
There are many Array apis. The following lists some common API implementations, which are mainly implemented by referring to Array Polyfill on MDN.



ForEach is primarily used to iterate over groups of numbers

/ * * *@description: forEach simple implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this for callback to refer to */
Array.prototype._forEach = function (callback, thisArg) {
  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}let index = -1 / / index
  const { length: len } = this // Array length
  while(++index ! == len) {if (index in this) { // Array subscripts are not contiguous, this[index], index, this)}}}Copy the code


Filter is used to filter arrays

/ * * *@description: Filter simple implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this for callback to refer to */
 Array.prototype._filter = function (callback, thisArg) {
  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}let index = -1, newIdx = 0 // index returns the new array index
  const { length: len } = this // The length of the original array
  const result = [] // Return a new array
  while(++index ! == len) {if (index in this) { // Array subscripts are not contiguous
      if (, this[index], index, this)) {
        result[newIdx++] = this[index]
  return result
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The map callback must have a return value, which returns a new array of callback return values.

/ * * *@description: Map simple implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this to refer to * for callback@return {Array} Returns a new array of callback values */
 Array.prototype._map = function (callback, thisArg) {
  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}let index = -1 / / index
  const { length: len } = this // Array length
  const result = [] // Return a new array
  while(++index ! == len) {if (index in this) { // Array subscripts are not contiguous
      result[index] =, this[index], index, this)}}return result
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Reduce is relatively complex, requiring the determination of whether an initial value is passed in and passing the results of each loop to the next.

/ * * *@description: Simple reduce implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this for callback to refer to */
Array.prototype._reduce = function (. args) {
  const callback = args[0] // The callback function
  const { length: len } = this // Array length
  const { length: argLen } = args // Parameter length
  let index = -1 // Array subscript
  let result

  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}// there is a second argument, initialValue, as the function's initialValue
  if (argLen >= 2) {
    result = args[1]}else {
    // Find the index of the first item in the array
    while(index < len && ! (indexin this)) {
    // The array is empty and has no initial value
    if (index >= len) {
      throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value')
    result = arr[index++]
  while(++index ! == len) {if (index in this) {
      // Pass the result of each return to the next loop
      result = callback(result, this[index], index, this)}}return result
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Find returns undefined if it finds none.

/ * * *@description: find simple implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this for callback to refer to */
 Array.prototype._find = function (callback, thisArg) {
  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}let index = -1 / / index
  const { length: len } = this // The length of the original array
  while(++index ! == len) {if (, this[index], index, this)) {
      return this[index] // 如果是findIndex则return index}}}Copy the code


Some and find implement the same steps except for the return value

/ * * *@description: some simple implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this for callback to refer to */
 Array.prototype._some = function (callback, thisArg) {
  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}let index = -1 / / index
  const { length: len } = this // The length of the original array
  while(++index ! == len) {if (, this[index], index, this)) {
      return true}}return false
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Every and some are the same, return true if all criteria are met, and false if one of them is not.

/ * * *@description: every simple implementation *@param {Function} The callback function takes three arguments * (the element currently iterated, the index currently iterated, and the array currently iterated)@param {Any} ThisArg pass can change this for callback to refer to */
 Array.prototype._every = function (callback, thisArg) {
  if (typeofcallback ! = ="function") {
    throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function')}let index = -1 / / index
  const { length: len } = this // The length of the original array
  while(++index ! == len) {if(!,this[index], index, this)) {
      return false}}return true
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Write so much first and fill in the rest later.