
Writing in the front

First, content operation

1. html()

2. text()

3. val()

2. Attribute operation

(1) General attribute operation

1. attr():

2. removeAttr()

3. prop()

4. removeProp()

5. Difference between ATTR and Prop

(2) Operate on the class attribute

1. addClass()

2. removeClass()

3. toggleClass()

4. css()

3. CRUD operation

1. append()

2. prepend()

3. appendTo()

4. prependTo()

5. after()

6. before()

7. insertAfter()

8. insertBefore()

9. remove()

10. empty()

Writing in the front

How are you? I’m grey Ape! A super bug writing program ape!

A cup of tea a pack of cigarettes, a BUG fix a day! Another bug-plagued day!

[jQuery framework] [jQuery framework] [jQuery framework] [jQuery framework]

Today, I would like to share with you the relevant techniques of DOM manipulation in the jQuery framework. It is also a series of explanations that can be called DOM “family bucket”.

First, content operation

For content operations, you use the same function to set and get the content of an element. When setting the content of an element, you simply pass in parameters to the function.

1. html()

Gets/sets the tag body content of an element

Var divValue = $("#mydiv").html() var divValue = $("#mydiv").Copy the code

2. text()

Gets/sets the plain text content of the element’s label body

Var divText = $("#mydiv").text() var divText = $("#mydiv").text(Copy the code

3. val()

Gets/sets the value attribute of the element

Var value = $("# myInput ").val() var value = $("#myinput").val(" hello ")Copy the code

A practical demonstration of the above code is as follows:

<! DOCTYPEhtml>
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		<script  src=".. / js/jquery - 3.3.1. Min. Js. ""></script>
			$(function (){
				// Get the value of myInput
				var value = $("#myinput").val()
				// alert(value);

				// Get the tag body of mydiv
				var divValue = $("#mydiv").html()

				// Get the mydiv text content
				var divText = $("#mydiv").text()
				// alert(divText)

		<input id="myinput" type="text" name="username" value="Zhang" /><br />
		<div id="mydiv"><p><a href="#">The title tag</a></p></div>
Copy the code


2. Attribute operation

(1) General attribute operation

1. attr():

Gets/sets the attributes of an element

Var bj = $("#bj").attr("name"); alert(bj); // Set the name property of the Beijing node to dabeijing $("#bj").attr("name", "dabeijing"); // didu $("#bj").attr("discription", "didu"); // Delete the name attribute of the Beijing node and check whether the name attribute existsCopy the code

2. removeAttr()

Action: Deletes an attribute

$("#bj").removeattr ("name");Copy the code

3. prop()

Gets/sets the attributes of an element

Var hobby_type = $("#hobby").prop("checkbox");Copy the code

4. removeProp()

Action: Deletes an attribute

Var hobby_type = $("#hobby").removeprop (" CheckBox ");Copy the code

5. Difference between ATTR and Prop

  1. If you are working with inherent attributes of an element, prop is recommended
  2. Attr is recommended if you operate on elements’ custom attributes

(2) Operate on the class attribute

1. addClass()

Action: Adds the class attribute value

//<input type="button" value=" addClass"  id="b2"/>/ / add attributes to one tag $(" # b2 "). Click (function () {$(" # one "). The addClass (" second "); });Copy the code

2. removeClass()


//<input type="button" value="removeClass"  id="b3"/>/ / delete one tag's class attribute $(" # b3). Click (function () {$(" # one "). RemoveClass (" second "); });Copy the code

3. toggleClass()

Function: Toggles the class attribute

//<input type="button" value="Switch styles"  id="b4"/>$("#b4").click(function () {$("#one").toggleclass ("second"); });Copy the code

Here is a detailed description of this function:

ToggleClass (” one “) :

* If class=”one” exists on the element object, delete the attribute value one. If class=”one” does not exist on the element object, add

4. css()

Function to modify element attributes

//<input type="button" value="Use CSS () to get the background color with ID one"  id="b5"/>
$("#b5").click(function () {
   var backgroundColor = $("#one").css("backgroundColor");

//<input type="button" value="Use CSS () to set the id to one and the background color to green"  id="b6"/>
$("#b6").click(function () {
Copy the code


3. CRUD operation

1. append()

Action: The parent element appends the child element to the end

Example: Object 1. appEnd (Object 2): Adds object 2 inside the element of object 1, and at the end

2. prepend()

Action: The parent element appends the child element to the beginning

Example: object 1.prepend(object 2): adds object 2 inside the element of object 1, and at the beginning

3. appendTo()

Example: Object 1.appendTo(Object 2): Adds object 1 to object 2 at the end

4. prependTo()

Example: Object 1.prependTo(object 2): Add object 1 inside object 2 at the beginning

5. after()

Adds an element to the end of an element

Example: Object 1.after(object 2) : Add object 2 after object 1. Object 1 and object 2 are siblings

6. before()

Adds an element to the front of an element

Example: Object 1.before(object 2) : Add object 2 to the front of object 1. Object 1 and object 2 are siblings

7. insertAfter()

Example: object 1.insertAfter(object 2) : Adds object 1 after object 2. Object 1 and object 2 are siblings

8. insertBefore()

Example: object 1.insertBefore(object 2) : Adds object 1 to the front of object 2. Object 1 and object 2 are siblings

9. remove()

Action: Removes an element

Example: object. Remove (): Deletes the object

10. empty()

Action: Clears all descendants of an element.

Example: object.empty (): empties all descendants of the object, but preserves the current object and its attribute nodes

JQuery DOM manipulation on the first and you record these, collection can slowly learn!

I think so. Yeah.Thumb up attentionHey!

Grey ape accompany you to progress together!