
Inheritance is a very useful and core feature in object-oriented programming, but it’s all based on classes in class-oriented languages. Unlike class-oriented languages, however, javascript has no classes as blueprints, only objects. But the idea of abstract inheritance is so important that clever javascript developers have taken advantage of javascript prototype chains to implement inheritance in the same way as class inheritance.

What is a prototype

To understand the prototype chain, we need to understand the prototype, which can be understood as a design pattern. Here’s what javascript You Don’t Know describes the prototype:

Objects in javascript have a special [[Prototype]] built-in property that is essentially a reference to another object. Almost all objects [[Prototype]] are given a non-null value when they are created.

Javascript Advanced Programming describes the prototype as follows:

Each function creates a Prototype property, which is an object containing properties and methods that should be shared by instances of a particular reference type. In effect, this object is a prototype of the object created by calling the constructor. The advantage of using a stereotype object is that properties and methods defined on it can be shared by the object instance. Values originally assigned directly to object instances in constructors can be assigned directly to their prototypes.

To understand these two statements, let’s look at the following code:

function Person() {}// Mount properties and methods on the prototype object of Person = Funny Duck
Person.prototype.age = 22
Person.prototype.getName = function () {

const hjy = new Person()

console.log('hjy: ',hjy)
console.log('getName: ',hjy.getName())
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Here’s what this code looks like in the Chrome console:

As you can see, we created an empty constructor Person and then created an instance of Person hjy. Hjy itself does not mount any properties or methods, but it does have a [[Prototype]] built-in property, which is an object. The name and age properties and the getName function are included in the Person. Prototype object. In fact, person. prototype and hJy’s [[prototype]] both point to the same object, which is called a prototype object for the Person constructor and a prototype for the HJY instance. The following diagram visually illustrates the relationship between constructors, instances, and stereotypes in the above code:

Thus, the relationship between constructors, stereotypes, and instances looks like this: Each constructor has a stereotype object (the stereotype of the instance), the stereotype has a constructor property referring back to the constructor, and the instance has an internal pointer to the stereotype. In Chrome, Firefox, safari, the environment pointer is __proto__. There is no standard way to access [[Prototype]] in other environments.

There’s more detail on this and I recommend you read javascript Advanced Programming

Prototype chain

Based on the above prototype, what if hJy’s prototype is an instance of another type? The stereotype of HJy itself then has an internal pointer to another stereotype, which in turn has a pointer to another constructor. This creates a long chain between the instance and the prototype, which is called the prototype chain.

All normal [[Prototype]] will point to the built-in Object. Prototype, and Object’s [[Prototype]] will point to null. That is, all common objects are derived from Object.prototype, which contains many common functions in javascript.

In the Prototype chain, if the desired property or method is not found on the object, the engine will continue to look for the Prototype pointed to by [[Prototype]]. Similarly, if it does not find the desired property or method on the object, the engine will continue to look for the Prototype pointed to by [[Prototype]]. To understand the above picture:

Understand the inheritance

Inheritance is one of the three characteristics of object-oriented programming (encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism). When the same properties and behaviors exist in multiple classes, the content is extracted into a single class, so that multiple classes do not need to define these properties and behaviors, but only need to inherit from that class. Multiple classes can be called subclasses, and a single class can be called a parent or superclass, base class, etc. Subclasses have direct access to non-private properties and behaviors in their parent class.

Take us humans as an example. We all have one head, two hands and two feet, and many basic characteristics are the same. But humans can also be subdivided types, there are yellow, black, white, if we want to define the three kinds of people, don’t need to say that a head, hands and feet, common features, such as the yellow race is on the basis of human skin yellow, white skin is white and black is black, if there are other features will add can, for example, blue eyes, yellow hair, and so on.

If encapsulated in code, we can define humans as a base class or a superclass, with properties like head, hands, feet, talking, walking, and so on. The yellow, white, and black subclasses automatically copy the attributes and behaviors of the parent class to themselves, and then add or rewrite some attributes and behaviors based on this, for example, the yellow race has yellow skin and black hair. That’s the idea of inheritance.

Inheritance in JS (stereotype inheritance)

In other class-oriented languages, inheritance implies copying operations, with subclasses literally copying over the properties and methods of their parent class, but this is not the case with javascript inheritance. According to the characteristics of the prototype, the essence of JS inheritance is a kind of delegation mechanism, objects can be needed to delegate attributes and methods to the prototype, when needed to take the prototype, so that multiple objects can share the attributes and methods on a prototype, there is no copy operation in this process.

Inheritance in javascript mainly relies on the stereotype chain. When a stereotype is in the stereotype chain, it can be either a prototype of an object or an instance of another stereotype, thus forming an inheritance relationship between prototypes.

