The Iterator Iterator

Iterative pattern: A design pattern used to unify the iterative process.

Javascript states that if an object has a next method and the method returns an object, the format of the object is as follows

{value: value, done: whether the iteration is complete (true or false)}

        const arr = [];
        // Create an iterator to iterate over the array
        const iterator = {
            i: 0.// Index of the current array
            next() {
                var result = {
                    value: arr[this.i],
                    done: this.i >= arr.length   // The iteration completes when true
                return result
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Iterables have a Symbol. Iterator. The for of loop is used to iterate over the iterable

     // Manually create an iterable
        var obj = {
            [Symbol.iterator]() {
                return {
                    next() {
                        return {
                            value: 1.done: false
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        const arr = [];   // An array is an iterable
        const iterator = arr[Symbol.iterator]();
        let result =;
        while(! result.done) {const item = result.value;
            console.log(item);        // 1, 2, 3, 4
            result =
        // The code equivalent to the above effect is as follows, for of equals syntax sugar
         for (const item of arr) {
            console.log(item)    // 1, 2, 3, 4
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The Generator Generator

A generator is both an iterator and an iterable

    // Write a generator function function followed by a *
        function* method() {
            // Inside the generator is to provide iteration data to the generator
            // Each call to the generator's next method causes the generator function to run to the next yield keyword
            // The yield keyword can only be used inside a generator function to produce an iteration
            console.log('First run')
            let info = yield 1;
            console.log(info + 'Parameters passed from next')
            console.log('The second time')
            yield 2;
            console.log('Third time')
            return 'Value returned when done is true at the end of the first iteration'
        const generator = method(); // Note that this step does not execute method, just an iterator
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Implement async await based on Generator

 // Implement async await effect with generator
       function* task() {
            const d = yield 1;
            console.log(d)    / / 1
            const resp = yield fetch("http://localhost:8080/test", {
                method: 'GET'
            // console.log(resp) Asynchronously requests the result returned by the server

        function run(generatorFunc) {
            const generator = generatorFunc();
            let result =; // Start the task (start the iteration) and get the iteration data
                // Process result
            function handleResult() {
                if (result.done) {
                    return // The iteration is complete
                // The data that did not complete the iteration could be a Promise or other data
                if (typeof result.value.then == 'function') {
                    / / asynchronous
                    result.value.then(data= > {
                        result =
                    }, err= > {
                        result = generator.throw(err)
                } else {
                    / / synchronize
                    result =
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