
Creating objects using the form new Constructor() should be familiar, but have you explored what actually happens inside the new keyword? Let’s take a step towards unraveling its mystery.

1. Internal principle of constructors (Implicit syllogism)

Suppose we write a constructor that looks like this: Function Person(){} add a static prototype attribute to the Person constructor. This attribute is an object with two properties: constructor and __proto__

function Person(){};
// The following code is automatically added
Person.prototype = {
  constructor: Person,// Point to the Person constructor
  __proto__: Object// Point to an Object
Copy the code

We then create an object person with the new keyword, such as const person = new Persopn(); The following three steps take place inside the constructor:

  1. Step 1: On the first line of the function body, the system begins by adding the following code.

    function Person(){
      // step 1: Add the following code
      var this = {
        __proto__ : Person.prototype,
    Copy the code
  2. Step 2: Add attributes (manually)

    function Person(){
      // step 1: Add the following code
      var this = {
        __proto__ : Person.prototype,
      // 2. Step 2: The code we manually added... , such as this. The age = 18
    Copy the code
  3. Step 3: The system implicitly returns this

    function Person(){
      // step 1: Add the following code
      var this = {
        __proto__ : Person.prototype,
      // 2. Step 2: The code we manually added... , such as this. The age = 18
      // 3. Step 3: Add the following code
      return this;
    Copy the code

We call what happens inside the system when we build an object with the new keyword the implicit syllogism of constructors.

Let’s use a practical example to verify that the above three steps are executed correctly.

Example 1

function Person(name, age){
  this.age = age;
  this.name = name;
const person = new Person("lkj".18)
Copy the code

The console output is as follows

Example 2

function Student(){}const student  = new Student();
Copy the code

The console output is as follows

More examples you can test and verify ah, here is no more examples.

Second, a different gift

We already know the this principle inside the constructor. Next, let’s take a closer look inside the constructor body. If we explicitly return a data, does the constructor still return this?

  1. The display returns a raw value

    function Test(){
      this.name = "lkj";
      this.age = 12;
      return 12;// The display returns a number
    const test = new Test();
    Copy the code

    The console output is as follows

  1. Display returns an object

    function Test() {
      const obj = {
        number: 201730134057.sex: "male"
      this.name = "lkj";
      this.age = 12;
      return obj; // Display returns an object
    const test = new Test();
    Copy the code

    The console prints the following result


From the above example, we can know:

  • If you display an object in a constructor (e.gOrdinary objects,function,An array ofEtc.), then the implicit third step (return this) will not be implemented.
  • If you display a primitive value in a constructor (e.gdigital,string,Boolean valueEtc.), then the implicit third step (return this) will still execute while we displayreturn“Is ignored.

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