However, the inheritance method based on prototype chain has many shortcomings, and we need to supplement with various operations to eliminate these shortcomings. In the process of exploration, there are many inheritance methods realized by transforming prototype chain inheritance.

Js six types of inheritance

Prototype chain inheritance

Inheritance, implemented directly using the stereotype chain feature, has the constructor’s prototype point to another constructor instance.

function Person() {
  this.head = 1
  this.hand = 2

function YellowRace() { }
YellowRace.prototype = new Person()

const hjy = new YellowRace()

console.log(hjy.head) / / 1
console.log(hjy.hand) / / 2
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The relationship between the Person constructor, YellowRace constructor, and hJY instance in the code above is shown below:

According to the nature of the prototype chain, when we lookhjyThe instanceheadandhandAttribute when due tohjyIt doesn’t have either of these attributes, so the engine looks it uphjyNo prototype. Keep lookinghjyThe prototype of the prototype, which isPerson prototype object“And found it. In this way,YellowRaceandPersonThrough the prototype chain, the inheritance relationship is realized.

But there are problems with this inheritance:

  1. createhjyInstance cannot be passed, i.eYellowRaceThe constructor itself takes no arguments.
  2. When an attribute on a stereotype is a reference data type, all instances share the attribute, meaning that rewriting of the attribute by one instance affects other instances.

For the second point, let’s take a look at this code:

function Person() {
  this.colors = ['white'.'yellow'.'black']}function YellowRace() { }
YellowRace.prototype = new Person()

const hjy = new YellowRace()
 console.log(hjy.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black', 'green']

const laowang = new YellowRace()
console.log(laowang.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black', 'green']
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It can be seen that HJY just wants to add a little green to her life, but laowang enjoys it, which is definitely not the result we want to see.

In order to solve the problem of not passing parameters and sharing reference type attributes, an implementation inheritance technique called stolen constructors was developed.

Embezzled constructors

Also known as “object masquerade” or “classical inheritance,” the idea is to bind the context by calling the superclass constructor in a subclass.

function Person(eyes) {
  this.eyes = eyes
  this.colors = ['white'.'yellow'.'black']}function YellowRace() {'black') // Call the constructor and pass the parameter

const hjy = new YellowRace()
console.log(hjy.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black', 'green']
console.log(hjy.eyes) // black

const laowang = new YellowRace()
console.log(laowang.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black']
console.log(laowang.eyes) // black
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In the above code, YellowRace calls the constructor internally using call, so that when an instance of YellowRace is created, the Person is executed in the context of the YellowRace instance, so that each YellowRace instance has its colors attribute, And this process can pass arguments, and the arguments accepted by will eventually be assigned to YellowRace instances. The relationship between them is shown below:

While stealing constructors solves two major problems with prototype chain inheritance, it has its own disadvantages:

  1. Methods must be defined in constructors, and methods inherited by stealing constructors essentially become instance methods, not public methods, and thus lose reusability.
  2. Subclasses do not have access to methods defined on their parent class’s prototype, so all types can only use the constructor pattern, for reasons shown above,YellowRaceConstructor,hjyandlaowangNone of the instances have a sumPersonThe prototype object is associated with.

For the second point, let’s look at a piece of code:

function Person(eyes) {
  this.eyes = eyes
  this.getEyes = function () {
    return this.eyes

Person.prototype.ReturnEyes = function () {
  return this.eyes

function YellowRace() {'black')}const hjy = new YellowRace()
console.log(hjy.getEyes()) // black
console.log(hjy.ReturnEyes()) // TypeError: hjy.ReturnEyes is not a function
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As you can see, hJY instances can inherit the getEyes() method inside the Person constructor, which is not accessible to hJy on the Person prototype object.

Combination of inheritance

Both prototype chain inheritance and embeded constructor inheritance have their own disadvantages, while composite inheritance combines the advantages of the former two, takes the essence and removes the dross, and obtains an inheritance scheme that can define methods on the prototype for reuse and let each instance have its own attributes.

The principle of combinatorial inheritance is to use the method of prototype chain inheritance to point the prototype of the child constructor to the instance of the parent constructor. The code is as follows:

function Person(eyes) {
  this.eyes = eyes
  this.colors = ['white'.'yellow'.'black']

Person.prototype.getEyes = function () {
  return this.eyes

function YellowRace() {'black') // Call the constructor and pass the parameter
YellowRace.prototype = new Person() // Call the constructor again

const hjy = new YellowRace()

const laowang = new YellowRace()

console.log(hjy.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black', 'green']
console.log(laowang.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black']
console.log(hjy.getEyes()) // black
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Hjy was finally relieved that he could finally enjoy a little “green” in his life and would not be shared by Lao Wang.

