What if I don’t want people to add or remove elements from an OBJ object during development?

The description of this property can be modified and deleted from the corresponding object only if the 64X key is set to true, exercising any additional control system that disables any additional element You can still add new objects to new objects

Look at the code example

Object.defineProperty(obj,"prop", {configurable:false.// The second speed symbol of the property can be modified only if the property is true, and it can be deleted from the corresponding object
     enumerable:false.// Enumerable appears in the object's enumeration property only if it is true
     writable:false.// Indicates whether the value of an attribute can be modified
     value:""             // The value of this property can be any valid JS value (value, object, function)
// The prop property becomes a property that cannot be deleted, cannot be modified, cannot be enumerated, cannot be modified
 // Sample code
    const obj = {name:"East east"}
    Object.defineProperty(obj,"name", {writable:false.configurable:false
    / / modify
    obj.name = "Acquisition of Tencent";
    console.log(obj.name);      / / east east
    // Add new attributes
    obj.address = "Qingdao"
    console.log(obj.address);   / / Qingdao
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Frozen objects are neither extensible nor sealed, and the [[Writable]] property of the object’s data property is set to false. Accessor properties are still writable if the [[Set]] function is defined. The object.freeze () method defined in ES5 can be used to freeze objects.

The code is shown in

var person = {
        name: "Rhubarb"
    Object.freeze(person);     // Freeze the object
    person.age = 18;           // Adding a new age attribute does not work
    console.log(person.age);   //undefined
    delete person.name;        // Delete the name attribute
    console.log(person.name);  / / "rhubarb"
    person.name = "Mimi";      // Changing existing attributes didn't work
    console.log(person.name);  / / "rhubarb"
    The object.isfrozen () method is used to detect frozen objects. Because frozen objects are both sealed and unexpandable,
    So detecting frozen objects with Object.isextensible () and object.issealed () returns false and true, respectively.
    var person = {
        name: "Wang"
    alert(Object.isExtensible(person)); //true
    alert(Object.isSealed(person));     //false
    alert(Object.isFrozen(person));     //false
    alert(Object.isExtensible(person)); //false
    alert(Object.isSealed(person));     //true
    alert(Object.isFrozen(person));     //true
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This method closed (seal) an object stop adding new properties And all the properties of the tag for configuration The current value of the attribute As long as the original writable Can change an object is scalable (you can add new attributes) 1 sealing of an object will make this object can not add new properties And all of the existing properties will become Unconfigurable (the effect of a property being unconfigurable is that the property cannot be deleted) 2 and a data property cannot be redefined as an accessor property or vice versa but the value of the property can still be changed. 3 Try to delete the property of a sealed object or convert the property of a sealed object from a data property to an accessor property TypeError is silently raised as a result

Look at the sample code

  var person = {
        name: "Acquisition of Baidu"
    Object.seal(person);     // Close the object

    person.age = 19;
    console.log(person.age); //undefined
                             // Cannot add attributes to the sealed object
    delete person.name;
    console.log(person.name);// Acquire Baidu
                             // Attributes in the sealed object cannot be modified.
    // use the object.issealed () method to determine whether the Object isSealed and, since the sealed Object is not extensible,
    // So object.isextensible () also returns false.
    var person = {
        name: "Wang"

    console.log(Object.isSealed(person)); //true
    console.log(Object.isExtensible(person)); //false
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Tamper-proof object for ES5

Note, however, that once an object is defined as tamper-proof, it cannot be undone. By default, all objects are extensible. That is, you can add attributes and methods to an object at any time

  / / Object. PreventExtensions () method
            //1 Change this behavior without adding attributes or methods.
            //2 This object cannot be extended, but it does not affect the original properties, which can still be modified or deleted.
            var person = {
                name: "Acquisition of Tencent"
            Object.preventExtensions(person); // Make person unextensible
            person.money = 14;
            console.log(person);              //{name: "Tencent acquisition "}
            console.log(person.money);        //undefined
            person.name = "Buy Ali";
            console.log(person.name);         // Buy Ali
    // use the object.isextensible () method to determine whether the Object isExtensible.
        var p = {
            name: "Wang"
        console.log(Object.isExtensible(p)); //ture
        Object.preventExtensions(p);         // Set p to unextensible
        console.log(Object.isExtensible(p)); //false
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Es6 constant freezing

  // Constant freeze
    const esObj = {         // Here is an object
    //Object.freeze(esObj); {name:"es6",year:2015}
    esObj.name ="es2015";
    console.log(esObj)       //{name:"es2015", year:2015}

    const arr = ['es6'.'es7'.'es8'];   // This is an array
    / / Object. Freeze (arr) / / freeze
    arr[0] = 'es2015'
    console.log(arr)         //["es2015","es7","es8"]
    /* The above code shows that the contents of the heap memory of objects and arrays can be changed because of the address of the reference stored in the stack
   const esObj ={
    name:"es6".year:'2015'.extension: ["es7"."es8"."es9"]}Object.freeze(esObj);
   esObj.extension[0] = "es2016"
   /* {name: "es6", year: "2015", extension: Array(3)} extension: Array(3) 0: "es2016" 1: "es8" 2: "es9" */
   Freeze is only a shallow level of the internal array or will change this!!
   // Let's wrap the function to define myFreeze
   function myFreeze(obj){
       Object.keys(Obj).forEach(function(key){  The // object.keys () method returns an array of the current Object properties
           if(typeof obj[key] === "object") {// If the attribute corresponding to key is an object
            myFreeze(obj[key])                  // Then freeze the recursion again}})}2 / / method
      function meFreeze(obj){
        // Check whether the parameter is object
        if(obj instanceof Object) {for(let key in obj){
                        writable:false.// Read-only attribute
                    Object.seal(obj)     // Enclose the object}}}return obj

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Note: In the tamper-proof object or frozen object, in non-strict mode and strict mode, throw the result is different. If there is any error or not strict place, please leave a comment, thank you very much, to the author is also a kind of encouragement.