“This is the 25th day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022.”
Writing in the front
- In the previous article, you implemented jquery’s methods for manipulating the styles of page elements
- It also leaves the question, what does jquery mean by future-based design?
- The method we implemented earlier to style an element takes strings, so what happens when the style value is a number?
Based on the future
- We all know that the CSS specification is maintained by the W3C, so CSS will continue to grow steadily for a long time to come
- Jquery doesn’t have an organization to maintain it over the long term
- So one day, when new properties appear in CSS, how will jquery support them?
- So let’s solve the first question, how do we determine whether to add px to an element whose attribute value is a number
- The solution is to add a configuration object to the $global property named cssNumber
- The following code
$.cssNumber = {
animationIterationCount: true.columnCount: true.fillOpacity: true.flexGrow: true.flexShrink: true.fontWeight: true.gridArea: true.gridColumn: true.gridColumnEnd: true.gridColumnStart: true.gridRow: true.gridRowEnd: true.gridRowStart: true.lineHeight: true.opacity: true.order: true.orphans: true.widows: true.zIndex: true.zoom: true};Copy the code
- The property name of this object is the CSS property name and the value is Boolean
- If the value corresponding to the property name is true, it indicates that the CSS property value is a number
- So you need to rewrite #setStyle
#setStyle(ele, attr, value) {
if (typeof value === "number" && !(attr in $.cssNumber)) {
value += "px";
ele.style[attr] = value;
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- When setting the style, add the unit “px” to the value of the attribute if the number passed in does not exist in the cssNumber.
- CssHooks is the future-based design of the beginning of this article
- As CSS evolves, it is up to the developer to design and implement properties that jquery does not support
- So cssHooks is just an empty object
$.cssHooks = {};
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- Here is a scenario where we use cssHooks
$.cssHooks.wh = {
get(ele) {
return getComputedStyle(ele, null) ["width"] + "-" + getComputedStyle(ele, null) ["height"];
set(ele, styleValue) {
ele.style["width"] = styleValue;
ele.style["height"] = styleValue; }}; $(".btn").css("wh"."100px"); // set
console.log($(".btn").css("wh")); // get
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- Here is a hypothetical CSS property, WH. With the cssHooks, developers can fully customize the setting and acquisition behavior of the property
- To be compatible with cssHooks, you need to rewrite #getStyle and #setStyle
#setStyle(ele, attr, value) {
if (typeof value === "number" && !(attr in $.cssNumber)) {
value += "px";
if (attr in $.cssHooks) {
$.cssHooks[attr].set(ele, value);
} else{ ele.style[attr] = value; }} #getStyle(ele, attr) {
if (attr in $.cssHooks) {
return $.cssHooks[attr].get(ele);
// return getComputedStyle(ele, null).getPropertyValue(attr);
return getComputedStyle(ele, null)[attr];
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- If the style name is in cssHooks, the style fetch and set method defined in advance by the developer in cssHooks is used directly
- So far, we have implemented multi-event binding, chain calls, action node rollback, style manipulation, and future-based style manipulation in My-jquery
- In the next article we will summarize all of the previous my-jquery functions and implement an animate function
The last
- That’s all for today’s sharing, and you’re welcome to discuss it in the comments section 👏.
- If you feel that the article is written well, I hope you do not begrudge praise, everyone’s encouragement is the biggest power I share 🥰