The relationship between the Person constructor, YellowRace constructor, hjy, and Laowang instances is shown below:

Composite inheritance has the added benefit of pointing YellowRace’s prototype object (which is also the prototype for hJy and Laowang instances) to Person’s prototype object, as opposed to embeded constructor inheritance, thus combining the advantages of both stereotype chain inheritance and embeded constructor inheritance.

One minor drawback of composite inheritance, however, is that the Person constructor is called twice in the implementation process, resulting in a certain amount of performance waste. This shortcoming can be ameliorated in the final parasitic combination inheritance.

Primary inheritance

Douglas, 2006. Crockford wrote an article called prototype Inheritance in Javascript. This article introduces an inheritance approach that does not involve constructors strictly. His starting point is that information can be shared between objects through prototypes without custom types.

Finally, the paper gives a function:

const object = function (o) {
  function F() { }
  F.prototype = o
  return new F()
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It’s easy to see how this function encapsulates the core code inherited from the prototype chain into a function, but this function can be used in a different way: if you have a known object and want to create a new object from it, you simply pass the known object to object.

const object = function (o) {
  function F() { }
  F.prototype = o
  return new F()

const hjy = {
  eyes: 'black'.colors: ['white'.'yellow'.'black']}const laowang = object(hjy)
console.log(laowang.eyes) // black
console.log(laowang.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black']
Copy the code

ES5 has a new method called Object.create() that normalizes the original type inheritance. In contrast to the object() method above, object.create () can take two arguments. The first argument is an object that serves as the prototype for the new object, and the second argument is also an object that holds (optionally) the properties that need to be added to the new object. The second argument is the same as the second argument to the object.defineProperties () method; each new property is described by its own property descriptor, and attributes added in this way mask the same property on the stereotype. When object.create () is passed only the first argument, it has the same effect as the Object () method above.

const hjy = {
  eyes: 'black'.colors: ['white'.'yellow'.'black']}const laowang = Object.create(hjy, {
  name: {
    value: 'Lao wang'.writable: false.enumerable: true.configurable: true
  age: {
    value: '32'.writable: true.enumerable: true.configurable: false}})console.log(laowang.eyes) // black
console.log(laowang.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black']
console.log( / / Lao wang
console.log(laowang.age) / / 32
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It is slightly important to note that object.create() adds a property with the second argument that is mounted directly to the new object itself, rather than to its prototype. Old-style inheritance is ideal for situations where you don’t need to create a separate constructor, but you still need to share information between objects.

The relationship between the objects in the above code can still be illustrated with a diagram:

This relationship is basically the same as that between prototypes and instances in prototype chain inheritance, except that the F constructor in the figure above is an intermediate function that is reclaimed along with the function scope after object.create() is executed. Where does hjy’s constructor end up pointing? Here are the printout results for browser and Node respectively:

A search for chrome prints results that are built into it, not the javascript language standard. Specific is a what stuff I also do not know 🤣.

Since the essence of original type inheritance is basically the same as that of prototype chain inheritance, the original type inheritance also has the same disadvantages:

  1. No input, use handwrittenobject()Cannot pass, but useObject.create()It can be passed.
  2. Properties of reference types in the original object are shared by the new object.

Parasitic inheritance

Parasitic inheritance is very similar to native inheritance in that the idea is to enhance an object in some way from native inheritance and then return that object.

function inherit(o) {
  let clone = Object.create(o)
  clone.sayHi = function () { // Enhance objects
    console.log('Hi')}return clone

const hjy = {
  eyes: 'black'.colors: ['white'.'yellow'.'black']}const laowang = inherit(hjy)

console.log(laowang.eyes) // black
console.log(laowang.colors) // ['white', 'yellow', 'black']
laowang.sayHi() // Hi
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This is the simplest example of parasitic inheritance, which returns a new object based on an HJy object, Laowang, with all the attributes and methods of hJy, and a new method, sayHai().

Some of you might ask, is parasitic inheritance just one more method than original inheritance? That’s too low. It’s not that simple, as this is just a demonstration of mounting a new method to enhance a new object, but there are other methods we can use, such as changing the constructor point of the prototype, which is used in the following example of parasitic composite inheritance.

Parasitic combinatorial inheritance

Parasitic combinatorial inheritance inherits attributes by stealing constructors, but uses a hybrid prototype chain inheritance approach. The basic idea is to use parasitic inheritance to inherit the parent’s prototype object, and then assign the returned new object to the child’s prototype object.

