Arguments is an array-like object used to store function arguments
Arguments and parameters are stored in the AO object of the function object
Arguments only exist in normal functions, not in arrow functions
function foo() {
/* {0: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4, 4: 5, length: 5, callee: foo function body} */
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Usage scenarios
function foo() {
// Get the length
console.log(arguments.length) / / = > 5
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function foo() {
// Get parameters based on the index
console.log(arguments[2]) / / = > 3
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let count = 0
function foo() {
// implement recursion
if (count < 10) {
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Turn the arguments array
Array-like means that it is not an array type, but an object type
- But it does have some of the features of arrays, such as length, which can be accessed via index
- But it does not have some methods of arrays, such as forEach, map, etc
So in practice, we might need to convert an array-like object into a pure array object
Manual traverse
function foo() {
const arr = []
for(let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
return arr
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Call the slice method of the array
Analog Slice implementation
Array.prototype.customSlice = function(start = 0, end) {
end = end || this.length
const arr = []
// Slice itself returns a new array after traversal
// So slice's call objects can be either pure array objects or array-like objects
for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {
return arr
const arr = []
console.log(arr.customSlice()) // => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(arr.customSlice(1.3)) / / = > [2, 3]
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function foo() {
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function foo() {
return []}console.log(foo(
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ES6 method
function foo() {
// array. from converts Array objects and array-like objects to Array objects
return Array.from(arguments)}console.log(foo(
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Expansion operator
function foo() {
return [...arguments]
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There is no arguments in the arrow function
const foo = () = > console.log(arguments)
// Foo has no arguments inside at this point, so we'll look for arguments in the upper scope according to the scope chain
// Global scope in this case
// 1. No arguments exist in the browser global scope
// 2. In Node, because all modules in Node use IIFE wrapping, compile as a function
So there are arguments objects in node's global scope
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function foo() {
return () = > console.log(arguments)
foo(123) ()// {0: 123}
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In ES6, it is recommended to use residual arguments instead of arguments,
That is to separate arguments received with and without parameters, instead of storing all arguments in arguments
const sum = (num1, num2, ... nums) = > console.log(nums)
sum(1.2) / / = > []
sum( // => [3, 4, 5]
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