Function parameters

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘x’ has already been declared. 错 误 : Uncaught SyntaxError: Declared Identifier ‘x’ has already been declared. 错 误 : Uncaught SyntaxError: Declared Identifier ‘x’ has been declared

        function fun1(x = 1, y = 2) {
            // let x = 3; Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'x' has already been declared. // Declared variables are declared by default, so cannot be declared again with let or const
            return x*y;
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Uncaught SyntaxError: Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context

        function foo(name,name='xiaoyu') {  
            Uncaught SyntaxError: Duplicate parameter name not allowed in this context
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3, deconstruction assignment method is used to transfer the default parameters, avoid fun1 methods don’t write only write y parameter x times wrong

        function fun2({n=6,m=6} = {}) {   // Use the destruct assignment method to pass the default arguments, avoiding the error of writing y instead of x in fun1
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4, the default value parameter can only be set to the tail parameter, otherwise when calling the method can not omit and need to pass again manually

        function fn3(x,y=4,z) {
        fn3(3.5);     // Result: 3 5 undefined
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5. The extension operator takes arguments of indefinite length and stores the extra arguments in an array object

        function fn4(p1,p2,... pn) {
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Arrow function

Syntax: function name = (argument) =>{function body; };

  • Omit () when there is only one parameter
  • If the body of a function is only one sentence, omit {}
  • If the body of a function has only one statement and is a return statement, return can be omitted
        fn1 = name= >name;
        / / is equivalent to
        function fn1(name) {
            return name;
        fn2 = (name,age) = > name+'The age of is'+age+', ';
        fn3 = name= >console.log(My name is:+name);
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  • Arrow functions with no arguments cannot be omitted ()
        fn1 = name= >name;
        / / is equivalent to
        function fn1(name) {
            return name;
        fn2 = (name,age) = > name+'The age of is'+age+', ';
        fn3 = name= >console.log(My name is:+name);
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  • {} must be used when the body of a function has more than one line
  • You can use default value arguments, structure assignment arguments, and variable length arguments
  • The this object in the body of the function is the object that was defined, not the object that was used
        let name = 'doc1'
        let arr = {
            name :'doc2'.fo1:function(){
                name :'doc3'.console.log(;    // Result: doc2}}; arr.fo1();Copy the code