The array method is often asked in interviews, which is summarized here

  • Array.every()
    The every() method is used to check whether all elements of an array meet the specified criteria (provided by the function).
    var ages = [];
    function checkAdult(age) {
        return age >= 18;
    (function myFunction() {
        console.log(ages.every(checkAdult)); }) ()Copy the code
  • Array.some()
    The //some() method checks if there are elements in an array that match the specified criteria (provided by a function).
    var ages = [];
    function checkAdult(age) {
        return age >= 18;
    function myFunction() {
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  • Array.forEach()
    The forEach() method is used to call each element of the array and pass the element to the callback function.
    var numbers = [];
    function myFunction(item, index) {
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  • Array.filter()
    // Filter all elements in an array to return a new array
    var ages = [];
    function checkAdult(age) {
        return age >= 18;
    (function myFunction() {
        console.log(ages.filter(checkAdult)); }) ()Copy the code