Implement the core logic of parasitic inheritance first:

function inherit(Father, Son) {
  const prototype = Object.create(Father.prototype) // Get a copy of the parent prototype object
  prototype.constructor = Son // Enhance the replica prototype object by pointing the constructor of the obtained copy to a subclass
  Son.prototype = prototype // Point the subclass's prototype object to the replica prototype object
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Instead of returning the new object, we assign it to the subclass’s prototype object.

The next step is to transform combinatorial inheritance by replacing the logic for the second call to the constructor with parasitic inheritance:

function Person(eyes) {
  this.eyes = eyes
  this.colors = ['white'.'yellow'.'black']

Person.prototype.getEyes = function () {
  return this.eyes

function YellowRace() {'black') // Call the constructor and pass the parameter

inherit(YellowRace, Person) // Parasitic inheritance, no need to call the constructor twice

const hjy = new YellowRace()

const laowang = new YellowRace()

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The above parasitic combinatorial inheritance calls the Person constructor function only once, avoiding creating unnecessary, redundant properties on Person.prototype. At the same time, the prototype chain remains the same, very efficient.

As shown in the figure, the prototype chain relationship between parasitic combinatorial inheritance and combinatorial inheritance is the same:

Determine the constructor’s relationship to the instance

The relationship between prototypes and instances can be determined in two ways: the instanceof operator and the isPrototypeOf() method.


The instanceof operator has a normal object on the left and a function on the right.

In the case of o instanceof Foo, what the instanceof keyword does is determine if there is an object that Foo. Prototype points to on o’s prototype chain.

function Perosn(name) { = name

const hjy = new Perosn(Funny Duck)

const laowang = {
  name: 'Lao wang'

console.log(hjy instanceof Perosn) // true
console.log(laowang instanceof Perosn) // false
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According to the instanceof feature, we can implement a self-instanceof, the idea is to get the prototype of the left Object recursively, and determine whether it is equal to the prototype of the right Object, here we use object.getPrototypeof () to obtain the prototype:

const myInstanceof = (left, right) = > {
  // boundary judgment
  if (typeofleft ! = ='object' && typeofleft ! = ='function' || left === null) return false
  let proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(left)   // Get the prototype of the object on the left
  while(proto ! == right.prototype) {// Terminate the loop when it is found
    if (proto === null) return false     // Return false if not found
    proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto)   // Continue to get prototypes along the prototype chain
  return true
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IsPrototypeOf () doesn’t care about constructors, it just needs an object to judge. In Foo. Prototype. IsPrototypeOf (o) as an example, isPrototypeOf () to do is: whether in a prototype chain appeared Foo prototype.

function Perosn(name) { = name

const hjy = new Perosn(Funny Duck)

const laowang = {
  name: 'Lao wang'

Copy the code

The new keyword

In the implementation of various inheritance methods, the new keyword is often used, so what is the role of the new keyword?

Simply put, the new keyword binds the relationship between the instance and the stereotype and calls the constructor in the context of the instance. Here is a minimalist implementation of new:

const myNew = function (Fn, ... args) {
  const o = {}
  o.__proto__ = Fn.prototype
  Fn.apply(o, args)
  return o

function Person(name, age) { = name
  this.age = age
  this.getName = function () {

const hjy = myNew(Person, Funny Duck.22)
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In fact, the real new keyword does several things:

  1. Create a thin new onejavaScriptObject (that is {})
  2. Add attributes to the object created in Step 1protoLink this property to the constructor’s prototype object
  3. willthisPoint to this new object
  4. Execute code inside a constructor (for example, add attributes to a new object)
  5. If the constructor returns a non-empty object, that object is returned; otherwise, the newly created object is returned.

The code is as follows:

const myNew = function (Fn, ... args) {
  const o = {}
  o.__proto__ = Fn.prototype
  const res = Fn.apply(o, args)
  if (res && typeof res === 'object' || typeof res === 'function') {
    return res
  return o
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Some of you may wonder what this final judgment is for. Because the language standards are certainly strict, it needs to be considered in a variety of cases. For example, const res = fn. apply(o, args), if the constructor has a return value and the return value is an object or function, then the result of new should take that return value.


I don’t have enough time. I am just leaving school or a 22 sessions of regular undergraduate training, has just started to write feel when you don’t write, mill can only be a little bit every day, drawing also spent a lot of time, but it is also a part of growing up, the concept of prototype chain before always vaguely, in the process of exploring the writing to consolidate the understanding of knowledge is very helpful. If you have a little help after reading this article, please leave the likes 🤣, thank you.

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Rounding JS prototype chain and inheritance | Louis blog (louiszhai. Making. IO)

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