1. InputNumber Only positive integers can be entered

  const limitDecimals = (value: string | undefined | number) = > {
    return String(value).replace(/^(0+)|[^\d]+/g."");
Copy the code
            placeholder="Please enter"
            onChange={(value) = > setConfigId(value)}
Copy the code

2. Async/await cannot be used in forEach

Call the interface with async/ await in forEach, render the data to the page, find it cannot render

Async /await cannot be used in forEach, use for of instead

  1. Map and forEach cannot terminate a loop, but can achieve the same effect without returning a value

  1. Achieve click the button, scroll bottom effect
    const ele = document.getElementsByClassName('tree-node-eidt') [0];
    ele.scrollIntoView(true / obj)
Copy the code


  1. Antd – This repair is not easy, really want to see more
                                rules: [{required: true.message: i18nAtc(
                                  shouldRefill &&
                                    ? dataSource.qualityCheckModelDTO.timeRange
                                    : [
                                      moment("23:59:59".'HH:mm:ss')]}) (<RangePicker
                                ref={el= >{ this.rangePicker = el; }} style={{ width: '100%' }} format="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss" disabledDate={currentDate => { return this.isDateDisAble(currentDate); }} showTime={{ defaultValue: [moment('00:00:00', 'HH:mm:ss'), moment('23:59:59', 'HH:mm:ss')] }} onCalendarChange={(dates) => { let newDate if (dates.length === 1) { newDate = dates[0].hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0) } else { newDate = dates[0] } setFieldsValue({ 'qualityCheckModelDTO.timeRange':  [newDate, dates[1]] }) this.changeRange([newDate, dates[1]]); }} / >
Copy the code

  1. Configure the title
   {actionType === "sms" && "SMS Configuration"}
   {actionType === "qianniu" && "Thousand Ox configuration"}
   {actionType === "alimeMessage" && "Honey news."}
   {actionType === "outbound" && "Smart Outbound call"} < >Copy the code

  1. Iterate over variables? .map, -> prevent variables from being undefined or null.

  1. {key: value} display object.keys ().map

  1. Initialize a Map with a two-dimensional array
const ruleTypeTagMap: Map<RuleType, TagModel> = new Map([
      background: '#006DD5'.text: 'word',}]]);Copy the code

Let kvArray = [[“key1”, “value1”], [“key2”, “value2”]]; let kvArray = [[“key1”, “value1”]];

// Use the regular Map constructor to convert a two-dimensional array of key-value pairs into a Map object

let myMap = new Map(kvArray);

myMap.get(“key1”); // Return “value1”

The array. from function converts a Map object into a two-dimensional Array of key-value pairs

console.log(Array.from(myMap)); // Print the same array as kvArray

// A more concise way to do the same thing above is to use the expansion operator console.log([…myMap]);

Console. log(array.from (mymap.keys ()))); // output [“key1”, “key2”]

  1. Null and undefined cannot be used in object. keys

Object. The keys (UtouchMainBO DynEventAttrDO | | {}) this time really is the teaching of the blood of a mature programmers to remember oh