This is the sixth day of my participation in the August Text Challenge.More challenges in August
This article is about the “general operation” of array manipulation, to help you work more smoothly, EMMM, tomorrow is another day to learn to improve their own golden time ~~ come on
Common in basic operations
Mainly involves the array of some common methods, is also used in the development of high frequency, this article is suitable for the array of methods have a certain understanding of friends to read
Pseudo-array to array
Recommended use
const ArrLike = {0: 'hello'.1: 'world'.length: 2} // array. from(ArrLike) returns an Array of objects with length or iterable objects. Array.from(ArrLike) Copy the code
// [], 0, 0) // 0, 0 [] Copy the code
The array dimension reduction
Recommended use
const Arr = [[111.2.33], [55.66.77] and {key: 'value'}]// Arr.flat(n) -n defaults to 2, Infinity can expand any layer Arr.flat() // [222, 333, 444, 55, 66, 77, {...}] Copy the code
// The object in the new array is not correctly retrieved Arr.join().split(', ') // ["111", "2", "33", "55", "66", "77", "[object Object]"] Copy the code
Array to heavy
Recommended use
const Arr = [] / / using the Set () [ Set(Arr)] Copy the code
An array of merger
Recommended use
const Arr1 = [1.2.3], Arr2 = [4.5.6]; // The array that extends the union is a shallow copy [...Arr1, ...Arr2] // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Copy the code
Arr1.concat(Arr2) Copy the code
Switching variable
Recommended use
// Swap assignment can be completed without using the third variable [a, b] = [b, a] Copy the code
Array sum
Recommended use
const Arr = [] Arr.reduce((sum, num) = > sum += num, 0) / / 10 Copy the code
The use of array looping methods
With the following method, no longer need to think about the for loop, happy
Generate any desired new array from the original array
const Users = [{id: 'aYin'.age: 'male'}, {id: 'zz'.age: 'female'}, {id: 'aYin'.age: 'male'}]
// Generate an array of names and ids
const newArr = > {
return {
// You can add any data you want or insert any custom data you want
newArr // [{id: 1,name: 'aYin'}, {id: 2,name: 'zz'}]
Copy the code
Filter matches the criteria specified target
Look for the first subterm that matches
// The find method will only help you find the first one
const aYin = Users.find(user= > === 1) // [{id: 1,name: 'aYin', age: 26, sex: 'male'}]
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Look for all the subterms that match
// filter
const aYin = Users.filter(user= > === 'aYin')
// [{id: 1,name: 'aYin', age: 26, sex: 'male'}, {id: 3,name: 'aYin', age: 26, sex: 'male'}]
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Batch changes each item in the original array
// forEach
const customData = ['handsome'.'beautiful'.'nice']
Users.forEach((user, index) = > {
user.character = customData[index]
Users // [{id: 1,name: 'aYin', age: 26, sex: 'male', character: 'cute'}, {id: 2,name: 'zz', age: 23, sex: 'female', character: "Beautiful"}, {id: 3, name: 'aYin, age: 26, sex:' male 'character: "handsome"}]
Copy the code
Check if it’s an array
Array.isArray(Users) // true Copy the code
Users instanceof Array // true Copy the code
Object.prototype.toString === "[object Array]" // true Copy the code
Constructor can be reassigned and is not recommended
Users.constructor === Array // true Copy the code