void operator.

voidExpression or statementCopy the code

Evaluate an expression or execute a statement

And void is always undefined


<a href="" onclick="f(); return false;" > click < / a >

Return false values organize default actions

<a href="javascript: void(f())">

Use void to show off.

Comma operator

expression1The expression2. , expression nCopy the code

Take the value of expression n as the value of the whole


Let a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

So the value of A is going to be 5.

Let f = (x) = (console.log(' square = '), x * x)

Note that parentheses cannot be omitted.

Operator priority

What are the priorities

Different operators
1 + 2 * 3	/ / return 7
// Multiply and divide first, then add and subtract
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Identical operator

From left to right a plus b plus c

From right to left a = B = C = D

Priority is what comes first, right

Specific rules

Note: parentheses have the highest priority!